Just going to ignore different walks of life aye?
look man, that's what we have in black america,
we have the dozens, the roast.. that's our culture, that's what we do..it's part of our identity...
cracking jokes, snaps, whatever.. it's ours.. we have it....
niggaz get in a group, and go joke for joke, whoever wins is the king of the schoolyard... always been like that....
that's how rap started.. niggaz who was witty, get on the mic and entertain the crowd....
that's our thing, our art form, the battle rap today....still playing to the crowd.... anything about you.... we take it and use it verbally against you...
we're a verbally sparring people..
if a african nigga show up all built n shit, talking all proper, faster than inggaz, got chicks on him,....
we ain't gonna hate crime, him... we ain't cac who burn crosses or beat, drag, or hang people up who different, we....roast.....we crack jokes....
and if u can crack back u cool.....
black history 101...
after february i'm charging niggaz