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COMMUNITY Biden to officially nominates Kentanji Brown Jackson for US Supreme Court. Update: KBJ becomes 1st Blk woman Confirmed to the SCOTUS

Prove me wrong bruh.

What did those workers eventually get from her not approving the settlement?

What those workers chose to do after the ruling has nothing to do with her. Her reasoning for the ruling was made very clear. If you disagree with it that's fine but she isn't personally responsible for ensuring that each person that was discriminated against follow through with a real lawsuit instead of getting played with a bait and switch class action suit that waives all their rights for legal recourse.
I think he saying and it was not hard to get that she was going to face criticism anyway whether he highlighted her race or qualifications

That's not what's being debated here. We all know that either from a political or racial standpoint, Biden's pick was going to be criticized.

What's being discussed here is the particular route the criticism is taking. Pretty much every conservative is zeroing in on her qualifications, and that is almost 100% because Biden has never really highlighted the qualifications he was looking for in the candidate or her qualifications in particular. He's just been saying that he was going to pick a black woman. My point was that he should have been more clear requirements needed for a good pick and then selected a black woman that fulfilled those requirements rather than making it seem like she was just an affirmative action hire.

I'm not sure why there is even push back on this. I don't know a single professional black person that would want their hiring to go down like this. If you're working in a mostly white space, you already have to deal with people just assuming that you're the token. The last thing you want is the person hiring you to basically start the hiring process off saying "Hey, let's get a black person." Biden could have prioritized hiring a black woman without reinforcing the racist rhetoric, but he didn't.

And once again, I'll point out that people are supporting him for this like he's some kinda advocate for black advancement. He's not. This is the same bullshit that he's been doing since day one. He's playing identity politics with his hiring while not actually doing anything to substantively help black people.
What those workers chose to do after the ruling has nothing to do with her. Her reasoning for the ruling was made very clear. If you disagree with it that's fine but she isn't personally responsible for ensuring that each person that was discriminated against follow through with a real lawsuit instead of getting played with a bait and switch class action suit that waives all their rights for legal recourse.

True, she's not.

Yet, she still chose to interfere in a settlement that both parties already agreed upon.

You're saying it's not her place to make sure those workers follow through on a quote/unquote......."real lawsuit?"

However, it wasn't her place to interfere with that settlement either.

Legally, she had the right to do it as the judge, but........usually..........judges don't interfere once a settlement has been reached.

You should know how this goes bruh.

Who has deeper pockets............Lockheed Martin or those black workers?

Those workers probably took the settlement because they knew that if they continued to pursue litigation........Lockheed Martin was just gonna stall them out in court with appeals and the workers wouldn't get anything.

$22 million is better than nothing.

And the judge's decision not to honor the settlement agreement insured that they got just that.......................nothing.
2 things...

1) you really need to learn how to use paragraphs. There's a reason they teach that for nearly every written language from a very early age. After the 3rd line in any of your posts I tend to just stop reading.

2) whatever the lawyers agreed on there would still be people affected that had no clue about the arbitration clause (if there even was one).
2 things...

1) you really need to learn how to use paragraphs. There's a reason they teach that for nearly every written language from a very early age. After the 3rd line in any of your posts I tend to just stop reading.

2) whatever the lawyers agreed on there would still be people affected that had no clue about the arbitration clause (if there even was one).

You realize that..........even though you're not using as many lines.........you're actually doing the same thing right?

But this isn't about paragraphs.

You're just being disingenuous and trying to deflect because you know I'm right about that judge.

Thanks for proving my point by going out of your way not to address it.
You realize that..........even though you're not using as many lines.........you're actually doing the same thing right?

But this isn't about paragraphs.

You're just being disingenuous and trying to deflect because you know I'm right about that judge.

Thanks for proving my point by going out of your way not to address it.

It's not a deflection; I made two points and you clearly got lost in the sauce before you got to #2. The way you write seems like it might be a reflection of the way you comprehend.

But have it your way because i'm not trying to read any more of your grammar school level sentence ladders.

But by all means drop a tired ass Denzel or Wire gif.
It's not a deflection; I made two points and you clearly got lost in the sauce before you got to #2. The way you write seems like it might be a reflection of the way you comprehend.

But have it your way because i'm not trying to read any more of your grammar school level sentence ladders.

It is deflection.

You're focusing on it not being the judge's place to make sure the black workers pursued litigation, but......at the same time..........ignoring the fact that it wasn't her place to interfere in the settlement either.

This is definitely a waste of time because you're just trolling at this point.
Lmao I'm starting to think he has never seen the wire

Not saying anything about what is going on with the Wire in here.

A lot people like to overrate certain scenes and statements made on the show when it comes to the Wire. Yes, there were some deep moments on the show but not how some try to make it seem.