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Capitalism vs Socialism

Correct me if I'm wrong. Are u saying the nordic countries were able to put themselves in the position they are now bc of America?

And if yes, if America never made those trade deals with them, where would they be now?

Wish it was a mf on here more knowledgeable in the pro socialism side who would debate u bc I'm interested as hell in this topic

I wouldnt say its strictly because of america but we helped.

Especially when they couldnt rip off and mine colonial assets anymore. We helped fund their defense, gave them extremely favorable terms on imports, etc. What do you think neoliberalism is?
American Capitalism is trash. You’re seeing the results of it.

In theory, it makes sense. People should be free to pursue their dreams unabated by the government.

However, it’s turned this society into a cesspool of greed, corruption, and selfishness. The Rona amplified this 1000 times over.
American Capitalism is trash. You’re seeing the results of it.

In theory, it makes sense. People should be free to pursue their dreams unabated by the government.

However, it’s turned this society into a cesspool of greed, corruption, and selfishness. The Rona amplified this 1000 times over.
Agreed. The amount of people reduced to food lines in a matter of months says alot about our system. What is worse is the media outlets that eat this shit up while shaming anyone advocates for something better.
Its also a certain demo...

if you notice its mostly Gen X and Boomers

Millenials and up aint going for the bullshit

we just gotta get these old mfs outta office man
I don’t think Gen X is in that group. We in Gen X have to lead this world from the bullshit mess the Baby Boomers put us in.
Some of the responses in this thread just go to show why the FBI made sure to run COINTELPRO and kill dudes like Fred Hampton.

They INTENTIONALLY snuffed out socialist movements in the Black Community, because they knew that would be the biggest possible threat to Amerikkka during the Cold War.

Nowdays, people idolize the Black Panthers......while saying they don't want socialism......because they literally don't know the Panthers were avowed Marxists.

Shit's sad.

^^^ - George W. Woodbey said that 100+ years ago but niggas really believe Diddy getting richer is a "win" for black people smh
Some of the responses in this thread just go to show why the FBI made sure to run COINTELPRO and kill dudes like Fred Hampton.

They INTENTIONALLY snuffed out socialist movements in the Black Community, because they knew that would be the biggest possible threat to Amerikkka during the Cold War.

Nowdays, people idolize the Black Panthers......while saying they don't want socialism......because they literally don't know the Panthers were avowed Marxists.

Shit's sad.

^^^ - George W. Woodbey said that 100+ years ago but niggas really believe Diddy getting richer is a "win" for black people smh

Murdering them, framing them for crimes, destroying their families. Just to keep their corruption alive.
None of these systems are inherently good or bad. They are just susceptible to abuse in different ways. Capitalism is highly abusable because of its nature. That's why we need government regulation and oversight. The problem is that our government is corrupt so it often doesnt regulate in the way it should. Dumbass Republicans are always complaining about government regulation and claiming the free market will regulate but that's a lie.

It's a lie because the gov't makes it a lie. So you are correct.

The free market dictated that the auto and banking industry fail but dems and repubs made the gov't bail them out. Shit like that isn't true capitalism. They should've failed and been replaced by better models but the rich and wealthy ain't going to let themselves fail. They going to go against everything they say they stand for and turn around and condemn others for asking for the same benefits they just got.
Agreed. The amount of people reduced to food lines in a matter of months says alot about our system. What is worse is the media outlets that eat this shit up while shaming anyone advocates for something better.
I think quite a few factors go into the food line crisis. Still sad nonetheless.

It's people out here taking advantage and taking when they don't need and making someone in need suffer.

Both topics need it's own thread.
It's a lie because the gov't makes it a lie. So you are correct.

The free market dictated that the auto and banking industry fail but dems and repubs made the gov't bail them out. Shit like that isn't true capitalism. They should've failed and been replaced by better models but the rich and wealthy ain't going to let themselves fail. They going to go against everything they say they stand for and turn around and condemn others for asking for the same benefits they just got.

The banking industry example actually proves my point. It's not that something was inherently wrong with the banking industry. The problem was that people within the industry were cheating. They caused the crash, and that's why the whole "free market" excuse is stupid. Our economy isn't run by autonomous machines. It's run by people who sometimes do fucked up shit. So even if the free market was the answer, it doesn't change the fact that there are people within that system that would risk its downfall for their own interests.

If you have time, go look up Sears and Toys R Us and why they failed. People thought that it was because brick and mortar stores are on the decline. It really wasn't though. Instead of doing things to try and keep the brands a live, the members of the boards basically found ways where they could profit from the failure of the stores and let them crash and burn.
That's a question that can have a really complicated answer because there are several types of socialism. That said, the kind that most people think about when they throw out Venezuela or WWII Germany is where the state pretty much controls everything and you have a strongman dictator type at the top who has near control of the state.

Democratic socialism is a mixed type of economy. Some things like education, healthcare, and other things important for the lives of the people are controlled by the state, while other things are privately controlled. The state is a democracy and therefore the people dictate who is control.

That sounds just like what we got now.
It should be captialism or equity. Every some people rather have millionbdollsr dreams than an equitable thriving reality for all
If everyone worked equally hard than equitable really can be a thing.

But that's not the case.

It's the greedy and scammers that mess it up for everyone no matter the system.

Yall really think giving everyone what they need would stop people from wanting more or preying on the weaker?
One of the major issues of capitalism if boiled down is that white people had a cheat code AND headstart.
That sounds just like what we got now.

We have a mixed economy like with democratic socialism, but not as much in our country is socialized. Our military, law enforcement, lower level education, etc... are socialized. However, in democratic socialist nations, pretty much everything thing that is required to live a reasonable live is socialized. Basically the purpose of democratic socialism or social democracy (which is actually more accurate for what's being proposed) is that the state takes care of the needs of the people, while people still work to take care of their wants and to push the nation forward.
Norway, Sweden = Not socialist countries, it is however considered to be a social democratic country with a welfare state. Which in effect means its introduced a state policy to control health and education to ensure the capitalists have a constant supply of a healthy and educated workforce.
Do y’all think capitalism is inherently evil?
I think people will subject themselves to whatever, exploit whomever, cheat,lie, steal for the dollars...

Also greedy , powerful, influential thrive on this false notion of scarcity ...

Inherently its been because people are... it bleeds itself into how people think about and view themselves others. Relationshiops values etc...