Can you be "woke" and date white people?

so, i just wanna be clear...who do you think respects tommy sotomeyer or however you spell it
How can you be "woke" and marry a white person, that's impossible. If you're not committing and valuing black women, but do for a white woman, knowing our history as black people and seeing the obvious hate for blacks a large percentage of whites still have for blacks to this day, there's no way you can be woke with a white wife.

Easy: You could've met her before you "woke up" and became enlightened to the issues.

If she shows no flex or logical understanding--and let's be clear that's all that it takes to understand these issues: logic--by all means cast her out. However, you got someone in your corner not playing that color blind shit but calling bullshit bullshit and doing her homework alongside you, you're going to throw away a whole person because her people are with the shit? Like I said, if she hasn't shown signs or symptoms of the bullshit, why dismiss to prove some kind of point? The whole argument is like saying you can't critique something unless you do it, which would cut off half our commentators, news anchors, critics, etc. Half the so-called "woke" people talking about our issues can't even do that right and they've been black their whole lives.

To quote 3000:
"Now question: is every nigga with dreads for the cause?
Is every nigga with golds for the fall? Naw
So don't get caught up in appearance

Some of the biggest coon-ass niggas I know are married to black women. Some of the most active community leaders I know are married to white women. You can be just as asleep riding like kind.
I'm going to spin this in a different light. I will also admit to my boss because I'm probably older than a lot of you.
I am the child of interracial marriage. Shit was no walk in the park growing up- both sides had issues. Most of the hate in the family (Growing up) came from the black side. Most of the hate outside the family came from whites. Now the hate is pretty equal.
I really don't like when people start this you love who you love mess. While true, they aren't really thinking about the product of said love- the kids. I'm not speaking about being confused about who I am because I never was. I'm speaking about the bullshit that comes with it. Hell even my own kid lets me know. I asked him recently what he sees me as because they always have jokes about their light momma. He was like well I know who you are but if I saw you out from a distance, I'd think you were white. (I was married to a black man)
I say all this to say that yes, it matters who you date/marry because its foolish to think love is blind. Love conquers all. My mom was woke AF before woke was a thing and my dad is an I don't see color type man. Still didn't matter, all people saw was the white man with his black prize. All that hate and all those opinions from everyone landed right in our laps.

To complete my bias, I don't and never have dated a white man. I'm sure a therapist will tell you my attraction to dark men comes from my issues being light, acceptance, blah blah :)

It's 3 am so if this doesn't make sense screw you I'm tired. :)
This is a conundrum that I'm faced with in my personal life. One of my best friends, that I grew up with, has a daughter by, and is dating, a white girl.

Dude has a master's degree, good job, level head, super outgoing personality. One of those people that can strike up a convo with just about anyone. All that shit that made him sought after by many women.

He started fuckin wit this super young white girl and slipped up. This is the first white girl he's ever been with too.

This wouldn't be such a problem for me, but there are multiple factors at play that are constantly irritating me.

1. The bitch ain't cute. It's shallow, I know. But this nigga had a bevy of beautiful, accomplished black women that he could have ended up with. No body to speak of. Like, I wouldn't have even given this broad a thought if I saw her on the street. She's not ugly, she's just super plain.

2. She's fuckin young as fuck. Like 12-13 year age difference. And I don't care how mature she thinks she is for her age, she's still only like 21.

3. Her parents are Trump supporters and her mom is a racist bitch. "He's definitely gonna leave you because black men never show responsibility in these situations."

He's constantly trying to keep his daughter away from her mother, but that only goes so far. The girl claims she never knew her mother harbored such ill will towards black people, but I don't buy it. She's either lying or just dumb. My boy claims that she exhibits none of the same feelings her mother does, blah, blah, blah, but I wouldn't be surprised if the story takes a drastic turn for the worst in the future.

And the kicker? My wife and I are the Godparents.

Smh. Gotta love the curveballs life throws at you.
I'm going to spin this in a different light. I will also admit to my boss because I'm probably older than a lot of you.
I am the child of interracial marriage. Shit was no walk in the park growing up- both sides had issues. Most of the hate in the family (Growing up) came from the black side. Most of the hate outside the family came from whites. Now the hate is pretty equal.
I really don't like when people start this you love who you love mess. While true, they aren't really thinking about the product of said love- the kids. I'm not speaking about being confused about who I am because I never was. I'm speaking about the bullshit that comes with it. Hell even my own kid lets me know. I asked him recently what he sees me as because they always have jokes about their light momma. He was like well I know who you are but if I saw you out from a distance, I'd think you were white. (I was married to a black man)
I say all this to say that yes, it matters who you date/marry because its foolish to think love is blind. Love conquers all. My mom was woke AF before woke was a thing and my dad is an I don't see color type man. Still didn't matter, all people saw was the white man with his black prize. All that hate and all those opinions from everyone landed right in our laps.

To complete my bias, I don't and never have dated a white man. I'm sure a therapist will tell you my attraction to dark men comes from my issues being light, acceptance, blah blah :)

It's 3 am so if this doesn't make sense screw you I'm tired. :)

i understood your pov

thank you for sharing
You know how you get someone you ask them what makes you love black men/women.. then watch the avalanche of stupidity fall out of their mouths more often than not its objectification.. not all but that story writes itself
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Easy: You could've met her before you "woke up" and became enlightened to the issues.

If she shows no flex or logical understanding--and let's be clear that's all that it takes to understand these issues: logic--by all means cast her out. However, you got someone in your corner not playing that color blind shit but calling bullshit bullshit and doing her homework alongside you, you're going to throw away a whole person because her people are with the shit? Like I said, if she hasn't shown signs or symptoms of the bullshit, why dismiss to prove some kind of point? The whole argument is like saying you can't critique something unless you do it, which would cut off half our commentators, news anchors, critics, etc. Half the so-called "woke" people talking about our issues can't even do that right and they've been black their whole lives.

To quote 3000:
"Now question: is every nigga with dreads for the cause?
Is every nigga with golds for the fall? Naw
So don't get caught up in appearance

Some of the biggest coon-ass niggas I know are married to black women. Some of the most active community leaders I know are married to white women. You can be just as asleep riding like kind.

So you admit you can't be "woke" and going out dating white women. Now in your example I admit that would be a tough position to be in if you were dating a white woman years prior to you becoming "woke", but even that's a tricky thing because him becoming so called "woke" could be overcompensation for him having a white family.

3k was more so talking about the aesthetics , what u wear, how you wear your hair, your dialect, etc, he wasn't talking about dating white women lol


"Niggaz on they way to a dead end,
you won't catch me spreadin
no white thighs
I only see afro bitches up in my eyes"
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tried not to make that shit long but it came out that way

anway, lets say I just happened to have that same scenario pan out with a woman friend of mine that was black...

same story
This is a conundrum that I'm faced with in my personal life. One of my best friends, that I grew up with, has a daughter by, and is dating, a white girl.

Dude has a master's degree, good job, level head, super outgoing personality. One of those people that can strike up a convo with just about anyone. All that shit that made him sought after by many women.

He started fuckin wit this super young white girl and slipped up. This is the first white girl he's ever been with too.

This wouldn't be such a problem for me, but there are multiple factors at play that are constantly irritating me.

1. The bitch ain't cute. It's shallow, I know. But this nigga had a bevy of beautiful, accomplished black women that he could have ended up with. No body to speak of. Like, I wouldn't have even given this broad a thought if I saw her on the street. She's not ugly, she's just super plain.

2. She's fuckin young as fuck. Like 12-13 year age difference. And I don't care how mature she thinks she is for her age, she's still only like 21.

3. Her parents are Trump supporters and her mom is a racist bitch. "He's definitely gonna leave you because black men never show responsibility in these situations."

He's constantly trying to keep his daughter away from her mother, but that only goes so far. The girl claims she never knew her mother harbored such ill will towards black people, but I don't buy it. She's either lying or just dumb. My boy claims that she exhibits none of the same feelings her mother does, blah, blah, blah, but I wouldn't be surprised if the story takes a drastic turn for the worst in the future.

And the kicker? My wife and I are the Godparents.

Smh. Gotta love the curveballs life throws at you.

thats uh, concerning I guess....but you shouldnt be so invested in your boys relationship

no gay jokes or capping but you said this shit "constantly irritates" you

I've heard that type of shit from my wife's family (he only wants sex and he's gonna leave, he wont take care of his kids, etc)....shit, her daddy didnt fuck with her for like a year when we got together....some people wouldnt believe I felt nothing about this.....I wasnt looking for a buddy or a father figure....and when he did come around I still spoke to him like a man before he passed (cancer)

I've heard bullshit from my family and other black folks (she wants to be your white savior, she wants exotic looking kids, you're a black cock fantasy for her lmfao)

nobody said a fucking word to me when I was with the woman that damn near ruined my life, my daughters life, and my mother's career...

her skin was the same color tho...everything's good here

if there is some shit coming to that man in that relationship, its gonna happen regardless and thats his lesson to learn

and im not talking about a "shouldnt of been fuckin with them white girls" lesson

either way thats him and his life
tried not to make that shit long but it came out that way

anway, lets say I just happened to have that same scenario pan out with a woman friend of mine that was black...

same story

thats uh, concerning I guess....but you shouldnt be so invested in your boys relationship

no gay jokes or capping but you said this shit "constantly irritates" you

I've heard that type of shit from my wife's family (he only wants sex and he's gonna leave, he wont take care of his kids, etc)....shit, her daddy didnt fuck with her for like a year when we got together....some people wouldnt believe I felt nothing about this.....I wasnt looking for a buddy or a father figure....and when he did come around I still spoke to him like a man before he passed (cancer)

I've heard bullshit from my family and other black folks (she wants to be your white savior, she wants exotic looking kids, you're a black cock fantasy for her lmfao)

nobody said a fucking word to me when I was with the woman that damn near ruined my life, my daughters life, and my mother's career...

her skin was the same color tho...everything's good here

if there is some shit coming to that man in that relationship, its gonna happen regardless and thats his lesson to learn

and im not talking about a "shouldnt of been fuckin with them white girls" lesson

either way thats him and his life

He's essentially family. Maybe "irritate" wasn't necessarily the right word, however. "Disappointed" is prolly more appropriate.

Do you not want the best for your close friends and family? I certainly do. Whether it's my place or not, I feel she ain't the best. He knows he fucked up. He's expressed both embarrassment and disappointment in himself for getting caught up in such a situation.

He loves his daughter and he's trying to make it work. I'm supporting his decision, regardless of how I feel about it, because that's what you're supposed to do. Doesn't mean I hafta like it.

Your situation and your family are your cross to bear. There is no correlation.
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I'm going to spin this in a different light. I will also admit to my boss because I'm probably older than a lot of you.
I am the child of interracial marriage. Shit was no walk in the park growing up- both sides had issues. Most of the hate in the family (Growing up) came from the black side. Most of the hate outside the family came from whites. Now the hate is pretty equal.
I really don't like when people start this you love who you love mess. While true, they aren't really thinking about the product of said love- the kids. I'm not speaking about being confused about who I am because I never was. I'm speaking about the bullshit that comes with it. Hell even my own kid lets me know. I asked him recently what he sees me as because they always have jokes about their light momma. He was like well I know who you are but if I saw you out from a distance, I'd think you were white. (I was married to a black man)
I say all this to say that yes, it matters who you date/marry because its foolish to think love is blind. Love conquers all. My mom was woke AF before woke was a thing and my dad is an I don't see color type man. Still didn't matter, all people saw was the white man with his black prize. All that hate and all those opinions from everyone landed right in our laps.

To complete my bias, I don't and never have dated a white man. I'm sure a therapist will tell you my attraction to dark men comes from my issues being light, acceptance, blah blah :)

It's 3 am so if this doesn't make sense screw you I'm tired. :)

thank you for this

I never really thought about the lite brite struggle from that pov

I do worry tho because I never wanted that to become an issue in my household

I have a black daughter and two mixed daughters....they notice the difference between their skin and hair.....the two year old has said "daddy's like me, mommy's not like me" pointing at her skin which is completely innocent but I understand thats something we have to be transparent about with them and I am....the oldest is fully aware of what happened with her birth mother, and has accepted and called her new mother "mommy" for 3-4 years now (now in the process of intra-family adoption)

this woman had never touched black hair 4 years ago and now washes, deep conditions, braids, twists, etc on a weekly.....just through youtube and lots of nights of the point she's crazy about it now and is really strict with her (my daugher's) hairdressers when she's not doing it.....her hair is in the middle of her back right now....never seen a perm

even still, my wife understands and respects the fact that she simply cannot give this child everything she needs as a black woman growing up, and has no problem stepping aside when i want to send her to my sister's or my moms for some time with them

the two younger ones do spend more time w/ their "white side" which is only because my oldest was 3 when this started....they're too young to try to get into all that with now, but when it comes I think we'll handle it accordingly

its lots of mixed people where we live, also lots of racism....nothing as extreme as media makes it, but we all deal with it and I feel like there's struggles and disadvantages and also ups to anybody's relationships or situations, so thats no reason to say its wrong or we made a bad choice

i've already told the wife that the youngins will most likely identify more as black when they are older, epecially once they start spending summers and all that with my fam like the oldest does....they're only a little lighter than me and have light brown curly hair

havent really thought about any of this having an effect on the race of men they choose......but if im the "model man" im making it hard for em either way

SN: I've never been on any "we dont see color" shit.....i think thats have to embrace and understand the differences and be open about it.....I clown with her mom about their food....they laugh when my folks dont know shit about dogs or boats or nascar *shrugs*
He's essentially family. Maybe "irritate" wasn't necessarily the right word, however. "Disappointed" is prolly more appropriate.

Do you not want the best for your close friends and family? I certainly do. Whether it's my place or not, I feel she ain't the best. He knows he fucked up. He's expressed both embarrassment and disappointment in himself for getting caught up in such a situation.

He loves his daughter and he's trying to make it work. I'm supporting his decision, regardless of how I feel about it, because that's what you're supposed to do. Doesn't mean I hafta like it.

Your situation and your family are your cross to bear. There is no correlation.

welp, yeah.....terribly different situation

and if that's really the case I agree the best thing to do would be to cut that off as soon as possible

with it being his "first", i can see where he probably got caught up in some type of colorstruck shit

I was never like that, so i guess its never been a thing to me

I remember I brought my uncle (just a couple years older but from deeeeep south) to some white chicks house one he was a playa if I ever seen one, i wanted to be just like him....but that nigga completely froze that day...I had never seen him scared of women.....he could barely talk and even sat way on the other side of the room....he admitted later after I roasted him that he had never been around them and was indeed scared....that shit took me back a little lol
welp, yeah.....terribly different situation

and if that's really the case I agree the best thing to do would be to cut that off as soon as possible

with it being his "first", i can see where he probably got caught up in some type of colorstruck shit

I was never like that, so i guess its never been a thing to me

I remember I brought my uncle (just a couple years older but from deeeeep south) to some white chicks house one he was a playa if I ever seen one, i wanted to be just like him....but that nigga completely froze that day...I had never seen him scared of women.....he could barely talk and even sat way on the other side of the room....he admitted later after I roasted him that he had never been around them and was indeed scared....that shit took me back a little lol

Yeah. This ain't shit like your situation. Lol. He did admit he was color-struck too.

He's not gonna cut anything off though. He was raised in a 2 parent, stable, loving household. He wants the same for his seed.

And this shit happened all in the middle of his "woke" tirades too. He ain't said shit since he been wit ol' girl. Lmao. He knows it appears contradictory to be super militant with a white girl. It just doesn't mix.

As long as you ain't one of those people that downplays the plight of black people, because you have a white mate, then Idgaf. You can still recognize and voice your opinions on the issues that affect us. After all, you are still black in America.
definitely.....I cant downplay shit lol

Im as black as I ever was growing up and could never shake some of things that came along with that growing up in the south

Im not militant by any means tho and have never referred to my awareness as being "woke".....sometimes I voice my opinions with my white family and it rolls into a convo I dont wanna have anymore, but we get it out for the most part....other times I gotta just agree to disagree

after all I been through, I worry about myself and my family and im comfortable with that
I'm going to spin this in a different light. I will also admit to my boss because I'm probably older than a lot of you.
I am the child of interracial marriage. Shit was no walk in the park growing up- both sides had issues. Most of the hate in the family (Growing up) came from the black side. Most of the hate outside the family came from whites. Now the hate is pretty equal.
I really don't like when people start this you love who you love mess. While true, they aren't really thinking about the product of said love- the kids. I'm not speaking about being confused about who I am because I never was. I'm speaking about the bullshit that comes with it. Hell even my own kid lets me know. I asked him recently what he sees me as because they always have jokes about their light momma. He was like well I know who you are but if I saw you out from a distance, I'd think you were white. (I was married to a black man)
I say all this to say that yes, it matters who you date/marry because its foolish to think love is blind. Love conquers all. My mom was woke AF before woke was a thing and my dad is an I don't see color type man. Still didn't matter, all people saw was the white man with his black prize. All that hate and all those opinions from everyone landed right in our laps.

To complete my bias, I don't and never have dated a white man. I'm sure a therapist will tell you my attraction to dark men comes from my issues being light, acceptance, blah blah :)

It's 3 am so if this doesn't make sense screw you I'm tired. :)
:come here:
I dont think everyone can be brushed with one stroke on this one.

Sometimes ppl mingle with other races and it makes them more conscientious when dealing with ppl different than them.

On the other hand i know ppl thats in an interracial marriage/relationship who are racist but dont see themselves as racist.

So to answer the question yes i believe its possible to be woke n date whatever race. It all comes down to your intentions with the relationship and not 'selling' yourself out