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Black teen girl bashes head of white teen girl in a fight; white teen is hospitalized

She's walking again

Update from the mother on the gofundme page
This has been shared from Kaylees mom April. “We are extremely grateful for all of the continued love & support being shown for Kaylee & our family and to everyone that is continuing to keep Kaylee in their thoughts & prayers. No one knows how much this all means to us. For an update on Kaylees recovery; she is making huge strides in physical therapy and has done extremely well on the physical side of things. She walks without assistance now but we do have to walk right beside her, she has a belt she wears around her waist that we hold on too because her balance and equilibrium gets thrown off pretty easily. She gets dizzy spells often so we do have to be right there with her just in case she were to lose her balance. She does have to wear a helmet anytime she is out of her bed because she doesn't have her left bone flap at this time. They had to remove it so that her brain could have the space needed to swell and heal from her injuries. They will be putting her left bone-flap back in later on down the road but we do not have an exact timeframe on that yet. The doctors want to make sure the incision from her first surgery is completely healed, the risk of infection is low and she is at a good spot mentally before they move forward with that surgery. The helmet she wears is also super important because it protect her head since her brain is exposed right underneath her skin with that left bone-flap not being there even the slightest or tiniest fall could be extremely dangerous for Kaylee. We are able to have more in depth conversations with her but cognitively she still gets stuck on repetitive loops repeating things over and over so we redirect as much as we can so she doesn't get frustrated. Her short term memory is still a struggle for her, it has been hard for her to retain new information. It has also been hard for her to be able to recall information later on in the same day and especially the next day. We remain hopeful that she will get through this but she does have a long road ahead of her. We can just be thankful for the accomplishments she has already made and continue to prayer for more accomplishments to come.
Wonder if any of that is permanent or she'll retain it when she's fully healed

Losing her balance and short term memory loss along with repeating things sounds bad
Update from the mother on the gofundme page

Wonder if any of that is permanent or she'll retain it when she's fully healed

Losing her balance and short term memory loss along with repeating things sounds bad
I can't imagine the stress and fear her parents are dealing with
Her punishment will not be severe

Or maybe I should say it won't be as severe as white people and low self-esteem negroes want it to be
After doing my research the white girl is literally living the life they think the black girl is. Shit is crazy glad she got off from defending herself from the white thug, but this goes to show you how an environment can turn people out