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Let me just say this.............................

Y'all know I be on point with my political takes. In this particular case I actually have personal experience with similar situations.

With that being said, a lot of y'all niggas need to sit this one out.


Y'all not making the arguments and points that you think you're making because there's too much shit that you need to know to fully understand the situation and you'll never know unless you are in a similar situation where you actually get to see how this is done.

It's okay to offer your take but you don't need to make statements about a situation as layered as this without having the capacity to discuss it.
When I was in Afghanistan in 2013 one of the Afghani translators was threatened with his life if he continued to work with us. We only had 9 Marines in our platoon. One Navy Corpsman who was our doctor. One translator. One day he just literally didn't show up for work. There are certain parts out there that we simply could not navigate due to the culture and danger of the area. We found out within 2 hours of that day that he had been TAKEN against his will. They (Afghanistan) tried to doctor up some flimsy war crimes and accusations against him but since he was working as an asset and ally to the United States he was a protected U.S. citizen.

Y'all, We thought that we were literally going to run up on some lil ass town out there on some action movie shit looking for a translator. How is this similar to the situation with BG? That incident was resolved within 4 hours. Negotiations and concessions were made on both the U.S. and Afghanistan side. This went all the way up the chain of command all the way to President Obama. At the time, we had around 43 prisoners on our base and they had 7 U.S. assets (I'm calling them assets because some were citizens and some were not) in their prison. One of the biggest sticking points was a road that was largely being occupied by the Taliban and the Afghani soldiers did not have the capability to defend and overtake that territory. They took our translator and tried to get us to negotiate concession on defending that road. That road was a key passage way for large military freight.

In case y'all don't know this, since we've been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2002 one of the major things that we (United States) do is sell our old military equipment to other nations instead of shipping it back to the 50 states. Basically it cost more to ship a Tank or MRAP back to the US then it does to sell it elsewhere. So that's what we do and when I was there we did a lot of selling. So at the time the Afghans were not getting the lions share of our used vehicles. We actually sent more shit to Israel then any other nation but that's another story for another day......................

But the Afghans wanted more support for defending that road. They ended up getting just that too. We gave up more concessions than them but at the end of the day the issue was resolved. I remember the Spring after I got back we were watching TV in our shop and they were having a discussion on the news and they were absolutely going in on Obama talking shit about how he's a terrible negotiator and he has no backbone and basically you could tell that someone close to our situation had leaked information to the media but here's the problem. The information that was leaked was a doctored right wing version of the events that took place but I vividly remember seeing niggas on Facebook all the way back home in Cleveland fucking Ohio who had never even been south of the Mason Dixon line just firing of a bunch of anti Obama takes and I couldn't believe how easily manipulated and uninformed niggas allow themselves to get.

So when it comes to BG I'll say that there's sooooooo much shit that has and still has went into this situation that we are so far removed from and there's no logical way that any nigga sitting right here on the internet is even close to being on point.

But that doesn't matter because I can already see the discussion has been taken over by a lot of the niggas that love to sow discourse between Black women and Black men and LGBTQ people. I would really like to see niggas put their thinking caps down and just open your eyes and ears and close your mouth and obsorb some knowledge about the situation.

Happy for BG.
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I don't know about the guy that was left except he's a marine. Being in the military or govt and in that kind of nation is risky. I know someone who was in the military and then govt and he's not allowed in communist nations because he could be considered a spy to them

Glad she's back but I think this was a horrible trade. She should be extra careful when traveling overseas now
Reason why im not saying all this is cause we have no idea what the US agreed to with the arms dealer.

No clue if they cut a deal and flipped him before sending him back to russia, etc.

Cant sit here and always be like fuck the CIA and how dirty they are, and then also act like they did a 1 to 1 trade between a known arms dealer and a wbna player.

Again, idk. Just saying, we have no clue the leverage the CIA was able to gain on the arms dealer before they sent him back.

I would just like to point out that Viktor Bout was arrested under the Bush Administration in 2008 and later extradited to to US under the Obama administration in 2010. There's no deal cutting and flipping going on here.
Let me put it this way.

America's objective of containing Russia by having the Ukraine join the West against Russia, started a fucking war, that facilitated billions of dollars worth of weapons to be put into the region.

The West's creating the state of Israel as a client military power of the West in the Middle East kicked a fucking nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

But America has convinced Americans that a man that was selling weapons from Bulgaria is a dangerous shadowy figure.e

When the country that started the nuclear arms race...is America after the use of the atomic bomb.

The country that continues to spend billions of dollars on other countries militaries while enforcing arms embargoes on their enemies that makes guys like Viktor Bout necessary is America.

The West has just gotten comfortable with the fact the biggest baddest bully on the block is on their side.

They don't have to deal with a foreign governments supplying their enemies advanced weapons. They don't have to deal with foreign governments meddling in their affairs and telling them what to do or else they are gonna be cut off from the world unable to get medicine and shit. They don't have to deal with America and her allies deciding who will rule over them.

So of course Victor Bout will be perceived as the worst possible actor that needs to be locked away.

But for most the world, it's America and her NGOs and military members and intelligence members and military contractors that are embedded in every continent.

That's more dangerous than a single arms dealer.

That has more bodies than a single arms dealers.
And this is no shot at Whelan personally but the whole "we left a Marine behind" thing is just more evidence of people being sold pro US propaganda about the military because dude was court martialed in 2008. Not saying he deserves to be locked up just saying the wording used to describe him is being used intentionally to drum up emotions from people because of much military members are lauded as heroes.

Before we deployed part of our pre-deployment training was to be trained and educated on all of our former and current military personnel who were or have been held captive by other nations. This included knowing as much information as we could as to way they were being held so that we wouldn't go on Facebook and shout "FREE SGT So and So" and look dumb ass fuck and also put us all at risk.
Wow. Credit to them. Guess getting dude really was impossible.

I dont think i could be this classy and gracious if it was my fam that was still detained.

He's never getting released................................


Book it.