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Broke Men of ABW, TK Kirkland Would Like A Word With You

I'm good. Figured I bullshit with yall til this UCONN Tennessee game start. How the bay treating you?
It’s cool. Learning my way around.
Expensive as hell. Didn’t get a chance to hit Kingston 11 yet. But your treat right?
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Any man with $25k in cash just sitting in a bank not earning more than 4% interest is a dumbass.

the most you should have liquid is enough for a hotel room to cover the time it takes to get to the other money that’s making you more money.

shit, I bet most of y’all have more cash than I have in my US account.
Nah, i need 3-6 mos liquid fam lol. It can earn next to nothing (which it is smh)

After that, I'm going all in on stocks and real estate
I used to listen to his pod when it first started shit was hilarious.

He also said don't mess with people that live in bad neighborhoods 😂
My uncle did this with his sons. Told em don't bring any chicks around unless u have $10k in the bank and can support them on your own if she gets preg.

Seemed to work out for em 🤷

guess he was to dumb to say just use protection:lol10:
Funny enough, i changed my mind and agree with him now.

Cause peep game.

I think the number was at 70% of the population doesnt have enough money to cover car repairs if their car breaks down.

In that case, if they make it a rule where a man cant fuck unless he have 25k in the bank, then ima get all the pussy in the world.
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