I think we all know that the whining, suggestions, accusations and innuendo would still be exactly the same... "She only got the job because she's a black woman" or on the other side... "he's just pandering"
It is what it is.
Yes, but those claims are a lot emptier when the person doing the hiring doesn't actually come out and say "I'm only hiring a black woman."
Nah. They're still the same claims regardless.
Dude is basically saying "we need to desegregate the supreme court after 200 whole ass years" and you think he should... do that politely?
These racists are consistently loud, obnoxious, ignorant and violent in how they enforce white supremacy... why the hell would we police someone challenging them because it's too confrontational?
Lol It's not about politeness. For any job, people should be chosen based on their qualifications. The whole identity politics that goes into everything is bad, but racists have made it necessary. Biden basically played into their hands by announcing that identity politics were at play in his selection. It didn't help anything for him to do that either. He just broadcast it like that because he wants cheap brownie points with black people. The administration continues to not do anything substantive but points to diversity in hiring as being the proof that they care. It's a sham.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you, I, or the racists think. If some of the women being considered came out and said it made them feel a little like "Affirmative Action" his to have it put out there like that, then it wasn't handled in the best way
You see how you went from saying him telegraphing he was going to appoint a black woman was ammunition for racists to be racist to now saying it does a disservice to the black women who are now being considered after centuries of being ignored? That's the reason I can't really engage with you on this topic. It's like punching a bag of jello.
If this is true I can't fuck with her.
Jackson also ruled that the proposed settlement was not fair, reasonable and adequate because many Black employees would be abandoning potential discrimination claims without knowing what they were giving up and what monetary compensation or other relief they were likely to get in return.
Every one of Lockheed’s Black employees would have had to give up all rights to sue the company for any kind of past discrimination to obtain a settlement in this one particular case, which challenged one particular employment practice of the company. Jackson believed that trade-off was unfair.
Ok, so........I'm assuming the black workers ended up suing Lockheed Martin for all the things they wouldn't have been able to sue them for under the settlement right?
I'm also assuming they won these lawsuits, and got a lot more than the $22 million that they settled for.
So tell me, how much did they get?
$50 million...............$100 million.............$200 million?
Tell me how her decision ended up being what was best for those workers?
And how much better off they are now than they would've been if they took the original $22 million settlement.
But hey, what do I know?
I just listen to youtube niggas and take their word for it.
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As an aside, if you're getting your infomation from some random blogger who starts things off by saying... "Naturally, women will submit to whatever man they're with"... you're probably off to a bad start.
Go back and read my posts. I've made that point three times now. Just because you've ignored it doesn't mean I didn't say it.
And you're not even engaging with me. You're not making an actual argument, you're just being contrarian. I have given two reasons why Biden's handling of this is stupid. You have yet to give one for why it wasn't. Yes, it's great and right that a black woman was considered, but why am I wrong for saying that Biden should have selected a black woman and highlighted her qualifications rather than just coming out before hand and saying he was going to select a black woman? Don't act like I'm being difficult in the conversation when you're not actually saying anything of substance.
As an aside, if you're getting your infomation from some random blogger who starts things off by saying... "Naturally, women will submit to whatever man they're with"... you're probably off to a bad start.