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Can a white person ever use the N word and it not be offensive?

I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with them saying the word. I don't even like blacks saying it. Its a fad anyway that needs to die. No one was using it until rappers made it popular. It has been sensationalized for publicity and pop culture.

That's not true at all. "Nigga" was being used among Black folks for years before any rapper ever dropped it in a song. "Nigga" has been a staple of many black communities across the country. I've often told ya'll about how growing up we didn't use the word around Saginaw except out of anger, but when we moved to Detroit everybody that was Black, and I genuinely mean EVERYBODY, was throwing "nigga" around like it was nothing.
That's not true at all. "Nigga" was being used among Black folks for years before any rapper ever dropped it in a song. "Nigga" has been a staple of many black communities across the country. I've often told ya'll about how growing up we didn't use the word around Saginaw except out of anger, but when we moved to Detroit everybody that was Black, and I genuinely mean EVERYBODY, was throwing "nigga" around like it was nothing.

I think he was referring to non-blacks when he said "no one".
All this...

I mean honestly just for safety’s sake, in the interest of you not getting fucked up, or fired, as a white person... how hard is it to not say a word?

It’s certain words I’d never say around children. Certain words I will never say in front of my daughters, mother, and sisters, out of respect.

Some shit I would never say around my pops, out of respect.

Certain shit NONE OF US will say at work out of professionalism.

And almost never slip up.

So why is it SOOOOOO hard to just not say nigger in any context?!

On top of that... his explanation and the context in which he was saying it I found absurd. He said white people saying it in the 60s didn’t know the term was offensive. Umm... what?!

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I fuck with you Aragorn, but either you stupid or you think we stupid.

Cause they don't think that way. Like I said before, the decent ones understand that it's bad and it shouldn't be used against blacks. They don't really understand that there is a problem using it in benign circumstances because that really makes no logical sense. That's why I made the feelings based comment. You can't just assume that any and all white people understand it's that deep. If they don't have black acquaintances to tell them that, all they really have to go on is their best judgment will more than likely be wrong as far as blacks are concerned.
I didn't act like anything. I don't think it helps anybody to allow themselves to be hurt over namecalling, but I didn't say I fault people for being against the slur.

Maybe you do want to read the actual OP before commenting because the impetus for the proposed discussion had nothing to do with anyone being called the slur.

As far as elementary school lessons go, you were also supposed to learn not to let words hurt you. Or did you miss that part and cry every time someone said something mean to you?

The "don't let words hurt you" thing is some of the dumbest shit ever. Of course words can hurt and they can bother people. Words have meaning and to pretend "Words shouldn't hurt you" comes off like a way of saying words don't have power when we all know that to be false. Is there a difference between breaking down when somebody says something you don't like vs simply saying "I don't like that shit"...yes. But to pretend that words can't/shouldn't hurt people isn't realistic at all...even for people who claim they don't
As far as the o/p...I can literally only hear it from a non black person within the context of a discussion about said word...and that's simply because I think using the phrase "the n word" is insulting as fuck...and even within those discussions I only have a tolerance to hear it said once just to establish what is being spoken about and after that it's on your own risk of my or any other black person's reaction if you want to say it again.
I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with them saying the word. I don't even like blacks saying it. Its a fad anyway that needs to die. No one was using it until rappers made it popular. It has been sensationalized for publicity and pop culture.

That's a damn lie. Nigga has been slang for black folks for decades before anybody ever spun a damn record and started rapping over it.
That's a damn lie. Nigga has been slang for black folks for decades before anybody ever spun a damn record and started rapping over it.
No it isn't a lie. It wasn't mainstream. My parents generation wasn't using it. It was a term, but people weren't walking down the street calling each other niggas like you see today. Its irrelevant either way. This is about white people using it. Really.
That's not true at all. "Nigga" was being used among Black folks for years before any rapper ever dropped it in a song. "Nigga" has been a staple of many black communities across the country. I've often told ya'll about how growing up we didn't use the word around Saginaw except out of anger, but when we moved to Detroit everybody that was Black, and I genuinely mean EVERYBODY, was throwing "nigga" around like it was nothing.
Must be a Detroit thing. My family from the south and I never heard that word regularly til the 90s. My mother used to tell me not to use it. Kids weren't saying it either but this thread isn't about that so Ok.
The "don't let words hurt you" thing is some of the dumbest shit ever. Of course words can hurt and they can bother people. Words have meaning and to pretend "Words shouldn't hurt you" comes off like a way of saying words don't have power when we all know that to be false. Is there a difference between breaking down when somebody says something you don't like vs simply saying "I don't like that shit"...yes. But to pretend that words can't/shouldn't hurt people isn't realistic at all...even for people who claim they don't

Don't speak beyond your own scope. Just because you're incapable of doing something doesn't mean that's the same for everyone. I legitimately don't give a fuck what other people think, so why would I care about them calling me names? And yeah, words have a meaning, but that doesn't mean you have to let them affect you. If you truly don't give a fuck about CaCs, why does what they say to you matter? I'm not saying you shouldn't slap one in the mouth if they call you that. How you choose to react is your choice. You just have to recognize that the ability to use the word is not power. The ability to get the reaction they want out of you by using the word is the power. I seen that shit firsthand. My cousin got fired from a 6 figure job because he beat the shit out of a white boy who called him that. Some of you niggas would cheer that shit, but he's kicking himself for it. Why? Because he knew the CaC was jealous of him and wanted him gone. The white boy called him that specifically to get the reaction. My cuz lost his job and was screwed for a little while. The white boy had to go to a couple weeks of sensitivity training and wound up tooking my cousin's spot. Who really won there?
The term "Nigga" is not acceptable by anyone or race. People down south usually call each other nigga that are long time friends. I would personally feel some type of way if a black person i met yesterday called me nigga.
The term "Nigga" is not acceptable by anyone or race. People down south usually call each other nigga that are long time friends. I would personally feel some type of way if a black person i met yesterday called me nigga.

That aint a southern thing at all
I'm more disappointed that they shoved in a white protagonist for the movie.

The rest looks like blah, blah, white excuses.
Don't speak beyond your own scope. Just because you're incapable of doing something doesn't mean that's the same for everyone. I legitimately don't give a fuck what other people think, so why would I care about them calling me names? And yeah, words have a meaning, but that doesn't mean you have to let them affect you. If you truly don't give a fuck about CaCs, why does what they say to you matter? I'm not saying you shouldn't slap one in the mouth if they call you that. How you choose to react is your choice. You just have to recognize that the ability to use the word is not power. The ability to get the reaction they want out of you by using the word is the power. I seen that shit firsthand. My cousin got fired from a 6 figure job because he beat the shit out of a white boy who called him that. Some of you niggas would cheer that shit, but he's kicking himself for it. Why? Because he knew the CaC was jealous of him and wanted him gone. The white boy called him that specifically to get the reaction. My cuz lost his job and was screwed for a little while. The white boy had to go to a couple weeks of sensitivity training and wound up tooking my cousin's spot. Who really won there?

Black people take ls like this all the time by not beating white boy ass how do we know he wouldnt have tried to do more to provoke your cousin?
Black people take ls like this all the time by not beating white boy ass how do we know he wouldnt have tried to do more to provoke your cousin?

He probably would have tried, but eventually he would have crossed a line and fucked himself up. They didn't actually want to fire my cousin because he was so good. But in the professional arena, you kinda cross a line when beat the shit out of a coworker.