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Can a white person ever use the N word and it not be offensive?

I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with them saying the word. I don't even like blacks saying it. Its a fad anyway that needs to die. No one was using it until rappers made it popular. It has been sensationalized for publicity and pop culture.

I don't really care about blacks saying and don't think the word as we use it needs to die, but I do dislike when black people use it around white people. That's the kinda thing that gets some of them feeling comfortable using it.
This post is a good example of why ya'll are weird to me. You're the one claiming they have an obsession with he word, and either you or someone else arguing your side claimed they know exactly how we feel about the word whenever it's used. So you guys are the ones that brought up what they think of the slur as points of debate, but then you turn around ask if it even matters. If it didn't matter, why even make those points?

Also, the last part of the post makes me question if you even understand how words work. A slur should only be offensive when it's actually being directed at a person or group. That's what makes it a slur. It's like any other insulting word. If I called you stupid then you might not like that word, and you'd be right to take offense. If I said, "The word stupid orginated in the 16th century and is derived from Latin," would you really take offense to that. This is the same situation. Can we just admit that there is not logic or reason to what you're saying here? It's all feelings based.

When i was referring to how they feel about the word i was saying it does not matter. Because they are not the offended
This post is a good example of why ya'll are weird to me. You're the one claiming they have an obsession with he word, and either you or someone else arguing your side claimed they know exactly how we feel about the word whenever it's used. So you guys are the ones that brought up what they think of the slur as points of debate, but then you turn around ask if it even matters. If it didn't matter, why even make those points?

Also, the last part of the post makes me question if you even understand how words work. A slur should only be offensive when it's actually being directed at a person or group. That's what makes it a slur. It's like any other insulting word. If I called you stupid then you might not like that word, and you'd be right to take offense. If I said, "The word stupid orginated in the 16th century and is derived from Latin," would you really take offense to that. This is the same situation. Can we just admit that there is not logic or reason to what you're saying here? It's all feelings based.

Why is something being feelings based bad? A white person getting on tv and saying "the word nigger is offensive to black people" instead of just saying n-word. Im not understanding why the emotional reaction is not valid or taken into account. Why is it this is a topic about the word nigger but not any other slur?
I don't really care about blacks saying and don't think the word as we use it needs to die, but I do dislike when black people use it around white people. That's the kinda thing that gets some of them feeling comfortable using it.
I used to work with this guy that kept saying it all loud. We be at lunch talking and he all loud "NIGGAAAAAHHHHH". Older white lady kwpt looking LOL.
Bruh, I'm not arguing against that. If that's what the discussion was about, you all would be 100% right. But Viggo didn't call anybody that word. That's the point. He used the word in a discussion about racism. So what would you have had him say when addressing the history of that word? Should he have said the "N word" instead? That's stupid. We all know what word he's talking about. Again, this ain't about some white person just randomly talking about the word for the hell of it. They made a movie set in the South about racism in the South. You can't do that and not have the word come up. It's pretty much impossible given how linked that word is with racism in general.

So why he couldnt just say the n word if we all know what he means?
Only people who get called nigger as a slur can use it. Mixed people count. White people never count. Its really nit that hard. And no just because Arabs get called sand nigger dont mean they get to.say it.

I see what you are trying to say, but that doesn't make much since either.

Who are you to judge if someone has been called something or not? LOL

Are we passing out surveys? Concensus etc? lol

there is ZERO point in trying to pass "N*gga" cards around and say: "OK, you made the list, you can now say N*gga" smh

It's just elementrary and I feel that noone should say it. h3ll! but that won't happen because my people like to try to make sense out of the senseless.
Why is something being feelings based bad? A white person getting on tv and saying "the word nigger is offensive to black people" instead of just saying n-word. Im not understanding why the emotional reaction is not valid or taken into account. Why is it this is a topic about the word nigger but not any other slur?

It's not bad, but it has to be acknowledged. A logical outcome is one that reason dictates, so every logical person should be able to come to it with some thought. When things are based on feelings, outcomes depend on the person, so you can't just assume that some will take something a certain way just because you do.

And this topic is about nigger because A) I was inspired by the incident in the OP which revolved around that word and B) no other word is surrounded by as much controversy.

So why he couldnt just say the n word if we all know what he means?

He could have and he probably should have. But from our stand point why is "the N word" any less offensive than "nigger?" How does him using code make the discussion any more palatable? Would you be ok with a CaC calling you an "N Word" instead of actually using the actual word? Of course not, so drawing that distinction is stupid.
It's not bad, but it has to be acknowledged. A logical outcome is one that reason dictates, so every logical person should be able to come to it with some thought. When things are based on feelings, outcomes depend on the person, so you can't just assume that some will take something a certain way just because you do.

And this topic is about nigger because A) I was inspired by the incident in the OP which revolved around that word and B) no other word is surrounded by as much controversy.

He could have and he probably should have. But from our stand point why is "the N word" any less offensive than "nigger?" How does him using code make the discussion any more palatable? Would you be ok with a CaC calling you an "N Word" instead of actually using the actual word? Of course not, so drawing that distinction is stupid.

If he is describing the story of the movie snd he says n word thats cool because he is acknowledging our offense. If he cslls me a dirty n word that aint cool
If he is describing the story of the movie snd he says n word thats cool because he is acknowledging our offense. If he cslls me a dirty n word that aint cool

I really don't see why that same dynamic shouldn't work for the word itself too. But you already acknowledged, its just based on your feelings. At the end of the day, you got to recognize that white people don't necessarily understand the feelings of you and others that think like you. And they have to recognize that they need to understand your feelings to respect them. It will be another century before that happens though. Nowadays it seems like people like offending and being offended.
It all depends on your level of sensitivity to the word.
Knew it. V nasty uses it and they don't say anything.

Let me ask you a question. Do you really think he thought about what he was saying that much? Is that really the most likely explanation. Or is it more probable that he honestly thought he was using the word in an inert and contextually accurate manner and didn't anticipate the backlash he'd get. Honestly. If this was a power play on his part, it was a terrible one. He wound up having to apologize publically which made him look weaker than ever.

I think a lot of what we do, maybe even most, happens below the conscious level. However, when he was speaking, his mind obviously sifted through the possible words he could have used, and in response to that word, did not tell him to stop. Why?
I think a lot of what we do, maybe even most, happens below the conscious level. However, when he was speaking, his mind obviously sifted through the possible words he could have used, and in response to that word, did not tell him to stop. Why?

Maybe, I don't think whites put as much thought into these things as you think, but who knows.
Bruh...he shouldn't be sayin it AT...ALL. i don't care how "innocent" the circumstances are.

Let's stop acting like he doesn't know how offensive that word is.

He's know EXACTLY what that word means to black folks.

He knows EXACTLY how black folks feel when people of his skin color say that word.

He knows EXACTLY the negatively that will come down on him when he said that word.

So stop giving him a pass b/c you felt it was innocent.

I don't give a damn if a white person was raised by an all black family...grew up around all black people...or date nothin but black women. It STILL does not give them a right to still say it. And no I'm not cool wit black folks giving them a pass to say it, just b/c they're cool with them. B/c if they said that shyt around other black folks who don't know them, and aren't cool wit them...then its gonna be problems for them.

All this...

I mean honestly just for safety’s sake, in the interest of you not getting fucked up, or fired, as a white person... how hard is it to not say a word?

It’s certain words I’d never say around children. Certain words I will never say in front of my daughters, mother, and sisters, out of respect.

Some shit I would never say around my pops, out of respect.

Certain shit NONE OF US will say at work out of professionalism.

And almost never slip up.

So why is it SOOOOOO hard to just not say nigger in any context?!

On top of that... his explanation and the context in which he was saying it I found absurd. He said white people saying it in the 60s didn’t know the term was offensive. Umm... what?!


I fuck with you Aragorn, but either you stupid or you think we stupid.