I'm not saying the sole reason they are being racist is because of Biden. I'm saying that there is no reason to give them any grounds for a fake ass justification of their racism.
If you tried to call Tucker Carlson out on the difference between how he's treating this woman and how he treated Kavanaugh, for example, his obvious answer would be that Trump appointed Kavanauh because of his qualifications and not his race and gender. Now we may know that's a lie, but again, Biden telling everyone that he was going to appoint a black woman instead of just doing it is what opened the door for all of this. It's not even just me saying this, some of the people that were actually in contention said the same thing. They said it was a mixed blessing because it's about time the Supreme Court has a black woman, but it's also problematic because it would make it seem like the person was selective for their identity and not their qualifications. No one likes feeling like that.