Biggest regret in life.

What do you feel you mismanaged most

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I want to say going to college. Hearing my friends talk about undergrad and Homecoming @ Prarie View and Bama A&M, make me feel like I missed out.

My biggest regret is the money I fucced over
dont let homecoming be the reason you go..the experiences, the connections, the atmosphere is bliss and one in a lifetime experience.
ANNNND you can iron all the jeans you want @Sion
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Yeah, I'm glad that I don't have any too, fam. It would've put a big hitch into my plans especially at a financial standpoint.
Exactly fam.

I'm not where I wanna be financially and bringing a child into this world is not an easy task .

I got plans on travelling the world and building businesses .

I learned how to work alone because I'm not waiting for mfs to get shit done no more.

Having mouths to feed will make that process harder.
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Blowing money, Ive easliy blew a million dollars since high school, I mean I dont regret it but its crazy when I think about it
I really dont have any regrets.

I could have done things better.

I could have done good in school instead of literally failing every class. Im glad i dont have any student loans though.

And also, I should have never tried to convince my ex to stay when she wanted to break up. It was years ago and I was young, but shit was mad out of character then and even more now.
Also, some bars from Nas I heard the other day that connected with me for some reason or another.

Cause life's too short for heartache
Let's fucking party, buy trucks and Ferraris
Driving across the globe, why not?
Sick of the same spot, move to the next
It's real niggas everywhere, bigger business plans
Bigger connects
, every woman to one man, it's ten to one
Without the feeling of someone
Making you scared to get up and run
It's called escaping, the mental raping
How could the mind grow when you stagnant
Around dude's who're too slow, my brother's trifling
Pushing cars the color of lightning
Read the writing in my skin... it spells GOD'S SON
There always be another coming up
If i was as good with my money then as i am now mannnnn.........

Also regret not traveling more in my 20s
Exactly fam.

I'm not where I wanna be financially and bringing a child into this world is not an easy task .

I got plans on travelling the world and building businesses .

I learned how to work alone because I'm not waiting for mfs to get shit done no more.

Having mouths to feed will make that process harder.

Yeah, that was one of my biggest faults too. I started doing things on my own about 4 years ago. It's amazing how some of your surroundings will stay stagnant. Their focus be towards the wrong things that doesn't increase value.
I was a fucking idiot.

I literally had plans to start a pc repair biz, including housecalls before best buy came out with geek sqaud.

But nope, being young and dumb (and blessed with good looks and an 8 duece Caddy) I put that shit on the back burner to run around the streets. Smdh

I literally WAS doing PC repair as well as building pc's for folks I knew. Everybody said I should have started a legit business doing it but I waffled on it 'cause I was doing other shit, including running the streets and smashing hoes.

It did lead to me being known as "the computer guy" at the office, and everyone called me before calling the helpdesk, which led to corporate IT taking an interest in me and ultimately hiring me on the helpdesk, so something came from it.
I would have kept my ass in school.

I kind of had the cards stacked against me though. I had been working full time since i was 15 and going to a secondary school until i graduated. Talked to counselors and was enrolled in school but never followed through with signing up for classes and doing student aid and all that shit. My parents left state when i was 17 and I was already living on my own then. I couldnt figure out how i was supposed to pay for school and afford rent, so my priorities at the time were to pay the rent. Still like that in a lot of ways. Never went back but it becomes more appealing the older I get. I hate the idea of being a 30 year old freshman though lol.
This gone sound cliche and all, but ion got no regrets. Everything that happened lead me to where I am. From my biggest heartbreak to my biggest failure. They taught me lessons that help me to my biggest accomplishments to my biggest love.

Now if u gave me a redo with the knowledge and experience i have right now.

I would have had sex with way more women
giphy (4).gif
Stupid I know
I screwed up in college and had this dream of becoming a sports broadcaster but didnā€™t put forth much of an effort at the station I was interning at and didnā€™t have a backup plan either. I do have a college degree but havenā€™t done much with it except these dead end office jobs. But Iā€™m finally studying for a certification in IT and trying to get it by the end of the summer. Itā€™s funny. My cousin is 10 years younger than me and just got her nursing license so sheā€™ll probably be making her age (24) per hour and I havenā€™t even made anything like that in my lifetime. Soon I will. Hopefully
As far as the poll is concerned, my answer would be that all three are intertwined with one another.
should have stayed home and just endured the shit that most young adults go through at some period, could have it done and out the way

I would go back and do every single thing i thought was lame or unimportant at the time

regrets are regrets tho....we cant change the past, and if I went any other route then my route I wouldnt be who I am or have the family that I do
I graduated last year but I haven't done much with my degree. Really the degree that I have, I settled for it because I couldn't go for what I really wanted during the time. I slick thinking about going back to college to grab another major. Another regret that I might of had was not going off to college right away. As I've stated before, back then I had high interest in music production. Check a couple of schools and all were $10,000 per year and on campus (this was before online classes was an option). This is why it's very important to talk about college and etc in the community because I really didn't know how tuition work. At the time, I thought you paid $10,000 upfront per year. I'm thinking to myself, I don't even have $10,000 saved up. How I'm gon pay it? I didn't know you can pay $40,000 back through installments smh. At the same time, not going that route saved me from having a $40,000 debt tho. Like fam @Busta Carmichael said careers and talents like that, you can get free or inexpensive courses for the same studies on the internet. That's the pros of online programs and courses.
I screwed up in college and had this dream of becoming a sports broadcaster but didnā€™t put forth much of an effort at the station I was interning at and didnā€™t have a backup plan either. I do have a college degree but havenā€™t done much with it except these dead end office jobs. But Iā€™m finally studying for a certification in IT and trying to get it by the end of the summer. Itā€™s funny. My cousin is 10 years younger than me and just got her nursing license so sheā€™ll probably be making her age (24) per hour and I havenā€™t even made anything like that in my lifetime. Soon I will. Hopefully

Which cert you working on?
Anyone looking into getting into Tech and IT should look up Software Testing and Automation Testing.

Software Testing is really something anyone can do and requires no technical knowledge at all. Training for it can cost a couple hundred dollars, and with a cert or two and being open to move anywhere to get that first job or two, a job can be found in 6 months.

The pay for an entry position will be like $18-22, but in 2-3 years you will work you way up to the 40s.

In those 2-3 years, you keep training for more technical work like automation testing and development and get back in school to get a degree and you can really start making 50-60 an hour and have a chill ass job.

Most people dont even know that SQA(software quality assurance) is a field out there. Anyone interested should take a look at it and see if there are jobs in yall area and how much they are paying.
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