Fam, you really gotta come better than this... You gotta use your head when you look at that bullshit.
The source for theses "statistics" is a goddamned voluntary
This is the survey they cite in the first footnote: The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
"Each year, data are obtained from a nationally representative sample of about 135,000 households, composed of nearly 225,000 persons, on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States."
There are over 330 million people in this country. You mean to tell me that 225,000 or about .06 of 1% of the population, that's 6/100ths of one percent my dude... aka a tiny as fuck ass number... is supposed to represent the entire fuckin population of this country???
When you really get into the details you start to spot the bullshit forreals.
This third one is complete, utter garbage:
"Out of every 1,000
suspected rape perpetrators
referred to prosecutors:7"
This is some straight up bullshit. Why are
suspected perps even included here? Are you even reading this shit? These are people that are only
suspected of a crime, not niggas that have been convicted of a crime...
suspected. How many of these people are eventually convicted of said sexual crime? And they're only
referred to prosecutors, I guarantee a grip of them will get the charges dropped 'cause there's no real case! PLUS!!! The data used was from
2009, published in 2013! So not only are they using bullshit number that don't mean shit, they're using
outdated bullshit numbers that don't mean shit!
Do better when you pick some shit to make a point.