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Black women have to take responsibility for their terrible parenting skills

Its nothing wrong with thinking opposite-sex attractions and relationships are the only norm and superior

but still understand why folks are gay

youre an idiot lmao i cant express that enough

its not that you have a cognitive issue, its that you are comfortable with sounding like a fucking moron at every turn

im not engaging with you on this topic
I been saying this for years. This is one of the biggest problems in our community.. Nobody ever shines the light on the percentage of trash mothers we have.. They never wanna take responsibility for their actions and nobody holds them accountable.. Its always niggas aint shit.. But women are and will always be the "choosers". They choose trash niggas to procreate with and then raise trash kids and the cycle continues. Nobody wants to talk about it though.. Its way easier to just bash niggas
youre an idiot lmao i cant express that enough

its not that you have a cognitive issue, its that you are comfortable with sounding like a fucking moron at every turn

im not engaging with you on this topic

Youre just upset that most of us dont subscribe to all the things involving the trans community because nobody here has a problem with the gay community.

Me as a man thinking that man and women being together is the correct nature order is not a damn problem long as I dont treat those that do not different.

So whats really your problem with straight folks?
we can talk about “toxic masculinity” all day— even gleefully say “all men are trash” but one day we will discuss how so many women raise their sons to be misogynistic, heterosexist, anti-gay, and abusive with terrible ideas on womanhood and femininity.

I agree with this. But I think we need to draw a distinction between the out of control ass women who talk to and treat they kids like a nigga off the street and won't allow them to be KIDS...and those mothers that instill those things in their sons inadvertently just due to ignorance.

I didn't realize until I started typing that I can't really articulate what I'm tryna say. But hopefully y'all get it.
“ok so she told her son that he aint shit and will never be shit, she still fine tho”

“she may be a legit crazy ass person but she gorgeous so idc“
The sooner we stop using looks and emotions to “excuse” certain peoples behaviors the better we will be as a society

but that won’t happen

who excused her behavior?
Can we not separate physical beauty from her being a detestable human? Are we incapable of recognizing both?

Foreal fam. Nobody here does.

I just chilled for my lunch break with 2 lesbians and 1 gay dude. half of department is gay and we all cool as fuck.

But just because I believe man and women is the natural way dont mean I have a problem

I just dont understand why folks have a issue with that. Its not like we homophobic or some ignorant shit like that and stomping on their rights as a human.

We all prefer our kids to be straight because it furthers our bloodline and continues our heritage.

If they are gay dont mean we gon disown them or treat them differently.

Youre just upset that most of us dont subscribe to all the things involving the trans community because nobody here has a problem with the gay community.

Me as a man thinking that man and women being together is the correct nature order is not a damn problem long as I dont treat those that do not different.

So whats really your problem with straight folks?

Im straight
Im straight

but you identify as a binary gendered non-homosexual

LMAO and niggas concerning themselves with heritage and bloodlines with slave owner last names.

Dont have a slave owner last name and yes.

Trying to pass on what my family created is a big deal for me.

I have my gay coworker right next me understanding everything im saying and not mad one bit but you are.

I dont have a problem with gay folks at all but its like you want me to have one
Dont have a slave owner last name and yes.

Trying to pass on what my family created is a big deal for me.

I have my gay coworker right next me understanding everything im saying and not mad one bit but you are.

I dont have a problem with gay folks at all but its like you want me to have one
what have you created? you dont think critically about much of anything.

im really curious to see what you are passing on that is so important
who excused her behavior?
Can we not separate physical beauty from her being a detestable human? Are we incapable of recognizing both?
Im saying why does it fucking matter.
Yall (Not saying you but most of the niggas on forums) post about chick’s beauty every damn day fam.
We got a whole section filled with aint shit bitches, but because they got a nice face and ass its side stepped, letting these chicks know that “hey you may be a shitty mother who doesn’t love her child,
you may be a bird who only cares about looking like money and have no morals but thats ALL right, cause you too beautiful.”

She’s fine to you, we get it. She’s still a bird.