bring him to abw

If y'all think these conversations are only happening online, you are naive, at best.

They occur more online than they do in real life.

My proof?

Just being out in public and observing various couples.

Basically, what's discussed online doesn't seem to reflect what can be seen in real life.

There isn't a plethora of women walking around with 6'8" baller/"high value men" niggas making over a million dollars a year.

There isn't an abundance of women looking past average, 9-5....working class dudes and thinking they're too good for them.

Single women with children get pursued and wifed up all the time.

Women in their 40's and 50's and older are still being pursued and getting married.

They're not all quote/unquote............"dying alone."

Men are still spending money on women.........taking them out on dates..........dinner............paying bills.........etc.

So, again.......for the most part.......this "gender war" is only referring to a specific subset/subculture of people.

Not the mainstream.
  • Ether
Reactions: Chicity
lol @ people who act like the people who post on social media, Youtube, etc... don't actually live in the real world. Yes, these conversations happen in real life. The same people that say this shit in comments sections online walk around saying the same shit in person.
lol @ people who act like the people who post on social media, Youtube, etc... don't actually live in the real world. Yes, these conversations happen in real life. The same people that say this shit in comments sections online walk around saying the same shit in person. an extent.

What they say doesn't always correspond with what they do and how they live their lives.

That's like someone saying they need at least $500,000/year to live a comfortable life.

Yet, in reality, they're barely getting by on $60,000/yr.

I suppose what they're saying about needing $500K/yr to be comfortable is true, but it doesn't reflect how they're actually living.

Same thing with these birds on facebook yapping about how much money a man has to make and how tall he has to be in order to get with her........but, in real life, the men they're with don't meet any of their criteria.
All this stuff is crazy to me.

If you are single and dont want to be, go find you someone. Find them on social media, online dating, grocery store, at a bar, through friends, etc.

Its so many single people out there, and its multiple people out there for everyone.

If you single by choice, you good.

If you single and cant find someone in these days and times, the issue is probably you.

Do some soul searching and figure out why you single rather than all that other shit talking about "women nowadays" or "men nowadays"
He's right, it is feminism. Women finally can be their own person, not defined by if they're married or not. Men are just freaking out at the prospect they GONNA DIE ALONE.


you got your resources together, it’s always a younger girl who’ll take her place

not really the same.....

you got your resources together, it’s always a younger girl who’ll take her place

not really the same.....
Only if you got the cash to make that young ass love you, right. And most don't, well they're not stacked enough for that kind of devotion. And if she cute and perky and in love with some wrinkly old ass 80yr old, she got issues...deep ones.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mafuzzychef
I got that same purple rain shirt
Me too from target!

First of all most women (Black, White, Asian, Latina, Arab, etc.) aren't that pretty. I mean, in a room of 100 random women, there's probably 10-15 that would be considered attractive. Another 50 or so that would be considered average, with the rest being ugly.

The pretty girls think they're so pretty that they deserve a baller (First choice; athlete or entertainer, Second choice doctor, lawyer or stockbroker). But besides being pretty they don't have a good personality. With all the trials and tribulations that a man goes through in the course of a day the worst thing is to come home to a girl that's gonna cuss you out over every little thing. Especially if she doesn't look that good to begin with.

And that's where White girls come in. For whatever reason White girls don't yell at men the way Black girls do. Yelling at a man doesn't work, especially if you're not that pretty to begin with.

If you happen to be unusually pretty and look like a video model, you still have to be good at something. Being pretty isn't gonna carry you through life. It might get you through the door but sooner or later a guy is gonna leave the pretty girl for a more down to Earth girl that doesn't look as good but can cook her ass off and doesn't mind doing his laundry and cleaning up after him.
First of all most women (Black, White, Asian, Latina, Arab, etc.) aren't that pretty. I mean, in a room of 100 random women, there's probably 10-15 that would be considered attractive. Another 50 or so that would be considered average, with the rest being ugly.

The pretty girls think they're so pretty that they deserve a baller (First choice; athlete or entertainer, Second choice doctor, lawyer or stockbroker). But besides being pretty they don't have a good personality. With all the trials and tribulations that a man goes through in the course of a day the worst thing is to come home to a girl that's gonna cuss you out over every little thing. Especially if she doesn't look that good to begin with.

And that's where White girls come in. For whatever reason White girls don't yell at men the way Black girls do. Yelling at a man doesn't work, especially if you're not that pretty to begin with.

If you happen to be unusually pretty and look like a video model, you still have to be good at something. Being pretty isn't gonna carry you through life. It might get you through the door but sooner or later a guy is gonna leave the pretty girl for a more down to Earth girl that doesn't look as good but can cook her ass off and doesn't mind doing his laundry and cleaning up after him.