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Can you be "woke" and date white people?

why do the two have to be connected tho?

using Nate Parker as an example...why does he have to be married to a black woman to bring Nat Turner's story to the big screen
Nate Parker allegedly raped a woman. That's what people dont support him for, for the most part. Why are you using him as an example?
So say a dude married a white Woman back in like the early 90's...

Slipped up, got her pregnant. Had a kid got married.

Dude go on to college, get educated. Got master's, PhD's, public speaker motivational speaker, recognized activist.

Does more for the movement than anybody.

Dude in his 50's and done more groundwork than you can imagine
He ain't just at the marches.... He puts them together....

Bruh at the head table....

But that white wife tho.......
Why did he only marry her when they had a kid? its rare that "we had no choice" marriages stay together or happy
This is such a basic form of thinking

ALL white people are racist. Bc ALL white ppl benefit from the whitenormative values that ground institionalized racism. Intent is moot.

I sincerely disagree but I'm sipping on this drank and don't wanna ruin the mood it's got me in

Good day madam
Yes......... Being social aware does not start or end with whom you are fucking. Malcolm X was half breed white woman chaser at first. Fredrick Douglas was married to a white woman does that take away what he done for his people?

BTW "woke' is a dumb term

Says the Vanilla man
Y'all still talking about this. I thought my wit annoyed y'all into submission