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Can a white person ever use the N word and it not be offensive?

I know I’m not black and fully get where you’re coming from but honestly I think where you live is a huge factor in it. I say that because where I’m from people use that word loosely with their black friends and even non black friends and I do mean the person using it isn’t black on any level. No need to no-sign me or wack me seeing I’m just saying it like it is here on my side of the map.
I know I’m not black and fully get where you’re coming from but honestly I think where you live is a huge factor in it. I say that because where I’m from people use that word loosely with their black friends and even non black friends and I do mean the person using it isn’t black on any level. No need to no-sign me or wack me seeing I’m just saying it like it is here on my side of the map.

Nah, 'cause I've checked a number of young Mexican cats for it when I lived in Phoenix, especially over in Maryvale. All it took was a "Yo... what did you just say???" with my eyebrow raised and that got the message across.

Once or twice I had to flip it and started referring to the dude I was talking to as spic and wetback just as casually as he was lettin nigga fly out his mouth and when he got mad I just let him know "Now you get where I'm coming from. You don't like me saying that shit? Then don't let nigga come out of your mouth."
Nah, 'cause I've checked a number of young Mexican cats for it when I lived in Phoenix, especially over in Maryvale. All it took was a "Yo... what did you just say???" with my eyebrow raised and that got the message across.

Once or twice I had to flip it and started referring to the dude I was talking to as spic and wetback just as casually as he was lettin nigga fly out his mouth and when he got mad I just let him know "Now you get where I'm coming from. You don't like me saying that shit? Then don't let nigga come out of your mouth."
I’m just stating how things are where I’m from nothing more nothing less but I believe you though. It may happen here but not to likely.
I didn't act like anything. I don't think it helps anybody to allow themselves to be hurt over namecalling, but I didn't say I fault people for being against the slur.

Maybe you do want to read the actual OP before commenting because the impetus for the proposed discussion had nothing to do with anyone being called the slur.

As far as elementary school lessons go, you were also supposed to learn not to let words hurt you. Or did you miss that part and cry every time someone said something mean to you?

I read the op. Viggo did not need to.say nigger to make his point whites have an obsession with it. Im sure youve never been insulted ever and abusive language has no impact on you. But if you understand why people take offense to any slur their is really no point to the question.
Yes. An example of such a time would be OP. That said, sometimes it's like white people so badly wanna say nigga in front of black people they try crowbar it into conversation. Also, I hate white women thinkin' its OK to post memes and shit with nigga in it. Saw one this mornin' it said "I need to me a nigga who treats me like this.." smh disgustin'
Can a white person ever use the N word and it not be offensive?

Apparently not...

European Caucasians created that word to degrade Black Africans as sub human...

So in whatever circumstance the word is uttered... It is offensive coming from a White person

The abomination of trans Atlantic slavery brought us here...
Nah, I have a problem with them saying it in movies. Don't get me started on that piece of shit Tarantino

There was a few people putting on the cape for that muthafucka on the IC. Some of them are on here too.

The word should have never been embraced in the first place.
There was a few people putting on the cape for that muthafucka on the IC. Some of them are on here too.

The word should have never been embraced in the first place.

Samuel L. Jackson puts on the biggest Cape of them all

I thought he was an icon amongst Black people?
I read the op. Viggo did not need to.say nigger to make his point whites have an obsession with it. Im sure youve never been insulted ever and abusive language has no impact on you. But if you understand why people take offense to any slur their is really no point to the question.

lol I've been insulted plenty of times. Who hasn't? And you still haven't given an actual reason why a person shouldn't be allowed to say a word when they are discussing the impact of that word. I'm not sure why what happened with Viggo fits your mind as being obsessed with the word. I mean if you're having a discussion about the racist actions of whites in the South, that word is going to come up eventually. You're right that he didn't have to say the actual word, but I still disagree with the sentiment you seem to have that white people think about that word the same way blacks do. To them, context matters. To a lot of blacks, it just doesn't.
You on West coast? They seem to to be cool with that shit. No none blacks say Nigga in Maryland.
lol I've been insulted plenty of times. Who hasn't? And you still haven't given an actual reason why a person shouldn't be allowed to say a word when they are discussing the impact of that word. I'm not sure why what happened with Viggo fits your mind as being obsessed with the word. I mean if you're having a discussion about the racist actions of whites in the South, that word is going to come up eventually. You're right that he didn't have to say the actual word, but I still disagree with the sentiment you seem to have that white people think about that word the same way blacks do. To them, context matters. To a lot of blacks, it just doesn't.

Does it matter what they think of the slur used against us? We say fag in this group but nobody is walking up to gay guys trying to explain the context of the word fag. How can tge intent not be offensive when the word itself is a slur? I see what 5th letter was talking about. You just being contrary for the sake of.
idgaf if a white person says nigga or not. Fuck i look like, the word police. If i gave a fuck every time a white person did or said something racist, id be in a constant state of anger. They dont rent space in my head, i refuse to give them that power. foh
To be honest, I don't know why Black people want to cling so hard to being offended by a word.

Full disclosure, I'm not a sensitive person, so words in general don't hurt me. I'll never fully understand why people let shit like that hurt them. So, I don't think my view on this is fair, but something like what happened with Viggo strikes me as silly. You'd be hard-pressed to hear what he was saying and think he was trying to be offensive towards black people.

Power and respect. If someone is not even willing to call you what you tell them to call you, which you demand to be called, or not called, they do not respect you. If they do not respect you, then you do not have much power in your relations and general interactions with them. When these people dominate the wealth and resources in society, permeate and overrule you in every level of education and government, and by-and-large control the distribution of the desired things in life, it is a huge problem that they do not respect you, because it belies an obstacle for Black people to ultimately have equal power.

So, are you saying you're against racial equality, bruh? Or you gonna slap the next white dude who tries to be Viggo?
idgaf if a white person says nigga or not. Fuck i look like, the word police. If i gave a fuck every time a white person did or said something racist, id be in a constant state of anger. They dont rent space in my head, i refuse to give them that power. foh

If you were called a 'nigger' by a white person then what?
Does it matter what they think of the slur used against us? We say fag in this group but nobody is walking up to gay guys trying to explain the context of the word fag. How can tge intent not be offensive when the word itself is a slur? I see what 5th letter was talking about. You just being contrary for the sake of.

This post is a good example of why ya'll are weird to me. You're the one claiming they have an obsession with he word, and either you or someone else arguing your side claimed they know exactly how we feel about the word whenever it's used. So you guys are the ones that brought up what they think of the slur as points of debate, but then you turn around ask if it even matters. If it didn't matter, why even make those points?

Also, the last part of the post makes me question if you even understand how words work. A slur should only be offensive when it's actually being directed at a person or group. That's what makes it a slur. It's like any other insulting word. If I called you stupid then you might not like that word, and you'd be right to take offense. If I said, "The word stupid orginated in the 16th century and is derived from Latin," would you really take offense to that. This is the same situation. Can we just admit that there is not logic or reason to what you're saying here? It's all feelings based.
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Power and respect. If someone is not even willing to call you what you tell them to call you, which you demand to be called, or not called, they do not respect you. If they do not respect you, then you do not have much power in your relations and general interactions with them. When these people dominate the wealth and resources in society, permeate and overrule you in every level of education and government, and by-and-large control the distribution of the desired things in life, it is a huge problem that they do not respect you, because it belies an obstacle for Black people to ultimately have equal power.

So, are you saying you're against racial equality, bruh? Or you gonna slap the next white dude who tries to be Viggo?

Bruh, I'm not arguing against that. If that's what the discussion was about, you all would be 100% right. But Viggo didn't call anybody that word. That's the point. He used the word in a discussion about racism. So what would you have had him say when addressing the history of that word? Should he have said the "N word" instead? That's stupid. We all know what word he's talking about. Again, this ain't about some white person just randomly talking about the word for the hell of it. They made a movie set in the South about racism in the South. You can't do that and not have the word come up. It's pretty much impossible given how linked that word is with racism in general.
Bruh, I'm not arguing against that. If that's what the discussion was about, you all would be 100% right. But Viggo didn't call anybody that word. That's the point. He used the word in a discussion about racism. So what would you have had him say when addressing the history of that word? Should he have said the "N word" instead? That's stupid. We all know what word he's talking about. Again, this ain't about some white person just randomly talking about the word for the hell of it. They made a movie set in the South about racism in the South. You can't do that and not have the word come up. It's pretty much impossible given how linked that word is with racism in general.

It isn't stupid. It's precisely about power. Black folks are trying to say "dont say that word, it bothers us" and white people refuse to yield. Why did he have to say the word, when he knows it's offensive? Because he didn't want to yield to that power...until the establishment came down on him for it.

It's the same for a lot of gendered language. Feminist types get salty when you say the c-word even when it's not directed at someone
It isn't stupid. It's precisely about power. Black folks are trying to say "dont say that word, it bothers us" and white people refuse to yield. Why did he have to say the word, when he knows it's offensive? Because he didn't want to yield to that power...until the establishment came down on him for it.

It's the same for a lot of gendered language. Feminist types get salty when you say the c-word even when it's not directed at someone

Let me ask you a question. Do you really think he thought about what he was saying that much? Is that really the most likely explanation. Or is it more probable that he honestly thought he was using the word in an inert and contextually accurate manner and didn't anticipate the backlash he'd get. Honestly. If this was a power play on his part, it was a terrible one. He wound up having to apologize publically which made him look weaker than ever.
I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with them saying the word. I don't even like blacks saying it. Its a fad anyway that needs to die. No one was using it until rappers made it popular. It has been sensationalized for publicity and pop culture.