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Being Black vs Being Christian

Yall. What does it matter... them people in the bible ain't here. Ain't now. Move forward. Grow up. The people in the bible.... they was the same 50 shades of shit as people today... bout as same as I think I can vouch for.
Like I said in another thread.

People claim they hate religion, but love talking about it.

It's like they're constantly and desperately trying to validate their view point.

And I honestly don't know who they're trying harder to convince, the world or themselves....
You never stopped posting in that Black Panther thread.
Niggas will tell you Christianity is the white mans religion, and in that same breathe will also tell you Jesus is black.
Jesus wasn't a Christian and was an an architect or founder if Christianity.

He didn't even call himself the Christ.
Because they weren't the only Christians in the room...

Yet they were the only ones who felt compelled to do something that peculiar...

An since they were shamed for their actions, they got defensive because they did not want the critique on them... So they threw God under the bus...

Because many people lack accountability, and they will blame their actions on anything they can get away with.

How many people self diagnose themselves and blame being bipolar for acting like a child or irrational??

They are in no position to give themselves a real diseases.... Yet that don't stop then from claiming one....

Just like those two know damn well they ain't hear no voices or divine intervention for their actions... They just thought the shit would look cool to show compassion...

And when it blew up in their face.. It's the "Christian thing to do"

Kinda like in teen Titans go when they gave Silkie to killer moth cuz "it was the right thing to do"

Then niggaz wanted the award

It is the Christian thing to do... even Jesus, dying on the cross, said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do..” and it’s spoken about in the Bible numerous times that forgiveness is the way to go. How this is “blaming God” baffles me lol it’s clearly in the Bible.
FOH if the revolution pop off I’m on the front lines shooting Cacs, and I’m always gonna rep for my man JC
I'm not even gonna begin my rant but you don't even want to start relating after throwing reincarnation into the mix... there's lots of empty timeline here....


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I'm down for all people. Just not the stupid azzz...ig'nant azzz...bigotry azzz...fake azzz...always negative azzz...aint got no common sense azzz muthafuccas
I've posted this before

I recommend everyone get this book, it's breaks down the origins of the 3 major religions


but if you're a fundamentalist you'll prolly write it off, gotta have an open mind

the book is more a starting point, to point you in the right direction if you're willing to learn