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Thing is, that's a legit couples beef.

Me and my wife go through this constantly. We're just wired differently.

Dudes go to an event for the event. That's the attraction and the purpose. The actual event.

Women go to places for the company.
The reason they go places is because of who they go with.
That's what's important.

So when women go places with us, they'll deal with some shit they don't like... Even make the best of it, just because they want to be with us. They can give a fuck less about what we doing.

And they can not and will not understand why we don't think the same way. Can invites earn to this shit to spend time with him. To share a part of her with him. She feels more connected to Earn as a person who will see what she's been feeling her whole life living through this German shit.

She was looking for a bonding experience.

Earn like most guys focus solely on the event. Who he's with means little. All he can think is this is wack German shit. I'm uncomfortable. I don't like it. I don't want to be here. Why would you force me to do this shit. When can we get the fuck out here?

He does not see it from van's point of view. She does not realize by taking this stance he's essentially saying to van " I do not want to spend time with you. I am not interested in you."

Then he tells her their situation"works" for him. Which to him is a logical answer, why complicate what works.

To her, she hears... You are just warm pussy and a roof. If we do anything, we're hanging with thugs and rappers in strip clubs and rap shows. You just a girl on my arm.... You're "Earn's girl" or "Lottie's mom"

At no point does she feel recognized, or heard. She doesn't feel supported. She's not being taken seriously either, and she's not feeling that.

So she lashes out about her feelings, he's lashing out cuz if this weak event, and neither one is listening to the other.

I blame earn more than her, cuz dude really gives a fuck about shorty.... And all he had to do was man up and say that shit.....

But that shit hit home, I felt that fight to my core.
Excellent episode

Great post.

What’s funny is even Van’s girlfriends husband ( the white guy who gave Rarn the mask) mention to Earn not as well thought out as this post how some females think. I was surprised nobody said anything about that.
This episode pissed me off.


This is my barber to the tee. What makes it worse is he's my cousin and has been cutting my hair for 25+ years. He's part of the reason I let my shit grow cause it was a headache trying to catch up to him to get a cut. Now I line(front/sides) and shave my own shit and only go to him for special occasions.

Why is it so hard to switch barbers lol?
Damn now that I think about it I had a Bibby lol it was my homeboy from work. He could cut his ass off but hella unreliable. He say meet me at my house round 1 I get there he ain't there he pull up at 145 like nigga really. He was all over the place done got my haircut at his bitch crib, random shop he worked in, at work in the locker room it was comical
We need more Bibby in this show. By far the funniest episode I’ve seen on this show because it rings so damn true. Fucking barbers stay wasting time doing random stuff or talking about crazy stuff instead of cutting folks hair.

But that is also what makes the barber shop fun to hang at unless you got some place to be like Al
motherfuckers be taking lunchbreaks,smoke breaks during your haircut lool.

Bruh, the last time i went to my barber was almost the last straw. I get off at 4:30 and head straight to the shop. He said he had 1 in the chair and 1 waiting, i get there and he's finishing the dude in the chair up. I shit you not, he snatched the cape off dude and then looked at the 1 guy that was waiting and me and said "I'll be right back yall, i gotta run and pay my light bill before they close. I'll be right back." This nigga was gone for 30-45 minutes and came back with food and his sons lol.
Bruh, the last time i went to my barber was almost the last straw. I get off at 4:30 and head straight to the shop. He said he had 1 in the chair and 1 waiting, i get there and he's finishing the dude in the chair up. I shit you not, he snatched the cape off dude and then looked at the 1 guy that was waiting and me and said "I'll be right back yall, i gotta run and pay my light bill before they close. I'll be right back." This nigga was gone for 30-45 minutes and came back with food and his sons lol.




dummy mission after dummy mission...

Like legit we all been on 1 or 2, but Bibby legit had this nigga on like 4 of them...

There's no way all that shit happens in one day..... But I can 100% see all that shit happening at some point in time if you fucking with a nigga like Bibby.

Bibby ain't shit bruh, I loved that character. Prolly one of my favorites on the show thus far.
This is why I quit going to the barber in 2008. My man... Dude brought my barber a bottle for a favor. I'm thinking he's checking the bag to make sure it's right. Next thing I know I feel something hit my neck. My man laughing talking about, "Yooo you done pushed that man's line back!"

This nigga sipped and spilled Hennessey on my neck. I overlooked selling DVDs, weed, and porn. But that sent me to the store to get clippers and shave my own head. This episode gave me flashbacks lol.
Funny thing is my barber from college is going for back to back championships
You guys are only talking about the relationship shit,what about the discussion about racial identity ? In real life the actress Zazie Beetz is in a relationship with a white dude

so i thought that convo she had with her friend about "acting white" was intresting. Also if you notice lately in movies,TV,and even shopping ads you're starting to see more

interracial couples but it's always a White Male with a Black Female,but you rarely if ever see Black Male/White Female interracial couples in media. This is a form of

social engineering.
Was just talking to my girl about the social engieengine of interracial couples of white males and black women on TV