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Charleston White: Some girls deserve a good raping!

Also if him saying he takes it makes another person take it.....both are shit people.
Also if him saying he takes it makes another person take it.....both are shit people.

Lol bruh y’all spent a whole thread yesterday saying talking to young dudes about sex crimes is pointless because nobody yea he’s boys it’s ok. Then you see a glaring example of it and dismiss it. But if a rapper talked about hustling and robbing you would say how they so influential? So what is it? Looking real funny
an Niggas following behind a hustler is dumb too

what’s ur point here ?
What you thought u had me?
Did anyone look past the post?
Anyone say this is ok?
Anyone say that’s not what he meant?

what’s funny in the light?
Or is this a need to be right just cuz?
You mean like when niggas wanted to use R. Kelly to try and say "the Black man is being railroaded in court. Give him a new trial"...
Why is there an issue for anyone to have a fair trial? We saw in the Cosby case the prosecutor tried to pull some bullshit and got caught.
Also...nobody may be telling their sons to go rape...but they do teach them things like "When she says no that just means try harder. Be persistent". You said as much yourself before about being persistent when it comes to women while ignoring that what boys/young men are taught as persistence to some women it's just plane harassing them. If it didn't exist then the fact that far too many women have stories about encounters of some man following them in public or cussing them out once being rejected wouldn't be a thing
Being persistent doesn't mean forcing yourself on women
And your child will know this if you're teaching them that hurting women isn't right, it's something good parents do. So y'all need to cut it out scrapping the bottom of the barrel with clowns like boosie and dude in the video in the opening post
Don’t know if this shit was a skit or something, internet different. So I can’t talk about dude till it’s proven fact. Cause that’s some shit that will get a nigga his game over screen.

As for raping, that and pedophilia are 2 irredeemable acts to me, so yea, I approve the green light in those instances.
Even then good parents can drill into their sons that these things are wrong but that doesn't mean those lessons will be followed. Stop blaming parents for why jackasses are raping and abusing women and put 100% of the blame to the goofy that's committing the crime