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CM Punk Fired From AEW

I'll genuinely be surprised if Punk doesn't sue. That pre-tape was TK n em basically saying "we've lawyered up".
Tony Khan is a billionaire who probably never had a fight in his life. Of course he'd be traumatized when a 6 foot 200+ pound former UFC fighter lunges at him knocking over monitors and screaming all over the place. Hopefully TMZ leaks that Wembley footage soon so we can get a full grasp of what happened. Legal probably saw that and said "Yup, he gots to go."

Let's ease up on calling Punk a UFC Fighter. Tomato can is more accurate.
I wasn't aware of that. Though something tells me AEW is a very politically correct work environment where people feel unsafe if you're too black or too loud or don't play enough video games.

I tend to avoid dirt sheets as it's hard to believe anything reported. Sounds like AEW/Khan did ALOT to bring Punk back despite already knowing of him having a history of issues within the same company. Nothing makes since about this considering that everyone that Punk had an issue with also attacked him.

Idk...seems like bitch energy is heavy within AEW.

Dude what are you talking about.

cm punk put his hands on a co-worker. All that shit you talking is irrelevant.
Khan managed this horribly. If he weren't the owner he would be out of the job for how he mangled this situation at every stop. Since he is the owner he should be looking at getting some actual management in place to create better guardrails to prevent future incidents. Maybe this AEW "discipline committee" can be that 🤔

Punk in WWE is just a different kettle of fish entirely. They're a much more tightly run organization. It'd be contractually laid out that he is coming in with 2 strikes and any wrongdoing would lead to immediate termination. Either he would do business or he'd be gone, less risk involved than what AEW endured.
Those ass whoopins didnt humble him enough like I thought it would.

Dana pretty much gave him the last guy he fought as a cheat code win and he still got mopped.
I think the UFC experience hit this weird sweet spot of simultaneous inferiority and superiority complexes. Inferiority due to his getting his ass whooped but a superiority about being in the UFC at all. Made him double ready to fight.
Crowd was bummed the whole night. Didnt really react until the Bucks hit the ring for the save then got booed followed by Punk chants.
And just like that I missed seeing Punk during this AEW run. When they came to Jerz last month I knew I shoulda went.
I was holding out for Grand Slam but here we are

Welp time to go see Kenny the GOAT

these boys were riding hard for Punk. Also seems like they were using him so to stay relevant and not get lost in the shuffle again too so i know they feel some type of away now that he gone. theres no more CMFTR
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these mfs boys were riding hard for Punk. Also seems like they were using him so to stay relevant and not get lost in the shuffle again too so i know they feel some type of away now that he gone. theres no more CMFTR
Thats a wild stretch take lol but nah FTR didnt need Punk to say relevant, they been one of the hottest tag teams for a few years now only outside The Usos storyline at its height, Dax and Punk seemed to be genuine friends and have been for a min now and FTR was supposed to help make things right between up The Elite.
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