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Black Women Make More Money Than Black Men

It doesn't seem like any of those are controlled for factors such as industry, position, or hours worked, so I would guess that white people (moreso white men) are still overrepresented in leadership positions and are better represented in higher paying jobs. The former of those is changing, but that change is slow because the white men at the top are, of course, resisting the change. The latter may or may not be changing. I don't know. Black people tend to work more blue collar and service industry jobs. I think black women are changing that, but I don't know about black men.

On topic, the lie was absolutely spread to shit on black men and to make black women feel like they are superior to us. It's used to sew division, which is why I try to tell people like @SeaSnake and @BlackRain to stop constantly running with these anti-black men talking points just because a lot of white women spout them. But for whatever reason, they believe spreading lies about black men is a good way of supporting black women.

Too many of yall continue to see anyone who actually listens to Black women and acknowledge that they too have a fucked up time in this world as anti-Black men instead of trying to tell them about their own experiences which yall do all the time. How about maybe I'm just pro Black women not having to navigate a world where they're weary of Black men.
I think a lot of people believe that because the statistics that black women are graduating college at higher rate then black men and that black women are starting more businesses then that must mean that black women are making more money.

Those businesses are not making money

Black women are the fastest growing segment of entrepreneurs. One study showed that from 2014 to 2019, the number of businesses owned by Black women grew by 50%. During that time period, Black women accounted for 42% of all women owned business. But even with all that growth, that same study showed that the average revenue for Black-women owned founders was just $24,000, compared to $142,900 for all women-owned businesses.
Also black women are told A LOT that there are not enough "financially stable" black men to go around so we shouldn't prioritize finances when looking for a partner...
You gotta stop with the cap man. Just because I don’t take the anti black women side and try to rationalize and understand why we have beef and where it comes from. You can view it like I hate black men because I bring some shit you don’t want to hear. I don’t think all black woken are out to destroy black men abd I don’t think all black men are out to destroy black women. But as far as the forum goes these niggas are the he man woman haters. We got like 5 women here so it’s not like we gonna have a balanced opinions for real.

It's not cap bruh. You stay coming in here with the "Well, they say it so we should believe it" mentality when others are telling that you can't just treat shit as fact just because women (or anyone) really really feels like it's true. I'm not interested in balancing opinions. I'm interested in truth.

Too many of yall continue to see anyone who actually listens to Black women and acknowledge that they too have a fucked up time in this world as anti-Black men instead of trying to tell them about their own experiences which yall do all the time. How about maybe I'm just pro Black women not having to navigate a world where they're weary of Black men.

lol You and SeaSnake keep saying that, but that's not my criticism of you. We should listen to women, and I don't think there is a reasonable black man alive that wouldn't agree that black women have a hard time in this world. However, when black women are using black men as scapegoats for their hard times and constantly pushing narratives that are demonstrably false, it makes no sense to take a stance where you just blindly believe what they say is true solely because they said it. And that's the stance you guys take time and time again.
I think a lot of people believe that because the statistics that black women are graduating college at higher rate then black men and that black women are starting more businesses then that must mean that black women are making more money.


Found out a year or so ago that most of those so-called..........."businesses"...............aren't really businesses at all.

Just someone with an LLC, which...........technically/legally...........is all you really need to be classified as a business owner.

Let that marinate.

You don't have to have a product.............good...........or service............just an LLC.

Found out a year or so ago that most of those so-called..........."businesses"...............aren't really businesses at all.

Just someone with an LLC, which...........technically/legally...........is all you really need to be classified as a business owner.

Let that marinate.

You don't have to have a product.............good...........or service............just an LLC.

The ironic thing is that a lot of black women do have little side hustles that make money, but they aren't "official" business. My niece and little cousin are in college right now making hundreds of dollars a week doing hair and nails for their dorm mate and they don't have an LLC.
It's not cap bruh. You stay coming in here with the "Well, they say it so we should believe it" mentality when others are telling that you can't just treat shit as fact just because women (or anyone) really really feels like it's true. I'm not interested in balancing opinions. I'm interested in truth.

lol You and SeaSnake keep saying that, but that's not my criticism of you. We should listen to women, and I don't think there is a reasonable black man alive that wouldn't agree that black women have a hard time in this world. However, when black women are using black men as scapegoats for their hard times and constantly pushing narratives that are demonstrably false, it makes no sense to take a stance where you just blindly believe what they say is true solely because they said it. And that's the stance you guys take time and time again.

Bruh I don’t think you are interested in truth at all. We had a whole debate for like five days on if women being abused is common or not you said it’s not common I said it is. That does not mean 75% of black men beat on women.

Then I’ve seen you and others lump black women in one big box and then get mad when it’s done to us by those same women. Agreeing with women is not about coddling or just believe them or even about overcorrection.

But I get it y’all don’t really want to discuss these gender issues on any real level that requires introspection it’s all “ feminist bullshit won’t let a man be a man and everybody is gay” shit is the same debate. And stop tagging me in it all the time like I’m supposed to change my opinion.

Found out a year or so ago that most of those so-called..........."businesses"...............aren't really businesses at all.

Just someone with an LLC, which...........technically/legally...........is all you really need to be classified as a business owner.

Let that marinate.

You don't have to have a product.............good...........or service............just an LLC.
This is why sometimes studies and statistics annoy me a little because the findings can skewed depending on a bunch of factors. Plus people rarely actually read a whole study they just throw out whatever stat that supports their narrative...
How about instead of discussing this narrative, let's discuss why white people are still higher earners than everyone else

But for the sake of conversation,I think those stats are flawed because I'm willing to bet there are more black millennial/gen z women that are making more money than their black men counterparts just cause of how certain industries have shifted.

But again, I'm not trying to discuss why black women might make more than black men. My focus is on white people who seem to make more simply because they are white and not cause they are actually more qualified for the job

Ain't nothing to discuss: They're white, they gonna take care of each other.
It's not cap bruh. You stay coming in here with the "Well, they say it so we should believe it" mentality when others are telling that you can't just treat shit as fact just because women (or anyone) really really feels like it's true. I'm not interested in balancing opinions. I'm interested in truth.

lol You and SeaSnake keep saying that, but that's not my criticism of you. We should listen to women, and I don't think there is a reasonable black man alive that wouldn't agree that black women have a hard time in this world. However, when black women are using black men as scapegoats for their hard times and constantly pushing narratives that are demonstrably false, it makes no sense to take a stance where you just blindly believe what they say is true solely because they said it. And that's the stance you guys take time and time again.

Thats not the stance I take because I don't blindly believe anyone. If I did then id be parroting much of the bullshit that's said on here because there quite a few of yall that consistently expose a lack of an ability to analyze things. The same shit you're saying is your main issue with me is the exact same shit that gets done in defense of people but you've admitted before you choose to ignore or not comment on those instances so your own hypocrisy is on display here.

I've also talked adnausem about the whole "Black women using Black men as scapegoats" and the nuance surrounding that and why it appears that way. And I've also done it in both criticism and defense or both Black women and Black men. It's you and a select few others that willfully choose to ignore that context and misinterpret shit. That's on you not me.
Bruh I don’t think you are interested in truth at all. We had a whole debate for like five days on if women being abused is common or not you said it’s not common I said it is. That does not mean 75% of black men beat on women.

Then I’ve seen you and others lump black women in one big box and then get mad when it’s done to us by those same women. Agreeing with women is not about coddling or just believe them or even about overcorrection.

But I get it y’all don’t really want to discuss these gender issues on any real level that requires introspection it’s all “ feminist bullshit won’t let a man be a man and everybody is gay” shit is the same debate. And stop tagging me in it all the time like I’m supposed to change my opinion.

I never said women being abused isn't common. I said that I don't believe that women being physically assaulted for no other reason than turning a man down when he tries to holla is common. You believe it is, but your only basis for that belief is that women say it is common, and women have no real proof that its common or even a clear and agreed upon definition of what common even means in this circumstance. That's precisely the problem. Pushing the narrative that on a daily basis women have to fear being assaulted if they don't give men attention even though the vast majority of women have probably never been assaulted solely for rejecting men's attention is problematic. I don't know why that's so hard for you to understand.

And as always you want to be stupidly reductive about the disagreement here even though I've given you my specific issue with you.

Thats not the stance I take because I don't blindly believe anyone. If I did then id be parroting much of the bullshit that's said on here because there quite a few of yall that consistently expose a lack of an ability to analyze things. The same shit you're saying is your main issue with me is the exact same shit that gets done in defense of people but you've admitted before you choose to ignore or not comment on those instances so your own hypocrisy is on display here.

I've also talked adnausem about the whole "Black women using Black men as scapegoats" and the nuance surrounding that and why it appears that way. And I've also done it in both criticism and defense or both Black women and Black men. It's you and a select few others that willfully choose to ignore that context and misinterpret shit. That's on you not me.

You niggas constantly hold yourselves as the voices of reason. That's why I say this shit to you. No I don't waste my time engaging with niggas who say "All women are bitches and hoes." It has nothing to do with hypocrisy. If niggas truly think that, they aren't worth engaging with. I call ya'll out because ya'll are so gung ho to push false narratives in a misguided attempt to hold women down. I've told both of you on several occasions, I have no problem with ya'll taking on the task of defending women on a site where niggas speak recklessly about women. I just don't believe that promoting untruths about men is a good way of defending women.
Ain't nothing to discuss: They're white, they gonna take care of each other.
My larger point was let's focus on the inequalities that still stunt both black men and women from making the same or as much as our white counterparts.

Black men and women aren't at war with each other or at least we shouldn't be. We need to stop separating our plights by gender.

I don't care to compare the plight of a black man to a black woman. We both still getting fucked as a collective.
I never said women being abused isn't common. I said that I don't believe that women being physically assaulted for no other reason than turning a man down when he tries to holla is common. You believe it is, but your only basis for that belief is that women say it is common, and women have no real proof that its common or even a clear and agreed upon definition of what common even means in this circumstance. That's precisely the problem. Pushing the narrative that on a daily basis women have to fear being assaulted if they don't give men attention even though the vast majority of women have probably never been assaulted solely for rejecting men's attention is problematic. I don't know why that's so hard for you to understand.

And as always you want to be stupidly reductive about the disagreement here even though I've given you my specific issue with you.

You niggas constantly hold yourselves as the voices of reason. That's why I say this shit to you. No I don't waste my time engaging with niggas who say "All women are bitches and hoes." It has nothing to do with hypocrisy. If niggas truly think that, they aren't worth engaging with. I call ya'll out because ya'll are so gung ho to push false narratives in a misguided attempt to hold women down. I've told both of you on several occasions, I have no problem with ya'll taking on the task of defending women on a site where niggas speak recklessly about women. I just don't believe that promoting untruths about men is a good way of defending women.

What false narratives do I push? I can guarantee you you can't name 1. You say that but have yet to actually name 1 single false narrative. You see individual situations of me saying "maybe listen and don't immediately call a woman a slut/hoe/bitch just because you doubt her" and somehow that's pushing a false narrative.

You also are missing a pretty glaring flaw in your logic. If your stance is that the idea that a person shouldn't be wary of something because it doesn't happen to them daily then that definitely contradicts alot of things that get said on ABW that people try to justify out of the fear that "one day it could happen" even when the overall chances are statistically slim to none. But for some reason that logic is understood on some topics but dismissed as illogical on others.