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Can a white person ever use the N word and it not be offensive?

The Lonious Monk

Celestial Souljah
So what is the group consensus here on this subject? I thought about making this topic after seeing this article.


Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn from Lord of the Rings) was recently doing a presser for a movie he did that touched on racism in the South. He was making the point that some things have changed such as people not feeling its ok to casually say the N-word. The problem was that he didn't say "N-word." He said the actual word. Of course he got a lot of blowback for that and was forced to apologize.

The question is, is this really a big deal? In context, he wasn't using the word to be offensive, he speaking about the differences in how society perceives the word's use. What does outrage over something like this buy us? I'm not really sure why people would be upset over something like this, but if blacks in general don't want to hear whites use the word under any circumstance, I think that's fair as long as it's acknowledged in that way.
So what is the group consensus here on this subject? I thought about making this topic after seeing this article.


Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn from Lord of the Rings) was recently doing a presser for a movie he did that touched on racism in the South. He was making the point that some things have changed such as people not feeling its ok to casually say the N-word. The problem was that he didn't say "N-word." He said the actual word. Of course he got a lot of blowback for that and was forced to apologize.

The question is, is this really a big deal? In context, he wasn't using the word to be offensive, he speaking about the differences in how society perceives the word's use. What does outrage over something like this buy us? I'm not really sure why people would be upset over something like this, but if blacks in general don't want to hear whites use the word under any circumstance, I think that's fair as long as it's acknowledged in that way.

Nah, I have a problem with them saying it in movies. Don't get me started on that piece of shit Tarantino

The debate is getting old. If you say no whites can say N*gga , what measurements are used to deduce which mixed folks can say N*gga?

Key and Peel are both mixed - One white parent and one black parent. - but we laugh when they say it.

So is there a measurement tool that we all will get a copy of to make sure the person using the word is more black than white hahaha.

It's hilarious, I personally don't want anyone lighter than myself saying it to me at all and I do my best not to say the word around those with melanin deficiencies so as to not make them feel comfortable enough to try me.

But some complain and then turn around and let their "hood" white homie call them all kinds of N*ggas.

I get the respect issue but because there is no consistency in anything we EVER complain about... it won't go anywhere.
To be honest, I don't know why Black people want to cling so hard to being offended by a word.

Full disclosure, I'm not a sensitive person, so words in general don't hurt me. I'll never fully understand why people let shit like that hurt them. So, I don't think my view on this is fair, but something like what happened with Viggo strikes me as silly. You'd be hard pressed to hear what he was saying and think he was trying to be offensive towards black people.
Da fucc??

If white folks wanna know if it's ok to say it...tell them to find the nearest hood...locate a group of black folks outside...walk up to them...then say it.

They'll have their answer...while laying in the ER
Da fucc??

If white folks wanna know if it's ok to say it...tell them to find the nearest hood...locate a group of black folks outside...walk up to them...then say it.

They'll have their answer...while laying in the ER

Like I always say, I don't care how white people feel about things. I'm asking for us. To what extent is it productive for us to catch feelings every time that words is uttered. Any white person that is pressed to say that word is suspect to me. However, if the word is uttered under seemingly innocent circumstances such as what happened with Viggo, is that really cause to go off?
So what is the group consensus here on this subject? I thought about making this topic after seeing this article.


Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn from Lord of the Rings) was recently doing a presser for a movie he did that touched on racism in the South. He was making the point that some things have changed such as people not feeling its ok to casually say the N-word. The problem was that he didn't say "N-word." He said the actual word. Of course he got a lot of blowback for that and was forced to apologize.

The question is, is this really a big deal? In context, he wasn't using the word to be offensive, he speaking about the differences in how society perceives the word's use. What does outrage over something like this buy us? I'm not really sure why people would be upset over something like this, but if blacks in general don't want to hear whites use the word under any circumstance, I think that's fair as long as it's acknowledged in that way.

The stupidity of the question is why i didnt read none of this shit

The debate is getting old. If you say no whites can say N*gga , what measurements are used to deduce which mixed folks can say N*gga?

Key and Peel are both mixed - One white parent and one black parent. - but we laugh when they say it.

So is there a measurement tool that we all will get a copy of to make sure the person using the word is more black than white hahaha.

It's hilarious, I personally don't want anyone lighter than myself saying it to me at all and I do my best not to say the word around those with melanin deficiencies so as to not make them feel comfortable enough to try me.

But some complain and then turn around and let their "hood" white homie call them all kinds of N*ggas.

I get the respect issue but because there is no consistency in anything we EVER complain about... it won't go anywhere.

Only people who get called nigger as a slur can use it. Mixed people count. White people never count. Its really nit that hard. And no just because Arabs get called sand nigger dont mean they get to.say it.
Like I always say, I don't care how white people feel about things. I'm asking for us. To what extent is it productive for us to catch feelings every time that words is uttered. Any white person that is pressed to say that word is suspect to me. However, if the word is uttered under seemingly innocent circumstances such as what happened with Viggo, is that really cause to go off?

You act like a race not wanting to be called a slur somehow hinders us? Words have meaning thats why people get insulted. I mean we learned this in elementary school.
You act like a race not wanting to be called a slur somehow hinders us? Words have meaning thats why people get insulted. I mean we learned this in elementary school.

I didn't act like anything. I don't think it helps anybody to allow themselves to be hurt over namecalling, but I didn't say I fault people for being against the slur.

Maybe you do want to read the actual OP before commenting because the impetus for the proposed discussion had nothing to do with anyone being called the slur.

As far as elementary school lessons go, you were also supposed to learn not to let words hurt you. Or did you miss that part and cry every time someone said something mean to you?
Like I always say, I don't care how white people feel about things. I'm asking for us. To what extent is it productive for us to catch feelings every time that words is uttered. Any white person that is pressed to say that word is suspect to me. However, if the word is uttered under seemingly innocent circumstances such as what happened with Viggo, is that really cause to go off?

Bruh...he shouldn't be sayin it AT...ALL. i don't care how "innocent" the circumstances are.

Let's stop acting like he doesn't know how offensive that word is.

He's know EXACTLY what that word means to black folks.

He knows EXACTLY how black folks feel when people of his skin color say that word.

He knows EXACTLY the negatively that will come down on him when he said that word.

So stop giving him a pass b/c you felt it was innocent.

I don't give a damn if a white person was raised by an all black family...grew up around all black people...or date nothin but black women. It STILL does not give them a right to still say it. And no I'm not cool wit black folks giving them a pass to say it, just b/c they're cool with them. B/c if they said that shyt around other black folks who don't know them, and aren't cool wit them...then its gonna be problems for them.
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Bruh...he shouldn't be sayin it AT...ALL. i don't care how "innocent" the circumstances are.

Let's stop acting like he doesn't know how offensive that word is.

He's know EXACTLY what that word means to black folks.

He knows EXACTLY how black folks feel when people of his skin color say that word.

He knows EXACTLY the negatively that will come down on him when he said that word.

So stop giving him a pass b/c you felt it was innocent.

I don't give a damn if a white person was raised by an all black family...grew up around all black people...or date nothin but black women. It STILL does not give them a right to still say it. And no I'm not cool wit black folks giving them a pass to say it, just b/c they're cool with them. B/c if they said that shyt around other black folks who don't know them, and are cool wit them...then its gonna be problems for them.

What pass am I giving him? Dude got checked for using the wrong. I didn't say that was right or wrong. Me saying his use of the word was innocent isn't a pass, it's just facts. He wasn't calling anyone that word. He was explaining the relevance of his movie to today's society.

Again, if ya'll think that white people should be checked for any and every usage of the word, that's fine. I don't care one way or the other. But I do think you're wrong to suggest that white people understand how black people feel about that word. They don't and they can't. They know it's not a good word, but they could never understand what that word means to us because there is no such analog for them.
I didn't act like anything. I don't think it helps anybody to allow themselves to be hurt over namecalling, but I didn't say I fault people for being against the slur.

Maybe you do want to read the actual OP before commenting because the impetus for the proposed discussion had nothing to do with anyone being called the slur.

As far as elementary school lessons go, you were also supposed to learn not to let words hurt you. Or did you miss that part and cry every time someone said something mean to you?

You can't dictate how people will respond being called that slur because it wouldn't affect you.
You can't dictate how people will respond being called that slur because it wouldn't affect you.

I'm not trying to. I'm not sure why you guys are claiming that. I said I don't understand it because words don't affect me like that, but people react how they react. It's not my place to dictate anything.
Bruh...he shouldn't be sayin it AT...ALL. i don't care how "innocent" the circumstances are.

Let's stop acting like he doesn't know how offensive that word is.

He's know EXACTLY what that word means to black folks.

He knows EXACTLY how black folks feel when people of his skin color say that word.

He knows EXACTLY the negatively that will come down on him when he said that word.

So stop giving him a pass b/c you felt it was innocent.

I don't give a damn if a white person was raised by an all black family...grew up around all black people...or date nothin but black women. It STILL does not give them a right to still say it. And no I'm not cool wit black folks giving them a pass to say it, just b/c they're cool with them. B/c if they said that shyt around other black folks who don't know them, and are cool wit them...then its gonna be problems for them.

all that... and yet...

^^^ This shit flies somehow, some kind of way.