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Being Black vs Being Christian

Like I said in another thread.

People claim they hate religion, but love talking about it.

It's like they're constantly and desperately trying to validate their view point.

And I honestly don't know who they're trying harder to convince, the world or themselves....
Calm down I’m asking for evidence cause you can’t use that situation as part of your argument and make up shit to fit your narrative
Fuck your mother.

Its ignorant fucks like YOU are the reason Amber wasn't properly punished. Niggas are still out here playing dumb and giving cover to the enemy.
Definitely not a christian or religious at all. Not even sure I would consider myself spiritual. Went to church as a kid and really stopped going after my mother felt I could be left at home by myself.

Fucked up thing is though I still pray over my food and certain things out of habit.
You’re bordering on crazy. I’m sincerely asking you what would have been the proper punishment
It's not my job to educate ignorant ass trolls. You look stupid for not being up on current events. And if you think 10 years is suitable for murder of a black man in his own home its probably because you're a whiteboy or white bitch
It's not my job to educate ignorant ass trolls. You look stupid for not being up on current events. And if you think 10 years is suitable for murder of a black man in his own home its probably because you're a whiteboy or white bitch
lol so you ignore the entire context of the case and make it just white person killed black person. Again what would have been the proper punishment. 20 years? Hanged from the gallows?
lol so you ignore the entire context of the case and make it just white person killed black person. Again what would have been the proper punishment. 20 years? Hanged from the gallows?
^^^^this is what Christianity does to black people. It has them caping hard as fuck for a documented white supremacist

This isn't my opinion clown, its fact. You obviously weren't keeping up with the case. Amber's Brother flashed the white power sign in a pic. Her text messages were released and she literally said her dog is racist and she's just like her dog, she also had anti Martin Luther king texts. The married cop she was fucking also killed a black man and got away with it. You look like a window licker for not knowing this. Everyone at ABW knows this

I hope the white people you asskiss for your daily bread see how loyal you are to them, fatherless faggot
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the more i studied and still study the bible...its alot of truth and history but also alot of deception.

i can not properly speak against it until i full read it....but the human teachings are not good for the most part..


i was at a church in charlotte and the pastor was openly asking people to stand in a line based on the amount you was tithing.

Then you were at the wrong church which doesn’t follow biblical truths. The Bible gets a lot of hate because the way PEOPLE choose to interpret it. It’s fairly easy to fix this... you back scripture up with scripture. It doesn’t say it in one place, book, chapter or verse.. it’s usually backed up/references multiple times. So, as far as tithing goes, it’s clearly stated in the Bible that you give from the heart, not abundance. The story of the poor woman perfectly shows this.. (Mark 12:41-44)

another church ....was the collection plate came(i told this story) i didnt have USD so i put some euros in it...dude looked at it and me like i was putting monopoly money in it.

a non-issue just bc there could be ignorance to other forms of currency, not sure what it is, having to get it exchanged etc

when to another church i didnt know was "white" and people was moving their pocketbooks and away from me like....of all places ....but im still black.

crappy ppl are still crappy ppl and a title or church building doesn’t change that.. true change comes from within the heart, if they don’t exhibit this then they aren’t Christians. It’s clearly stated in the Bible. Can’t use this to paint everyone w the same label.

and its often used as a way to control people...mostly women who then use it to control men.
ex thots saying they cant be with a man who dont know the lord.
chicks saying respect her religion.....but swallowing while pissy drunk with no indication she getting married.
asking your man to submit to the leader of the churchs word...

It’s not about control, it’s about change. It’s also not meant to control women. Again, this comes down to misinterpretation/misuse of scripture.

Women controlling men? Let me ask you, if she’s an exthot and now a Christian, why would she be w a man who isn’t? Would be it healthy to a recovering alcoholic to date an alcoholic? Wouldn’t it be more wise for that person to date someone who isn’t an alcoholic? Wouldn’t an alcoholic cause that person to more than likely fall? Issues within the relationship? So, an exthot, that is, (one who has repented from their sins, one who has denied themselves aka denied their flesh/sin/desires) now a Christian, shouldn’t want a man who is also a Christian? That’s not control, it’s wisdom.

alot of shit i dont agree with.

the power and money side

This is overblown.. is there corruption within the church and people who abuse scripture, yes.. but this applies to anywhere and anything. There’s always people looking to prey on people’s weaknesses. But does this represent all churches and believers? Nope.
There were black Christians in Africa before slavery as the religion migrated to Africa way before it migrated to Europeans...

The whole premise of a white Jesus is just stupid. There are no white people in the Bible bruh. The religion does not come from Europeans. And despite the influence of the Catholic Church on the white community.... It still has nothing to do with the actual religion itself.

I 100% understand how people used to manipulate the word to serve their own purposes, and that still goes on today...

But the whole point is that kinda behavior is not a snapshot of every black Christian in the world.

There is not one action or person you can point to and say this represents everybody....

Shit is just lazy thinking at its finest. People have a point they want to prove, an justified it through the actions of people who clearly are on the extreme spectrum of dumb shit...

Like people legit say they don't go to church cuz Alllllll the pastor's eat out their congregation just cuz that one weirdo sex addict pastor did it a few weeks ago....

Niggaz be wild man
^^^^this is what Christianity does to black people. It has them caping hard as fuck for a documented white supremacist

This isn't my opinion clown, its fact. You obviously weren't keeping up with the case. Amber's Brother flashed the white power in a pic. Her text messages were released and she literally said her dog is racist and she's just like her dog, she also had anti Martin Luther king texts. The married cop she was fucking also killed a black man and got away with it. You look like a window licker for not knowing this. Everyone at ABW knows this

I hope the white people you asskiss for your daily bread see how loyal you are to them, fatherless faggot
So you have no evidence on white supremacy?
And still she was correctly convicted for manslaughter but you’re still not happy. I don’t get it.
That judge and that brother were buggin though.

That's not Christian, that was them.... They just used Christianity as a crutch for their actions.

It's the same as wicked people who unjustly killed "in the name of God"

Or slave owners who perverted shit to make it seem like they were doing God's work...

People been doing that shit.... The Bible even warns that people will use the scripture to justify their wrong doings ... And it's up to us as a people to expose them...

Which is why I tend to stay out of these cuz ironically people are doing what needs to be done....i just watch and laugh