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Black teen in KC is shot after going to the wrong house to pick up his sibling

Quick story...guy I bowl with has a wallet left to him by his dad. It has some kind of mason/fraternity symbol on it. The guy I bowl with was never in either.
Another guy we bowl with noticed it and asked where he got it from. Dude says his dad. The other guy says we usually take back stuff with the symbol on it from people who not in the fraternity/mason. The guy with the wallet said "I wish a nigga would, he'd have to kill me before I give up this wallet" it got kinda intense for a sec.

He kept the wallet 🤷🏾‍♂️
The problem with your attempt to come back at me is that jail time is a known and accepted punishment for robbery. Murder is not an accepted punishment for robbery.

In your scenario, you weren't following any laws or established practices. You just seem to believe that a person deserves to die because they stole your TV. You're basically saying that TV has more value in your opinion than the thief's life. If that's how you feel, just stand on it. Quit trying to pull all these mental gymnastics.
Quick story...guy I bowl with has a wallet left to him by his dad. It has some kind of mason/fraternity symbol on it. The guy I bowl with was never in either.
Another guy we bowl with noticed it and asked where he got it from. Dude says his dad. The other guy says we usually take back stuff with the symbol on it from people who not in the fraternity/mason. The guy with the wallet said "I wish a nigga would, he'd have to kill me before I give up this wallet" it got kinda intense for a sec.

He kept the wallet 🤷🏾‍♂️

Exactly. If dude tried to take the wallet back anyway, HE would have decided taking the wallet was worth his life.
The problem with your attempt to come back at me is that jail time is a known and accepted punishment for robbery. Murder is not an accepted punishment for robbery.

In your scenario, you weren't following any laws or established practices. You just seem to believe that a person deserves to die because they stole your TV. You're basically saying that TV has more value in your opinion than the thief's life. If that's how you feel, just stand on it. Quit trying to pull all these mental gymnastics.

That's where you're wrong. My first scenario was a man that broke in my house. There are laws and established practices that allow me to shoot that man. The Castle Doctrine. Sooo answer the question.

I am standing on it. I told you I'd have no problem with someone being shot in those scenarios.
Back to the topic that excuse to say he shot because he thought dude was trying to break into his home.. I call bullshit. How many people ring the fuckin doorbell before attempting to break in. FOH

Nah, I've seen stories/videos where a person(s) knocked or rang the doorbell first to try and be on some slick shit.

But this wasn't it. Cuz Ralph was trying to knock down his door or pick the lock or whatever.

Fuk that dude
Back to the topic that excuse to say he shot because he thought dude was trying to break into his home.. I call bullshit. How many people ring the fuckin doorbell before attempting to break in. FOH

Grasping at the only straws he can. He's getting locked up
Not trying to give that racist fuck bail but it does happen to see if anyone home

Nah, I've seen stories/videos where a person(s) knocked or rang the doorbell first to try and be on some slick shit.

But this wasn't it. Cuz Ralph was trying to knock down his door or pick the lock or whatever.

Fuk that dude

I stand corrected.

Wont be enough to keep this piece of shit out of jail tho(I hope)

Hope they take him for everything he's worth as well
Why these pilgrims so scary? I mean where is the threat to your life that warrants a death sentence by you?

So a stranger comes to your yard. Does that mean he has to die? Is it that serious?

If you actually see them approaching your yard, you already have the advantage. So why is the first reaction shoot to kiil? Even if you weren't try to kill, why such an aggressive act?

My main issue with gun owners is the extreme aggression that is associated with having one. Not every situation deserves a death sentence.

If a person is stealing something from you, does he need to die for it? The way you handle the situation could be life changing in a bad way.

I already know the John Wick niggas here are gonna kill this post but whatever.
Foxnews is telling these people how dangerous it is to be outside your home. They watch and consume this toxic message which causes them to live in fear and act this way.
America is fucked up. That's all you can really say at this point. Them CACs will learn sooner or later that these problems are going to affect them too.

At the very least, I don't think there will be any question about her getting justice as to opposed to Yarl. I guess the young brotha should consider himself lucky to be alive. This chick isn't.

lol It's funny watching people try to separate the gun issue out of incidents like this. Yes the old man is a piece shit. He was also only able to do this because he had a what...gun.
Before guns was everywhere, black folks was still getting killed in mass numbers.