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He's never getting released................................


Book it.

I wont say all that.

All ill say is, with espionage cases, its usually trading a spy for a spy. And if the spy they have is someone they know to be a senior operative, than its multiple spies for a spy.

And if they feel the mfer stole crucial ass info, then he aint ever getting out.
Speaking of jail experience

a nigga got booked for a few hrs on some drunk shit

2 things I remember is the cells are cold as shit

and a nigga tried to press me for my sweater lmao

Yo..ha ha the time I was in a holding ceil I had a nig across from me in another holding ceil kept asking me to get him out, when I get out.

Kept saying yo can you help me out! Like he never stopped asking me. it was every 2 mins for the 2 hours I was in there...

Then my dude ask if I can let him borrow some money to get hisself out or could I get him a sandwich...
Before we deployed part of our pre-deployment training was to be trained and educated on all of our former and current military personnel who were or have been held captive by other nations. This included knowing as much information as we could as to way they were being held so that we wouldn't go on Facebook and shout "FREE SGT So and So" and look dumb ass fuck and also put us all at risk.

The shit is funny to see all the "we left a Marine behind" when the Marines didn't even want him. Again that's not to say he should be locked up in Russia but more to how easy it is to get Americans to rally behind some pro military shit without them even realizing it
member that wild shit @deadeye was talkin?


This is how the story ends, old man.

wrong again.

Oh and I’m unignoring you today just to see your spin on all this.

First of all, what wild shit was I talking?

Things could've very easily played out the way I thought they would.

Luckily for her, they didn't.

I'm glad she's free and doesn't have to spend 9 years of hard labor in a penal colony.

Second of all:

What kind of quote/unquote............"spin"............were you expecting me to have on this?

If there's a lesson to be learned, it's to make yourself familiar with the laws of any country you plan on travelling to........and don't be careless enough to put yourself at risk of violating, and subsequently...........being punished for breaking those laws.

Again, she's lucky her story ended the way that it did.

Other people in similar situations haven't been as fortunate.
Lmaoooo. 100%

I had to spend a night a few times. All I can say is, I understand the whole I been to jail once and I aint going back shit

Lol homeboy spent a weekend and said that shit like high school with no girls. Not to mention in the South our jails have plantation names.
Lol at some of y’all taking these jokes seriously this bitch wouldn’t give two fucks if any of y’all was wrongfully detained or put in jail. Niggas acting like they just freed Nelson Mandela or somebody.

who cares? I be hype when ppl are no longer stuck inside a jail cell especially over petty drug charges
