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Breaking News Carlee Russell Missing After Stopping to Help a Child on a Highway. Update: She Lied

I’ll say this, as a parent I won’t advocate for her to go to jail. It’s my child. However, I also know that actions always have a consequence. If jail time is it, then so be it. You do the crime, you suffer the punishment.

This wasn’t a mistake in my eyes. She planned this shit. If it was an accident, my mind would change.
I’ll say this, as a parent I won’t advocate for her to go to jail. It’s my child. However, I also know that actions always have a consequence. If jail time is it, then so be it. You do the crime, you suffer the punishment.

This wasn’t a mistake in my eyes. She planned this shit. If it was an accident, my mind would change.
Make no mistake, I never classified this as a mistake, I classified this as dumb. The public humiliation is more than enough for this but I'm also in the thought of some community service and counseling

She doesn't need a jail record over this.
I haven’t said she should be locked up even tho I feel like small jail time would be justifiable in my opinion. But there’s no kind of community service that justifies the crime. She planned this whole thing out, made up a missing child and more ultimately to get attention (cause of a breakup allegedly)

That’s narcissistic and selfish behavior and I don’t see how any community service is a punishable option cause I don’t expect it to have enough of a profound effect on her which she truly takes accountability & gains a sense of inner healing. That’s just my 2 cents. You can say that jailing her isn’t gonna rehab her either and I’d say that’s a fair assessment also.

I get where you're coming from, but harshness of punishment doesn't really correlate to teaching a lesson in the way people think it does. In your mind, the community service as a punishment is not harsh enough to teach her the lesson you feel she needs to learn. The reality is that, like someone already mentioned, the embarrassment that has come with being caught publicly might be enough to teach that lesson and the punishment is just a formality. You never know how people will react under these circumstances.
I haven’t said she should be locked up even tho I feel like small jail time would be justifiable in my opinion. But there’s no kind of community service that justifies the crime. She planned this whole thing out, made up a missing child and more ultimately to get attention (cause of a breakup allegedly)

That’s narcissistic and selfish behavior and I don’t see how any community service is a punishable option cause I don’t expect it to have enough of a profound effect on her which she truly takes accountability & gains a sense of inner healing. That’s just my 2 cents. You can say that jailing her isn’t gonna rehab her either and I’d say that’s a fair assessment also.

The bold is my main issue with "throw her in jail." Ok...then what? Put her in prison with people who've committed crimes that harmed people will help how? This is why people need to be honest and admit they want and view prison as punishment and not for any actual rehabilitation. And I somewhat agree with that stance...I just wish more were honest about it.

if she round here stealing toilet paper

I would be tagging that ass, saying, you.. round... Here... Stealing... Got... Damn... Toilet... Paper... When... We... Got..a... Whole... Closet... Full... Of... It
What is the proper punishment for something like that? I'm pretty sure it wasn't her intent to create a national incident. It just turned into that because of the world we live in. Nobody was physically or economically hurt by what she did. If the police or other agencies expended a lot of resources, then make sure her community service hours match up to the amount of work that equal out to the resource expenditure. How is that not a suitable punishment?
It was her intent to create a national incident which is why she was looking up Amber Alert stuff

That said, I think what she did is more serious than some are acknowledging. Remember, black women in the U.S. have a hard time getting coverage when they go missing (so do black men, but we can already chalk that up to being a lost cause). This was one of the first times in a long time a black woman got national coverage, and it turned out to be a hoax. That's damaging to efforts to get equal treatment in these circumstances.
100%. This shouldn't be the one black woman to focus on then. We need to keep it moving. The only reason it's even getting national coverage is because it was a hoax and smelled like a poorly planned one from the beginning.

We're falling for the trap. Focusing on her and her bullshit instead of the fact there's an alarming number of black women going missing and no one's saying shit about it. Even now it's just buzz words to shit on ol girl no one seems to really care about these missing black women.
It was her intent to create a national incident which is why she was looking up Amber Alert stuff

I'm not seeing the correlation there. Everybody knows that Amber Alerts go out when someone goes missing, so anybody who is crazy enough to pull a stunt like this to get attention might look up Amber Alert info. That doesn't mean they are trying to be a top story on national news for a week.
100%. This shouldn't be the one black woman to focus on then. We need to keep it moving. The only reason it's even getting national coverage is because it was a hoax and smelled like a poorly planned one from the beginning.

We're falling for the trap. Focusing on her and her bullshit instead of the fact there's an alarming number of black women going missing and no one's saying shit about it. Even now it's just buzz words to shit on ol girl no one seems to really care about these missing black women.

Now I said the bold a few pages back but apparently that was "blaming men" lol.
I'm not seeing the correlation there. Everybody knows that Amber Alerts go out when someone goes missing, so anybody who is crazy enough to pull a stunt like this to get attention might look up Amber Alert info. That doesn't mean they are trying to be a top story on national news for a week.

Looking at the shit she googled before hand shows how poorly planned all of this was. She didn't think of any long term consequences or after effects of what she did. She wasn't planning on alarming anybody more than her family and probably ex boyfriend. This shit got big because for once the internet was used for one of it's intended purposes and that was to spread awareness.
Therein lies the problem which has been my original point or maybe my second point

Their use of resources is the issue, not the amount of them
We don't know the exact amount....which is way I said some departments get help from other departments if they're short handed
Make no mistake, I never classified this as a mistake, I classified this as dumb. The public humiliation is more than enough for this but I'm also in the thought of some community service and counseling

She doesn't need a jail record over this.
That won't make no difference her name is already in the dirt with the bullshit she pulled lol