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Can a white person ever use the N word and it not be offensive?

My post did not say only people down south call each other nigga. I'm saying that we tend to use it more with ppl we been cool with it. I ain't calling another person nigga that I met last week.
My post did not say only people down south call each other nigga. I'm saying that we tend to use it more with ppl we been cool with it. I ain't calling another person nigga that I met last week.

You're a unique case. I've spent time all over this country, and I haven't gone to one place where there weren't plenty of black people who used that word freely regardless of how well they know a person.
i would like to ask mr Mortenson why there was no blacks in middle earth during the lotr trilogy. what up with that my brutha?!?

*raises elf fist*
I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with them saying the word. I don't even like blacks saying it. Its a fad anyway that needs to die. No one was using it until rappers made it popular. It has been sensationalized for publicity and pop culture.

That's not true at ALL.

Richard Pryor BEEN made that shit mainstream....



Not to mention pretty much every blaxploitation film EVER was using that shit on everyday language....such as:

No it isn't a lie. It wasn't mainstream. My parents generation wasn't using it. It was a term, but people weren't walking down the street calling each other niggas like you see today. Its irrelevant either way. This is about white people using it. Really.

So nobody was using nigga as a slang term until the 70's when rappers first came around? You really believe that? Were black folks as open publicly using it? No but to say they didn't use it among each other at all is just lying to yourself
Don't speak beyond your own scope. Just because you're incapable of doing something doesn't mean that's the same for everyone. I legitimately don't give a fuck what other people think, so why would I care about them calling me names? And yeah, words have a meaning, but that doesn't mean you have to let them affect you. If you truly don't give a fuck about CaCs, why does what they say to you matter? I'm not saying you shouldn't slap one in the mouth if they call you that. How you choose to react is your choice. You just have to recognize that the ability to use the word is not power. The ability to get the reaction they want out of you by using the word is the power. I seen that shit firsthand. My cousin got fired from a 6 figure job because he beat the shit out of a white boy who called him that. Some of you niggas would cheer that shit, but he's kicking himself for it. Why? Because he knew the CaC was jealous of him and wanted him gone. The white boy called him that specifically to get the reaction. My cuz lost his job and was screwed for a little while. The white boy had to go to a couple weeks of sensitivity training and wound up tooking my cousin's spot. Who really won there?

If you really didn't care what other people thought then you wouldn't constantly get drawn into long ass debates about shit even after you've been proven wrong on shit in some attempt to show how smart you are. So again, nobody is above words affecting them and to pretend as if you're some robot who lives life w/o anything bothering them is some fake bravado bullshit.
If you really didn't care what other people thought then you wouldn't constantly get drawn into long ass debates about shit even after you've been proven wrong on shit in some attempt to show how smart you are. So again, nobody is above words affecting them and to pretend as if you're some robot who lives life w/o anything bothering them is some fake bravado bullshit.

No offense, but this is a stupid ass post.

First, I argue on here because I like arguing and sometimes I have time to waste. It's as simple as that. Debating on here has only hurt the perception people on here have of me. If I cared, wouldn't it make more sense for me not to engage in such debates?

Second, just because a lot of people on here disagree with me about something doesn't mean I've been proven wrong. If you have example of me arguing on about some shit that I know to be factually incorrect post it, if not stop making stupid claims. And what does arguing on the internet about shit have to do with being smart. That sounds like insecurity on your part. I can't think of a single argument I've had on this site that was on some intellectual shit. It's all been about social bullshit and how people choose to react to it.

Lastly, words don't hurt my feelings. It's not about being a robot or being on some fake bravado shit. Where did I say that nothing affects me? I didn't. I said I don't care what other people think about me and name calling really doesn't hurt me. Everyone has different triggers, that's just not one of mine. Why is that so hard for you to believe or understand?
Nobody really should be saying the N word period it sounds even more dumb when black people defend it, same as any other race calling their own racist terms.
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