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Man, i rode so fucking hard for Jemele on twitter against her white supremacist trolls i got suspended twice. Every time 1 of them roasted her for getting fired by espn i reminded them she got 7 million dollars in severance pay, an amount their entire family would never earn. Shut em down every time.

I spent so much energy caping for her, for her to turn around and shit on black men to shill for the democrats......
All these black men are the white men femmes and black men don't protect black women hoes never think about the dudes who actually are outchea for them when they make these broad statements.
Oh well
Yes, but can you find a prominent or well known black man that just randomly posts things bashing black women? That's an honest question. About the closest you get to the "bitches and hoes" rhetoric in rap, which a) doesn't specify black women and b) isn't meant to be applied to all women. Still, that's far different than what we're seeing come from black women with respect to black men.

Rappers aren’t prominent? And of course saying bitches ain’t shit does not mean every woman. Neither does saying black men are trash mean Everyman. I think that’s a given
Rappers aren’t prominent? And of course saying bitches ain’t shit does not mean every woman. Neither does saying black men are trash mean Everyman. I think that’s a given

Yes, but there is a difference between using the word bitch in a song and making comments through social media or in interviews that are supposed to be taken as serious commentary about what's happening in the world.

And when rappers said that their songs weren't aimed at all women, a lot of of those feminists rejected that answer and still to this day complain about how misogynistic rap music is.
Man, i rode so fucking hard for Jemele on twitter against her white supremacist trolls i got suspended twice. Every time 1 of them roasted her for getting fired by espn i reminded them she got 7 million dollars in severance pay, an amount their entire family would never earn. Shut em down every time.

I spent so much energy caping for her, for her to turn around and shit on black men to shill for the democrats......

Stephen Colbert I told you so clip.gif

Been trying to tell people about Jemele Hill for the past 2 years.

Ever since she co-signed that............"black men are the white men of black people"..............bullshit.

Niggas said I was hating.

Glad more people are starting to see the light.
Do they even know what protecting them means is the question.

They don't.

Their definition of protection is more like having a personal attack dog on call.

Honestly, those types don't even want to hear anything a man has to say.

You can't tell them anything.

Try to reach out to them and they'll accuse you of "man-splaining."

They don't even realize that they're actually rejecting protection when they choose not to listen to men who are just trying to help them.

Can't protect people from themselves though.

And therein lies the problem.
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Been trying to tell people about Jemele Hill for the past 2 years.

Ever since she co-signed that............"black men are the white men of black people"..............bullshit.

Niggas said I was hating.

Glad more people are starting to see the light.

That's the crazy shit. Like dudes used to cape hard for her. I never understood why. She's always been a hack in my opinion, but it's just crazy that her of all people would be so down on black men when black men tend to support her pretty strongly.
That's the crazy shit. Like dudes used to cape hard for her. I never understood why. She's always been a hack in my opinion, but it's just crazy that her of all people would be so down on black men when black men tend to support her pretty strongly.

That's what people don't understand.

All that pro-black talk is just a cover for her radical feminist views.

Niggas didn't see it back then, but it's getting harder and harder for her to cover it up now.

Like most feminists, she can't help herself when it comes to spewing that rhetoric.

You remember........the old @desertrain10 talking points:

Everything with them comes down to patriarchy, benevolent sexism, toxic masculinity, chivalry, etc.

They usually end up being their own worst enemies.

Never heard of any of those terms until she started mentioning them.

Part of me wishes she was here..........but another part is glad she isn't, because I'm sure you two would have gone back and forth with a few titangraphs for at least a page or two.
That's the crazy shit. Like dudes used to cape hard for her. I never understood why. She's always been a hack in my opinion, but it's just crazy that her of all people would be so down on black men when black men tend to support her pretty strongly.
It was easy for black men to support her because she was "unapologetically black" in mainstream sports. Her and Michael Smith (who ultimately sacrificed his career to support her) were the great tag team... i fell for it
It was easy for black men to support her because she was "unapologetically black" in mainstream sports. Her and Michael Smith (who ultimately sacrificed his career to support her) were the great tag team... i fell for it
How did he sacrifice for her?

How did he sacrifice for her?

By going along with her bullshit.

Well, even if he agreed with her..........as a man.........he should've seen the handwriting on the wall and told her they need to chill if they want to stay on the air.

Some people might call that selling out, but it would be more like protecting their platform.

Neither of their careers has been the same since they "left" ESPN.

Having said all that, they might not be totally to blame.

For a while, their show His & Hers was more popular than First Take.

Problem with that was they were only on for an hour..........but First Take was on for over 2 hours.

Longer show...........more advertising revenue.

People stop watching First Take........they lose money.

So they offered Jemele and Mike a quote/unquote "promotion" to do the 6pm Sportscenter.

Which, on the surface, seemed like a smart move........because, from what I heard, it was a huge salary bump.

So it's understandable why they would see it as a promotion, but it was really a move to prevent them from taking ratings and advertising dollars away from First Take.

I knew it wouldn't work out because the type of things they did at noon on their own show wouldn't fly at 6pm because those are two different audiences.

Eventually, ESPN management shut them down by forcing them to just do interviews with sideline reporters at game sites as pregame coverage for upcoming sporting events.

In all fairness, even though I know Jemele was the root cause of this...........Michael Smith has to take responsibility too for choosing to go along with her.

I know people like @IP360 say that they were on the same page, but the fact that you don't hear him saying anything along the lines of what she's saying now is proof enough that he has more sense than her.

Too bad he didn't use it when he had the chance.
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Black Twitter is a minefield for straight Black men. Get called every single thing in the book but as soon as you respond, you are a sexist, homophobe and the destroyer of the Black community.
It's a shame people don't see who they ......Never mind.
If any of you want more insight into Jemele Hill and other women who think like her, here are some related videos to give you a better understanding of what they're really about:
