Welcome To aBlackWeb

bring him to abw

If you want, I can reach out and bring all of black youtube over here.

People like Edward Anderson............Rodney Coleman.............Oshay Jackson...........Taz.........Green Gorilla.........Beasley........Geno Richardson...........Angryman............BGS........the list goes on and on.

Be something like how Banginscrew started the Mega movement.

I'm relatively tame compared to those dudes.
lol That dude is an asshole, but the cat that was countering him ain't all the way right either.

The issue doesn't boil down to women are wrong or men are wrong. It's more complicated than that, and people need to acknowledge that when they address this topic.
Cat daddy isn't right across the board but he isn't "all the way" wrong either

We know it's complex...adults w/sense do, but that doesn't negate what old head said

Fact is, personal accountability, men and women, has to be at the forefront of ANY effective discussion to be had in this so-called "gender war". Most people are NOT ready nor equipped to do the self-check necessary for such weighty subject matter. That's why we're at the point we are now...it's much easier to lay blame at the feet of someone/everyone else than it is sit in your (general sense, not you personally) own shit and smell the stench of your 'phuckedupness' and attempt to clean it up. Too much work and people are lazy and stunted af.

In my opinion, of course.
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Fun Fact:

The only place this so-called "gender war" exists is on youtube.

And when it's discussed on youtube, they're talking about a subculture of people more than anything.

The only mainstream component is the divorce rate.............how 70-80% of all divorces are initiated by women..............alimony............and spousal support.

Everything else......while entertaining and somewhat educational.............is just for likes and views.
Cat daddy isn't right across the board but he isn't "all the way" wrong either

We know it's complex...adults w/sense do, but that doesn't negate what old head said

Fact is, personal accountability, men and women, has to be at the forefront of ANY effective discussion to be had in this so-called "gender war". Most people are NOT ready nor equipped to do the self-check necessary for such weighty subject matter. That's why we're at the point we are now...it's much easier to lay blame at the feet of someone/everyone else than it is sit in your (general sense, not you personally) own shit and smell the stench of your 'phuckedupness' and attempt to clean it up. Too much work and people are lazy and stunted af.

In my opinion, of course.

Well said.

I'm just tired of the whole battle of the sexes. Its ridiculous.
People too obsessed with being in relationships, relationships suck right now. There’s way to much immature people out here. If you are a lady and you are single cherish that shit, niggaz out here stupid. Guys if you are single, cherish that shit, most of these women are clueless on what it takes to have a successful relationship.
Fun Fact:

The only place this so-called "gender war" exists is on youtube.

And when it's discussed on youtube, they're talking about a subculture of people more than anything.

The only mainstream component is the divorce rate.............how 70-80% of all divorces are initiated by women..............alimony............and spousal support.

Everything else......while entertaining and somewhat educational.............is just for likes and views.

Bolded....*ding ding ding*

ALL this shit is for likes n views. Everyone is trying to go viral, to get their numbers up.

None of this is real

Yet and still...race falls for it EVERY TIME!

But whatever it takes to get "computers putin" i guess.
Fun Fact:

The only place this so-called "gender war" exists is on youtube.

This isn't rue

There has always been a "gender war" between men and women...history proves it

If you want to call it a power struggle, we can call it that...or something else, doesn;t matter

Fact is, 'courting', dating, relationships, marriage, between men and women is phucked up...and for all intents and purposes, there's a war going on

Annnd a whole lot of👇
