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Black Women Make More Money Than Black Men

What false narratives do I push? I can guarantee you you can't name 1. You say that but have yet to actually name 1 single false narrative. You see individual situations of me saying "maybe listen and don't immediately call a woman a slut/hoe/bitch just because you doubt her" and somehow that's pushing a false narrative.

Bruh there's an active topic where you were one of the people claiming that we should believe women when they say that being assaulted for nothing more than turning a man down is a common occurrence.

Like I know it's easy to treat everyone that opposes you as if they are all saying the same thing. I do that shit myself sometimes, but when have I ever objected to you telling dudes to stop calling women out of their names or to give women an ear when they voice concerns?
The gap is slimmer now but I don’t think black women make more across the board

Possibly if you took a specific timeframe like the past 5 years or something then maybe it says this

I know black women are more educated and that should mean higher paying jobs so idk
More education doesn’t necessarily mean higher paying job. Got to factor in what their degree is in and how many debt they accumulated from that degree. In either scenario they making less money
Bruh there's an active topic where you were one of the people claiming that we should believe women when they say that being assaulted for nothing more than turning a man down is a common occurrence.

Like I know it's easy t
o treat everyone that opposes you as if they are all saying the same thing. I do that shit myself sometimes, but when have I ever objected to you telling dudes to stop calling women out of their names or to give women an ear when they voice concerns?

I said that if many women are saying something then instead of dismissing them because you don't want it to be true maybe listen to them. I never said believe them blindly. I simply said to listen because as women they'd know better about their experiences with men than we would. I also said that if you're talking to women about this topic then throwing out "well you shouldnt actually be worried because of *insert stat here* very much dehumanizes the topic. Which also connects back to that point about hypocrisy i mentioned about how that "it doesnt happen that often" logic gets twisted when yall want it to.

I never said to not disagree I said to listen to them and not immediately dismiss it simply because you as a man don't want to believe their lived experiences. So you definitely got that wrong.
I never said women being abused isn't common. I said that I don't believe that women being physically assaulted for no other reason than turning a man down when he tries to holla is common. You believe it is, but your only basis for that belief is that women say it is common, and women have no real proof that its common or even a clear and agreed upon definition of what common even means in this circumstance. That's precisely the problem. Pushing the narrative that on a daily basis women have to fear being assaulted if they don't give men attention even though the vast majority of women have probably never been assaulted solely for rejecting men's attention is problematic. I don't know why that's so hard for you to understand.

And as always you want to be stupidly reductive about the disagreement here even though I've given you my specific issue with you.

You niggas constantly hold yourselves as the voices of reason. That's why I say this shit to you. No I don't waste my time engaging with niggas who say "All women are bitches and hoes." It has nothing to do with hypocrisy. If niggas truly think that, they aren't worth engaging with. I call ya'll out because ya'll are so gung ho to push false narratives in a misguided attempt to hold women down. I've told both of you on several occasions, I have no problem with ya'll taking on the task of defending women on a site where niggas speak recklessly about women. I just don't believe that promoting untruths about men is a good way of defending women.

Again I hear you but we have had this same conversation it’s not just believing women because they say but they do have a totally different experience. It’s like a white personal telling me racism isn’t a common day to day thing. Who authority does he have to tell me what I experience?

Is it just about the language here and debating what’s common and what’s not?
I never said women being abused isn't common. I said that I don't believe that women being physically assaulted for no other reason than turning a man down when he tries to holla is common. You believe it is, but your only basis for that belief is that women say it is common, and women have no real proof that its common or even a clear and agreed upon definition of what common even means in this circumstance. That's precisely the problem. Pushing the narrative that on a daily basis women have to fear being assaulted if they don't give men attention even though the vast majority of women have probably never been assaulted solely for rejecting men's attention is problematic. I don't know why that's so hard for you to understand.

And as always you want to be stupidly reductive about the disagreement here even though I've given you my specific issue with you.

You niggas constantly hold yourselves as the voices of reason. That's why I say this shit to you. No I don't waste my time engaging with niggas who say "All women are bitches and hoes." It has nothing to do with hypocrisy. If niggas truly think that, they aren't worth engaging with. I call ya'll out because ya'll are so gung ho to push false narratives in a misguided attempt to hold women down. I've told both of you on several occasions, I have no problem with ya'll taking on the task of defending women on a site where niggas speak recklessly about women. I just don't believe that promoting untruths about men is a good way of defending women.

What untruth nigga? Make a whole thread for it?
Bruh there's an active topic where you were one of the people claiming that we should believe women when they say that being assaulted for nothing more than turning a man down is a common occurrence.

Like I know it's easy to treat everyone that opposes you as if they are all saying the same thing. I do that shit myself sometimes, but when have I ever objected to you telling dudes to stop calling women out of their names or to give women an ear when they voice concerns?

Are you going to define common? I’d say 25 women out of a 100 say this happens is the percentage too small to say it’s a thing?
I said that if many women are saying something then instead of dismissing them because you don't want it to be true maybe listen to them. I never said believe them blindly. I simply said to listen because as women they'd know better about their experiences with men than we would. I also said that if you're talking to women about this topic then throwing out "well you shouldnt actually be worried because of *insert stat here* very much dehumanizes the topic. Which also connects back to that point about hypocrisy i mentioned about how that "it doesnt happen that often" logic gets twisted when yall want it to.

I never said to not disagree I said to listen to them and not immediately dismiss it simply because you as a man don't want to believe their lived experiences. So you definitely got that wrong.

Ok, but everyone is listening to them. If women say that black men can't really be seen as providers because black women make more than them these days, we listen. That's how we know that's a common narrative nowadays. Now a lot of women might push that because they've been dealing with broke dudes, but if someone then brings up stats like the ones in this topic, shouldn't we then push to break that narrative regardless of how a lot of women feel based on their personal experiences?

No one's trying to dehumanize women by telling them that they shouldn't be afraid of being attacked because it isn't likely. We are telling them that because we don't want our women afraid to even look our way because they've heard so much rhetoric that they actually believe that any interaction with a black man could be a safety risk for them. Do you really not see that as a problem?
Again I hear you but we have had this same conversation it’s not just believing women because they say but they do have a totally different experience. It’s like a white personal telling me racism isn’t a common day to day thing. Who authority does he have to tell me what I experience?

Is it just about the language here and debating what’s common and what’s not?

All of this is tricky admittedly. If a black person says that he/she deals with racism day to day and a white person says that's untrue. Yes, I'd agree that the black person's perspective should be given more credence. If a black person is running around saying that black people are still lynched all the time because he/she personally knew someone that was lynched, and a white person has numbers that show that's not true. I'm going to believe the person that has the numbers if those numbers are trustworthy.

Same goes with women. I would never argue against a woman if she said she faced sexism daily, but I have and do express disbelief when women say things like "it's common for black women to get beaten or even killed for simply telling a man No" because that is a pretty specific claim that isn't borne out by any real evidence.

Are you going to define common? I’d say 25 women out of a 100 say this happens is the percentage too small to say it’s a thing?

No, I'm not because I'm not the one making the claim. If someone claimed 25% of women have been beaten for turning down a man's advances, I would certainly call that common and agree, but we all know that's not true.
Ok, but everyone is listening to them. If women say that black men can't really be seen as providers because black women make more than them these days, we listen. That's how we know that's a common narrative nowadays. Now a lot of women might push that because they've been dealing with broke dudes, but if someone then brings up stats like the ones in this topic, shouldn't we then push to break that narrative regardless of how a lot of women feel based on their personal experiences?

No one's trying to dehumanize women by telling them that they shouldn't be afraid of being attacked because it isn't likely. We are telling them that because we don't want our women afraid to even look our way because they've heard so much rhetoric that they actually believe that any interaction with a black man could be a safety risk for them. Do you really not see that as a problem?

Nah people actually aren't listening because if they were then alot of their "questions" would be answered. I put that in quotes because some of those questions aren't being asked in good faith and that's also tied to this as well. In that very thread you're talking about niggas blatantly ignored the comments from the 2 women who actually took the time to talk about their experiences but somehow found the time to keep responding to every other post. So in regards to listening people aren't listening to comprehend they're listening solely to respond. So there's alot being missed because instead of an actual discussion people want a gotcha moment to say "I'm right you're wrong".

And that may be what you want to be said, that may be what you think you're saying but again if people actually listen to women clearly that's not the message some are getting. I've said this multiple times before I don't agree with nor like the idea that far too many Black women have the negative experiences that they do. But I also am aware that the vast majority of Black women's personal experiences in life with men will be with Black men. So both good and bad, when they talk about men it will mainly be about Black men. Niggas just only wanna hear the good and never address the bad. And whenever the bad is brought up in any way its dismissed as an attack instead of a moment to think "maybe this some shit we need to correct". That doesn't always means the complaints and grievances have merit but the way they're completely dismissed is very reminiscent of the shit niggas complain about being done to them.
Nah people actually aren't listening because if they were then alot of their "questions" would be answered. I put that in quotes because some of those questions aren't being asked in good faith and that's also tied to this as well. In that very thread you're talking about niggas blatantly ignored the comments from the 2 women who actually took the time to talk about their experiences but somehow found the time to keep responding to every other post. So in regards to listening people aren't listening to comprehend they're listening solely to respond. So there's alot being missed because instead of an actual discussion people want a gotcha moment to say "I'm right you're wrong".

And that may be what you want to be said, that may be what you think you're saying but again if people actually listen to women clearly that's not the message some are getting. I've said this multiple times before I don't agree with nor like the idea that far too many Black women have the negative experiences that they do. But I also am aware that the vast majority of Black women's personal experiences in life with men will be with Black men. So both good and bad, when they talk about men it will mainly be about Black men. Niggas just only wanna hear the good and never address the bad. And whenever the bad is brought up in any way its dismissed as an attack instead of a moment to think "maybe this some shit we need to correct". That doesn't always means the complaints and grievances have merit but the way they're completely dismissed is very reminiscent of the shit niggas complain about being done to them.

We can agree to disagree on that assessment. From what I've seen people do listen to what the women say, they just disagree and make it known they disagree. That doesn't mean the basis of their disagreement is correct, but you can't say that a person didn't listen just because they choose to dismiss what was said.

If my whole point is that anecdotes form a handful of women are not sufficient to support broad statements made about men, then accounts from the experiences of a couple women won't mean anything to me. I'll probably won't comment on those posts. It's not that I don't care about their experiences. It's just that those experiences don't change anything as far as the actual discussion goes.

Anyway, you're speaking very generally about a bunch of different posters, when I'm addressing a contention specifically with you. I get why you're doing that, but increasingly, your posts are addressing actions or opinions that don't really apply to me.
We can agree to disagree on that assessment. From what I've seen people do listen to what the women say, they just disagree and make it known they disagree. That doesn't mean the basis of their disagreement is correct, but you can't say that a person didn't listen just because they choose to dismiss what was said.

If my whole point is that anecdotes form a handful of women are not sufficient to support broad statements made about men, then accounts from the experiences of a couple women won't mean anything to me. I'll probably won't comment on those posts. It's not that I don't care about their experiences. It's just that those experiences don't change anything as far as the actual discussion goes.

Anyway, you're speaking very generally about a bunch of different posters, when I'm addressing a contention specifically with you. I get why you're doing that, but increasingly, your posts are addressing actions or opinions that don't really apply to me.

I get your point. I'm saying that logic isn't used evenly across the board. It's only used in certain instances mainly to discredit others. So when that happens it makes it kinda clear what the real issue is. For example there's been plenty discussions about guns on this board. The vast majority of people have never been shot, shot at or in a position where they would even need to make a decision to shoot somebody yet it seems to be understood that despite the actual miniscule chances of being shot it's smart to take precautions and even arm/protect yourself. However for some reason when that same logic of 'something has a small chance of happening but I'm still gonna be hyperaware and protect myself" is transferred to this topic all of a sudden that understanding is lost?

That's my issue not only with you but others as well because you do engage in that. So I am addressing what you do on here