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Charleston White: Some girls deserve a good raping!

what do you mean bro

this what I’m talking about

wake upppppppppppp

its not working

they killing like the crack era and it’s not over business


it’s not about you or me or individuals, it’s about the collective

who got time to do every single misguided nigga parent job individually

these youngins taking souls and drugged up to live with it

the ones who not doing criminal shit just unmotivated as fuck and selfish

the exceptions ain’t enough
Look. We view things different and that’s ok. I see the same shit you do. I got friends and family caught up in all of this shit. Some I won’t see anymore because they are serving life or dead. I’m just telling you how I reach out to some of the youth. It’s up to us to teach them. There are different ways to teach. We good family!!!
Look. We view things different and that’s ok. I see the same shit you do. I got friends and family caught up in all of this shit. Some I won’t see anymore because they are serving life or dead. I’m just telling you how I reach out to some of the youth. It’s up to us to teach them. There are different ways to teach. We good family!!!
Respect for your response
Iron sharpens iron
Thanks for what you do
For who it doesn’t work for? That’s my question. I talk to younger people from Newark where I grew up at and now in Raleigh. They respect you more for not putting on a front. But hey, like I said earlier, it’s just the old head in me.

I like how is Newark. But everybody from there say Nork.
Whats crazy is both ways work minus influencing rape.

these kids are not a monolith yet we need to stop acting like ones way is the only way.

I can reach some but not others, I then need to reach out to those who speak the language of those i can’t.
This ain’t about who can’t and who can.
Get over yourself if the problem you see is bigger than you.

Bruh literally everything we taught coming up tells us to authentic when you need to really reach people. We not talking bout selling stuff or political. It’s one thing to know somebody fake vs them prentending. Ain’t no character in this
I didn't say nobody teaches boys to do sex crimes silly nigga. I said people don't rape because they are unaware it's wrong. I don't care what someone tells you, there is no way in hell you don't know that taking a person's body against their will is wrong. GTFOWTBS

You really trying hard not to get it and idk why. Knowing it’s wrong is not the end of it. Feeling like they can get away with it is. And it’s obvious that’s a thing. Literally women in the topic telling you wtf the problem is. But you just have to debate this.
You really trying hard not to get it and idk why. Knowing it’s wrong is not the end of it. Feeling like they can get away with it is. And it’s obvious that’s a thing. Literally women in the topic telling you wtf the problem is. But you just have to debate this.

You're saying I'm trying not to get it but you're steadily making points that have nothing to do what I said. My only comment in the other topic is that I think the framing of "We have to teach boys not to rape" is stupid. All this other shit you're talking about has nothing to do with what I said. I'm not debating about whether or not dudes feel like they can get away with it. People who commit crimes typically do so because they feel like they can get away with it. Rape is a tough crime to prosecute, and unfortunately, that fact empowers a lot of scumbags.
You're saying I'm trying not to get it but you're steadily making points that have nothing to do what I said. My only comment in the other topic is that I think the framing of "We have to teach boys not to rape" is stupid. All this other shit you're talking about has nothing to do with what I said. I'm not debating about whether or not dudes feel like they can get away with it. People who commit crimes typically do so because they feel like they can get away with it. Rape is a tough crime to prosecute, and unfortunately, that fact empowers a lot of scumbags.

It’s literally like them folks who said defund the police was a bad slogan. You’re concentration on the term and not what it actual means is missing the point. Is there a need to go further or are you bored?
It’s literally like them folks who said defund the police was a bad slogan. You’re concentration on the term and not what it actual means is missing the point. Is there a need to go further or are you bored?

That's a good analog. In both cases framing matters and bad framing can do damage to the overall effort. People can't keep on saying things that confuse the issue and then get mad when discussions are muddled and unproductive. I don't believe it helps anyone to act like fighting rape is a matter of education. People can agree or disagree with that, but I'm not saying it just to argue. I believe it hurts the overall discussion.
That's a good analog. In both cases framing matters and bad framing can do damage to the overall effort. People can't keep on saying things that confuse the issue and then get mad when discussions are muddled and unproductive. I don't believe it helps anyone to act like fighting rape is a matter of education. People can agree or disagree with that, but I'm not saying it just to argue. I believe it hurts the overall discussion.

But you literally can’t take education out of it when a segment can’t tell difference between sexually assaulting and rape which is common
But you literally can’t take education out of it when a segment can’t tell difference between sexually assaulting and rape which is common

I agree with that. I'm not against education. I'm saying that once you cross that fuzzy line between sexual assault and rape and are clearly in rape territory, it moves away from being an education issue and more an issue of how you're going to handle legitimately bad people.