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Bow Wow gets in a fight w Wolverine

If a woman is coming at me with a gun, or a pot of boiling water, I'm not only going to defend myself. Ima beat her ass, even if I'm no longer in danger. And if she cute, i may slap her ass and grab her titties.

If that makes me an abuser, so be it. Don't come at me with a gun and you won't face the repercussions.

Erm a chick coming at you with a gun or boiling hot water is abit different dude... Im talking a normal domestic argument...

If Im in a public place like a club like alot of these celebs seem to be when these 'domestic fights' happen and a chick starts wilding out, talking reckless or trying to put hands on me (again like you normally hear with these celebs incidents) I'll pour a drink over her, spit in her face and call her a whore but no way Im laying hands on her...
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Erm a chick coming at you with a gun or boiling hot water is abit different dude... Im talking a normal domestic argument...

If Im in a public plave like a club like alot of these celebs seem to be when the 'domestic fights' happen and a chicks starts wilding out, talking reckless or trying to put hands on me (again like you normally hear on these celebs incidents) I'll pour a drink over her, spit in her face and call her a whore but no way Im laying hands on her...

Only reason i have those scenarios is because you said , "dudes should never beat women, full stop"

There are times when I'll beat a woman with no remorse, as i said.
Props to bow for taking his lumps and not going ray rice on this chick

This is the definition of a Lose/ lose situation. What is one supposed to do, chick probably wanted him to do some dumb shit to get to that bag anyways.
Bitch Would ve been on TMZ talking bout "he has a temper n has displayed aggressive behavior in the past. I just didn't think he would actually hit me" type of shit. Take your lumps n go home my nigga. Also at a certain age, you should figure out what type of chicks is best to avoid. Soon as I meet a chick w similar characteristics as certain troublesome chicks I encountered in the past, I ignore n don't even want a friendship of any kind. Too old for the fuck shit. Take your crazy ass somewhere else
There is a married chick at my job that be wanting to be on some work friends type shit. but She remind me of a neurotic/emotionally high maintenance chick I dated in the past n I be curbing her all the time in the office. At a certain age, the cues should be obvious dog.
You put your hand on somebody you should be prepared to get dealt with. If a child hit their parent no one would expect the patent not to strike them back for discipline despite them being weaker. Some of you people still don't understand consequences.
Shad ‘Bow Wow’ Moss was wrongfully arrested earlier this morning for the first time after being beaten by an out of control intoxicated female, Ms. Leslie Holden, in his Atlanta condominium,” Habachy wrote. “The only two independent witnesses both corroborated his version of events indicating that Ms. Holden was simply out of control and was without a doubt the primary aggressor.

“For no logical reason officers arrested both parties despite having clear-cut evidence that Bow Wow was the victim in the case. Ms. Holden beat him with a lamp, bit him on his side and spit on him while Bow Wow continually made efforts to avoid her. Bow Wow suffered multiple injuries, some of which are visible in his mugshot. Ms. Holden’s mugshot on the other hand speaks for itself, despite her allegation to police that she broke a fingernail.”

She thought this was mortal Kombat lmfao
You put your hand on somebody you should be prepared to get dealt with. If a child hit their parent no one would expect the patent not to strike them back for discipline despite them being weaker. Some of you people still don't understand consequences.

There are always consequences. And like I said, apart from extreme circumstance stances like a chick coming at you with a lethal weapon imo you dont hit a chick, you can easily restrain them and/or humiliate them...

Its nothing like a child, you dont discipline your chick or wife (unless she is into that in the bedroom) do you??? Like you dont whip her butt or make her go take a time out, like a child do you??? If you need to 'discipline' your chick, you prolly picked a wrong'un...

Some people arnt able to deal with things verbally, my pops never hit me but put the fear of god in me and he was/is a real OG... You dont always need to be physical to know how to deal with people, unless youre weak or dumb as a plank of wood and cant use youre physical presence, reputation and words...
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I dont know what Bow Wow done, but dudes should never beat women, full stop... But they should be allowed to defend themselves by restraining them without being called 'women beaters'...
fucking full stop .....this shit always gets me.....

dman euros and their terms....lmao.
heard wifey use that shit once....and now shes saying she going on holiday instead of vacation now.
fucking full stop .....this shit always gets me.....

dman euros and their terms....lmao.
heard wifey use that shit once....and now shes saying she going on holiday instead of vacation now.

Haha yeah its full stop, a period is something chicks go...

And damn fckn right its 'going on holiday' too...


Reactions are funny. I might up that thread about putting hands on a woman. I said it was wrong no matter the circumstances and niggas came at my neck. Couple niggas were saying they'd hit a bitch and are in here co-signing that twitter post.

niggas always changing their story....thats why i always fuck with people on here....flipflopping romney ass niggas.

just more proof niggas follow the popular opinion
it aint full stop or period....

its "hole up" or when angry "hole the fuck up"

Its used when you finish a sentence though.. 'hole up', 'hold up' would be used at the start, you need to use them to finish the discussion or argument...

'Youre not going to the shop, period.'

'Youre not going to the shop, full stop.'

'Youre not going to the shop, end of.' ('end of sentence')
Its used when you finish a sentence though.. 'hole up', 'hold up' would be used at the start, you need to use them to finish the discussion or argument...

'Youre not going to the shop, period.'

'Youre not going to the shop, full stop.'

'Youre not going to the shop, end of.' ('end of sentence')
oh...we talking end of sentence.

nah...we use "dah fuck"

you're not going to the shop, dah fuck?

its short for the fuck is wrong with you.
If a woman is coming at me with a gun, or a pot of boiling water, I'm not only going to defend myself. Ima beat her ass, even if I'm no longer in danger. And if she cute, i may slap her ass and grab her titties.

If that makes me an abuser, so be it. Don't come at me with a gun and you won't face the repercussions.

SMH @ this dudes transition from reasonable to rapey in one post.