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Black Women Are Angry At Chris Brown

So here goes the chick Tokyo old tweets about light skin women sounding like a white supremacist.




Niggas went that far back cuz she talked about Chris Brown? I mean does the nigga need defending. Everybody knew wtf he meant.

I feel like a since people started talking about colorists there became another group for light skin defense or something. Most bullying light skin folks got was the girls being looked at as stuck up and the boys looked at as soft. Other than that it’s not the same
Niggas went that far back cuz she talked about Chris Brown? I mean does the nigga need defending. Everybody knew wtf he meant.

I feel like a since people started talking about colorists there became another group for light skin defense or something. Most bullying light skin folks got was the girls being looked at as stuck up and the boys looked at as soft. Other than that it’s not the same

I think the point here is that if you're gonna come at someone for some shit they did or said that you deem to be foul or whatever, there had better not be anything questionable in your own past that people can point to that puts you in the same space, or worse, than the person you're trying to admonish.