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bring him to abw

Anytime anybody speaks on relationships they are speaking from their own experiences. Sounds like this light skin dude and @5 Grand been through some shit ass relationships. You attract the energy you give. You attracting some pretty super model type woman who only values your money and what you do...look in the mirror. You attract a "average" looking black female( as @5 Grand puts it) that can cook but gives you mouth...go look in the mirror. If you attract a white woman....go look in the motherfker mirror 🪞. You ain't happy cus your own shit ....that person is just there to help you see it. But everyone so busy looking and pointing fingers...can't even fathom that they need to internally grow.
Pay 5 grand no mind. He is um.........different. Very different.
One day, we're gonna have a real conversation about Feminism on here. Every sub-group or movement has zealots. And it's shitty that this zealots come to represent the entire movement. But I legit feel like if you allow zealots to shape hw you feel about a movement, you were never really serious about considering that movement as legitimate anyway.

Only considering the opinions of the small vocal minority makes it easier to try and dismiss the entirety of the movement. It's a way to avoid actually having to address the shit we know is wrong
First of all most women (Black, White, Asian, Latina, Arab, etc.) aren't that pretty. I mean, in a room of 100 random women, there's probably 10-15 that would be considered attractive. Another 50 or so that would be considered average, with the rest being ugly.

The pretty girls think they're so pretty that they deserve a baller (First choice; athlete or entertainer, Second choice doctor, lawyer or stockbroker). But besides being pretty they don't have a good personality. With all the trials and tribulations that a man goes through in the course of a day the worst thing is to come home to a girl that's gonna cuss you out over every little thing. Especially if she doesn't look that good to begin with.

And that's where White girls come in. For whatever reason White girls don't yell at men the way Black girls do. Yelling at a man doesn't work, especially if you're not that pretty to begin with.

If you happen to be unusually pretty and look like a video model, you still have to be good at something. Being pretty isn't gonna carry you through life. It might get you through the door but sooner or later a guy is gonna leave the pretty girl for a more down to Earth girl that doesn't look as good but can cook her ass off and doesn't mind doing his laundry and cleaning up after him.

I read this in my mind in your rap voice and it basically sounded like silence of the lambs.
As Nas Said the Sexiest femalies are always the nastiest..

Me and my niggaz always used to bang fat and ugly girls but they are not nasty..

Its easier to get hotter girls
One day, we're gonna have a real conversation about Feminism on here. Every sub-group or movement has zealots. And it's shitty that this zealots come to represent the entire movement. But I legit feel like if you allow zealots to shape hw you feel about a movement, you were never really serious about considering that movement as legitimate anyway.
Make the thread b. Make today the one day famalam
Real men don’t rant on social media for likes and views.

Cancel them both.
I learned in "effective communication" pointing and jeering like he was sends subconscious messages to other people you are aggressive and closed off. Bad message, bad presentation.