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You seem real passionate about this even though you really can't prove anything. The Ptolemy's were notoriously incestuous and it is every bit as likely that Ptolemy XII's sister-wife, Cleopatra V, birthed Cleopatra VII. If Cleopatra VII had a full sister it was most likely Berenice. There is a 7 year gap between Cleopatra VII and the next group of kids, Arsinoe IV, Ptolemy XIII, and Ptolemy XIV, who were all born within 4 years of each other and likely shared a mother. However, even that can't be proven...
You may very well be right, but my point is that you, like the rest of us, don't really know...
How can I not prove anything when you're picking up what you want to read? Did I haven't mentioned earlier that:
1) Ptolemy's wife wasn't living in Egypt at the time both Cleopatra and Arsinoe were reportedly birthed at Alexandria?
2) Senecus, a Roman writer and contemporary to Cleopatra, states that both Cleopatra and Arsinoe shared the same mother and stressed about Cleopatra's pluri-ethnic heritage-- heritage that includes her Egyptian-ess?
3) Everyone goddamn knows Arsinoe's genetic makeup for years and that her Egypto-Kushite maternal ancestry has been confirmed, given that we excavated and studied her mummy since the 2010s?
4) Ptolemy, same every Greek ruler at that time, had many concubines. A Theban courtesan known to he Arsinoe's natural mother was his favorite.
5) For your concern, courtesans in the Greek world were often but daughters and sons of vainquished rulers or warlords, takwn in captivity and raised to the coirt of the victor to ensure the perennity of the truce and assimilate the newfound lesser leaders under the culture of the victor. Why does the Lagids needed to practise courtisanship within a realm they occuped for about two-and-half centuries?? Because an indigenous Egyptian dynasty was still reportedly opposing on-and-off again Greek dominion over Egypt for hundreds of years: its last ruler, the Upper Egyptian Paious son of Harsiesi, a descendant of the latest native dynasties prior the second Persian occupation, has been defeated nearby Thebes by Ptolemy XII himself around 86BC. Arsinoe's mother was either this latter one's daughter or descendant and Ptolemy made of her his royal hostage, so he will ensure that the Pax Hellenica remains undisturbed once for all. Later in her life, the Theban courtesan none personally participated at Cleopatra and Arsinoe's upbringing as courtesans themselves, but also reportedly helped the Alexandrian and Memphite priests to learn the subtleties of the pharaonic upbringing, a tradition no Lagid ruler even fully conformed until then because the Greek Macedonians didn't desired to go native as they limired their immersion within Egyptian culture by the maintenance of religious rites and titularship, no more nor less. The princesses learned astronomy, astrology, arithmetics, theology, mysticism, physical education, gardening and hunting from the ways of the Egyptian kings, not of the Greek. They get taught how to speak both Demotic and Hieratic Egyptian, a language that the prideful Greeks spited.
Why does priests and holy men would left a sex slave defile millenia of rites and sacred traditions they so jealousively fought to preserve, unless the socalled sex slave hailed from a higher status than them within the indigenous social-religious hierarchy, so to speak the status of an indigenous royal?
Ancient Egyptians hated any foreign occupant. The Lagids were perceived as all the same as the Achaemenids and the Hyksos: royal usurpers with little to no legitimacy to the Throne. Modern indigenous Egyptians are still reportedly xenophobic and nationalist, especially toward non-African populations.
Then why does both the indigenous common class and the priesthood were so hellbent to enthrone Arsinoe's older sister instead of the former one, unless Cleopatra too was, as confirmed Senecus, mothered by the Egyptian courtesan? Only a confirmed descendant of Horus was esteemed worthy to ascend to His throne and all applauded Cleopatra's ascend to reigning.
6) Speaking of legitimacy, Cleopatra was esteemed so worthy of the Egyptian throne that three centuries following her premature death, her great-descendant the Syrian empress and socalled usurpress Roman Empress Zabiba Beth-Zabbai has been swiftly welcomed by nationalist factions in Egypt as a long-gone compatriote, praised about her royal lineage then enthroned Pharaoh under the namesake of her ancestress during the few years her Palmyrean Empire lasted: a brief yet so memorable reign she's still widely known in today's Egyptian, Swahili and Arab legends as the Queen of the Nile Nailah who wrestled fiercely against the Roman occupant.
Once again, Egyptians hated and still hates foreigners. Then why seeing into the 13x great-granddaughter of a Lagid queen - a woman of Greek-Roman, Syrian, Jewish, Arabic, Persian, Armenian, Anatolian and Lybian ancestry, a distant descendant of the Claudio-Julian dynasty and of foreign chieftains - some legitimacy unless from Zabiba's veins rushed too the blood of the socalled antikings of Upper Egypt, the nationalist faction by which Arsinoe' and therefore Cleopatra's mother hailed from?
If you willfully ignore all of these evidences, it's up to you. But don't try make me pass like the fool around here.