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Cleopatra (Starring Gal Gadot) (TBA)

But the facial reconstitutions of Cleopatra varies too much. The Greek Egyptian queen-pharaoh's contemporary both Greek and native Egyptian sculptors attempted to modelize her appareance accodingly their own beauty ideals... and given the fact that Western scholars gets easily bothered at any cue of Cleopatra's Egyptian-ess (African-ess) in any of those, it doesn't help. Academicians are polarized between those who over-emphasizes on Cleopatra's Lagid features, those who silently attempts to emphasize her mixed heritage based upon the less idealized portrayals of hers and those who uses these same latter features while attempting to whitewash her 20201011_205711.jpg :

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Never understood why niggas give so much of a fuck bout how Egyptians are portrayed in movies. They barely wanna acknowledge that the country is on the continent of Africa anyway.

Notice, you never hear them complaining........................ "riight"
Never understood why niggas give so much of a fuck bout how Egyptians are portrayed in movies. They barely wanna acknowledge that the country is on the continent of Africa anyway.

Notice, you never hear them complaining........................ "riight"
Because the ancient kemets...the ones responsible for the advanced architecture, science, mathematics and other academia of the time were BLACK.

The culture that the world is obsessed with and marvels at was created by BLACK PEOPLE

Egypt has been whitewashed for a long time...these white folks cant stand that these advanced civilizations were not created by whites
Because the ancient kemets...the ones responsible for the advanced architecture, science, mathematics and other academia of the time were BLACK.

The culture that the world is obsessed with and marvels at was created by BLACK PEOPLE

Egypt has been whitewashed for a long time...these white folks cant stand that these advanced civilizations were not created by whites

You can claim em.

But they don't claim us.
I’m pretty sure cleopatra was more Greek than African. Around her reign Greece was running Egypt, also this also was when Greece was beginning to fall as an empire.
How so? Based on the pics shared in her, her sister looks more like a north African than a black African.

What is a "black African" ? We are not the Smurfs. Africa is a continent with very diverse indigenous populations. We identify as "black Africans" today because the white man told us so. But Black-ness was barely a identity marker to substantiate our cultural ethos through for our ancestors. Some were "black" , some were "red" , some were "light" and some were even sometimes albino. The Berbers, Egyptians and Cushites are various hues of light, red and reddish black... yet, the former ones, the Egyptians used to qualify themselves as Kemmiu, "the people of the Land of the Blacks" , but more importantly as remmiu/remetu "free citizens" .
I’m pretty sure cleopatra was more Greek than African. Around her reign Greece was running Egypt, also this also was when Greece was beginning to fall as an empire.

For the Greeks, she was more Greek than Egyptian. For the Romans, she was more Barbarian and Egyptian than Greek. For the Egyptians, she was more Egyptian than foreign. Only her achievements, reign and posterity spoke for herself.
You do realize that Egypt is mostly of Arab stock now because they were conqured by them.

Most current Egyptians have very little ties other than name to the Kemet of the past

but go off tho

Actually, about half of the Egyptian population are indigenous. They only get coerced into embrace Arabicity as a cultural marker following the banishment of the use of Coptic languages and writing by the Ottomans during the 18th century, further worsened by the re-emergence of the Persian Gulf-aligned Islamic fundamentalist party named the Islamic Brotherhood, who tries to get rid of the Egyptian nationalism and the Nasserist legacy since the 1990s... and now can fully exact their plans since the so-called "Arab Spring" in the 2010s: they persecute Egyptian culture, cinema, music and Coptic religion as well as the regional subsets of syncretic Islam.

tHanKs aGaIn, oBamA...
You can claim em.

But they don't claim us.

So does every single African and Afro-descendant populatiom against each other. Damn, I bet that Kamala Harris's nieces don't claim her.

The William Lynch tale is perhaps an Internet hoax, but it vulgarizes pretty well the vices and divides within the Pan-African community, let alone within each community group of African descent.
Never understood why niggas give so much of a fuck bout how Egyptians are portrayed in movies. They barely wanna acknowledge that the country is on the continent of Africa anyway.

Notice, you never hear them complaining........................ "riight"


The Upper Egyptians are quite outspoken about their ancestral ties within the rest of the African oecumenia and one of his most prominent scholars, an Egyptian American man named Moustafa Gadallah, is quite hostile about white supremacy prominent at both his birthplace and America.

Even Egyptian American actor Rami Malek, who's an Arabicized Copt often playing ambiguously brown or white roles in television and films, openly identifies himself as both a Black American and Arab American, then praises the Egyptian American community's ancestral ties within the rest of the African diaspora in U.S.A. .
That's why I often said to a lot of my African American interlocutors - let alone to a lot of Americans - to travel outside of the U.S.A. , because that country confined all Americans beneath a secluded bubble.

I heard a lot of you speaking about how we don't claim you or don't care about you... which is false. A lot of us, quite the contrary, leans sometimes to think you forgot your family roots and just want you to remember the way to home, lest figuratively and spiritually. And when we tune our T.V.s and heard about what the police is doing to you, we cry with you as so we will cry for a brother or sister.

The Upper Egyptians are quite outspoken about their ancestral ties within the rest of the African oecumenia and one of his most prominent scholars, an Egyptian American man named Moustafa Gadallah, is quite hostile about white supremacy prominent at both his birthplace and America.

Even Egyptian American actor Rami Malek, who's an Arabicized Copt often playing ambiguously brown or white roles in television and films, openly identifies himself as both a Black American and Arab American, then praises the Egyptian American community's ancestral ties within the rest of the African diaspora in U.S.A. .

lol you just had "oecumenia" in the tuck huh?