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Charleston White: Some girls deserve a good raping!

And your child will know this if you're teaching them that hurting women isn't right, it's something good parents do. So y'all need to cut it out scrapping the bottom of the barrel with clowns like boosie and dude in the video in the opening post

Even then good parents can drill into their sons that these things are wrong but that doesn't mean those lessons will be followed. Stop blaming parents for why jackasses are raping and abusing women and put 100% of the blame to the goofy that's committing the crime

Maybe take a break from this topic?
Maybe take a break from this topic?

No but you can stop quoting me

A parent can teach their child everything that's right but it's up to that child to actually do what their taught, everything when their adults is all on them
Who is this dude? My first time hearing of him.
A while back he went viral for calling out gangmembers.
Said he going to the police and tried to ambush them.
Then he talked shit about who ever is popular.
But he claims to do a lot for the community in Fort Worth.
Can’t pretend like the shit wasn’t entertaining.

but I’m not in some take it shit and can’t support that.
the video sounds like him, if it’s him I’m cool on dude