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Broke Men of ABW, TK Kirkland Would Like A Word With You

If you wanna fuck and they wanna fuck…y’all should fuck.

I have nothing else to contribute to this.

When you listen to stories TK tells about the women he gets & how he gets them, it becomes obvious why he thinks this way.
So if all of y'all can get cat so easily while being broke...why do men complain so much about women using them for free meals or being gold diggers?

it's funny, 'cause back inna day when I was 18-early 20's, taking a date to Friday's, Ruby Tuesday's, Red Lobster, or the like was not frowned upon. Then I hit my 30's and I heard my single friends talmbout dinner and a movie like $200-$300 and me and my wife was like "dafuq y'all going???". Now that I'm approaching 50 I got women saying they would be absolutely happy with simply hitting a fuckin coffee house or some shit like that for a date so there's a serious disconnect somewhere out here.
So if all of y'all can get cat so easily while being broke...why do men complain so much about women using them for free meals or being gold diggers?
Women never used me for food or money..... They just like being around me

Says sex and love is for men that accomplished something and that you shouldn't be fuckin unless you got 25k disposable income.


Majority of men in the United States wouldn't have sex and there will be no more workers in the US. Unless all wealthy people are having children with all the women in the country.