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Broke Men of ABW, TK Kirkland Would Like A Word With You

In another country that dowry can involve pre-arranged marriages, adults marrying children, grooming.
It can demand a level of submissiveness that US culture would consider gender discriminating and misogynistic.
If you're gonna bring that in as an example you'll have to include all of it.
Honestly, it's irrelevant to American culture so we really shouldn't bother with it.

My only problem with what he said is the 25K number he threw out.
It's been proven for centuries that you can make a relationship work with much less.
Got you.

However...protecting and providing for your woman/family is literally the bare minimum of manhood across all cultures. Just like being nurturing is bare minimum of womanhood. TK is a doof and I disagree with his point, but just for sake of argument, your finances are correlated with your ability to protect and provide. It's not everything, but it's not irrelevant.
Yall brokey's still out here having unprotected bank acct sex?
