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Big Brother 20

Well damn.

JC was right when he told Fessy that those 2 were going on the block.

Fessy should be happy now because those are the 2 people he doesn't trust and he really thinks one of them is responsible for flipping the vote.

Too bad he doesn't realize that's not the case.

Hopefully Bayleigh can figure things out and talk some sense into him because, if she doesn't use her power app this week........that whole crew is done in terms of numbers.
I hope she doesn't use her app because more than likely the person is coming back
Always funny to me how the ladies can never seem to work together to get all the men out of the house.

Rachel, Angela, and Kaycee were talking about an all-girls alliance a few nights ago........but I don't think anything's gonna come of it.

For whatever reason, not enough of them can seem to put aside their differences long enough to make it happen.

Which is crazy because they're really in the perfect position to make that move now since the first 3 evictees were men.
I'm sick of Kaitlin crying all the damn time too.

Just finishing up last night's After Dark, and she's crying because Fessy won't talk to her.

Wish they would send a random person in there to take a belt to her for 5 minutes and then walk out.

Come up to her like......."You want something to cry about.......I'll give you something to cry about."

Chase her around.........pull out the belt........and start putting some welts on her ass.
I think Sam's my favorite houseguest.

All that sweet southern charm, but she's ruthless.

Basically called Kaitlin and Haleigh out during her nomination speech by telling them to have more respect for themselves..........and to stop trying to use their sexuality to manipulate the male houseguests.

Funny thing is, she almost sounded charming while saying it.........but that shit was brutal.

D Wade damn gif while sipping water bottle.gif

They felt it too because both of them were crying in the DR after she said it.

Hopefully Kaitlin ends up going home.

She's gotta be one of the most annoying houseguests in the history of the show.
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Faysal is going to watch this after he is out of the house and feel like the biggest idiot in the fucking world. He even got JC calling him simple minded...smh
Just caught last night's episode and all of a sudden I'm in love with Sam! She laid down the law like I've never seen on BB before...she said, "I don't care what y'all have seen done and have been doing, but this is my room. You don't go in there unless..." lol!!

Reminds me of the speeches I used to give my cousins and siblings when they came over (I was raised by my grandmother).
Who is the actual target, or does Sam care?

I don't think Sam really cares.

Knowing that her power app goes to the 4th evictee, one of the reasons she probably picked them......besides what she said in her nomination speech....... is that she didn't think either of them would return in a battle back or HOH competition.

I think Rockstar will get evicted.

Rockstar will definitely go home if the POV winner saves Kaitlin or Haleigh.

Don't think anyone on Team 6 really cares for her.

Now, between Haleigh and Kaitlin..........Kaitlin's probably going home because they don't fully trust her.
So, apparently, Fessy used the POV on Haleigh.........and Sam put up Rockstar as a replacement nominee.

In the process, Sam also explained what her power was.........and how it expired last week.

However, she must not have done a good job of explaining it because no one seems to understand what she was talking about.

The way she explained it has led people to speculate that there's gonna be a battle back with all 4 of the evictees.

Not sure if Sam asked production about the specifics of the power before she told everyone during the veto ceremony.

If she did, they probably didn't give her all the details.........so she just explained it to the best of her understanding.

So, if all goes according to plan........Rockstar will be evicted on Thursday, but there's no telling who's coming back in the house.

If it's a battle back, it'll probably be Swaggy.

If it's just a case where Rockstar gets to compete in the next HOH for a chance to get back in the house..........then she's probably done for good because I can't see her winning it.
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People on jokers saying Swaggy might lose Bayleugh to Kaycee...lol...Kaycee in love with old girl they say....

I thought Kaycee was messing around with Rachel.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised.

The ladies talk all the time about how good they think Kaycee looks.


Read that wrong.

So it's Kaycee who's crazy about Bayleigh huh?

Was wondering why I've seen them talking to each other more.
Looks like the house may have flipped and will be voting Kaitlyn out....

Bayleigh talking about her period 4 days late too....
Looks like the house may have flipped and will be voting Kaitlyn out....

Gotta give JC props for putting in the work.

Dude has been nonstop about making that happen for the past few days.

Just wondering if it's gonna be a majority or a tie with Sam casting the deciding vote.

Last night I got the impression that it was gonna be tied up.

Somebody must've flipped.