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FEATURED At What Age Should A Kid Discuss Gender Identity?

A little off topic
Did a little research of the person Sarah Fields aka SarahCensored and she post a lot of misinformation and disinformation.
I ain't reading anymore of this shit, I got to the first few folks who went the mocking route and that's more than enough.

All yall playing willfully ignorant know damn well this shit is being pushed and would've be unheard of even 10 years ago, let alone 20. But continue to keep your head in the sand like this shit is cool or normal.
We're done as a race. We don't stand for shit and laughingly cosign our own demise
I don’t think it’s persuading kids but it does kind of open up options. It’s like “oh shit I can say I identify as a girl now?”

I suppose that may be the reason people are quick to react to it and label it as persuasive. I know some may be quick to assume the worse in people. I can't read minds so I can never say with 100% certainty what these folk's motivations are.
yea bruh, let the cowardice just ooze out
You attribute too much to individual intelligence and not enough to group think. They aren’t the same. When you understand that and move in intelligence with that understanding, you’re gonna feel a lot less controlled and a lot more powerful. That should help you with your anger problems.
Anytime I talk from a higher level of understanding wit y’all I get this. I’m not explaining what I said beyond saying what I said has been scientifically proven. All I did was repeat it.

I hear you bro but the way you structure your passages sometimes make it tough to understand the conclusion you are trying to lead me to. To be frank, at times it seems a bit wordy; needlessly so.
You attribute too much to individual intelligence and not enough to group think. They aren’t the same. When you understand that and move in intelligence with that understanding, you’re gonna feel a lot less controlled and a lot more powerful. That should help you with your anger problems.
^^^Padded room babbling... Just say you're plantation bound and stfu...
I hear you bro but the way you structure your passages sometimes make it tough to understand the conclusion you are trying to lead me to. To be frank, at times it seems a bit wordy, needlessly so.
are you good at algebra?
Issue: a certain segment of white people are trying their hardest to indoctrinate the world with homosexuality. And they are coming for the children first.

Cowardly black deflection 1: nobody can turn you gay lmao. What are you worried about lol

Cowardly black deflection 2: well you see, the children need to exercise their minds
School isn’t about what they teach you or what you learn. It’s about exercising your mind to understand concepts. The concept to understand here is that we are all different and not tied to specific roles. It’s to get kids to understand that concept. Same as CRT is to get children to understand the concept of a present, created from a past that dictated laws and actions based on race. It’s not to get white kids to feel guilty for being white as white parents who are against it feel it is. It’s to get children to recognize and understand how the concept of race has been used in America so that it answers questions to things they don’t understand. Why does my friend Jamal have less than me and some of the other white kids in my class?

People against the expanding of concepts at youthful ages are just scared of children thinking differently than they do because they are afraid of a future they won’t recognize but in aging, is the absolute of a future you won’t recognize, so it’s best to interact with this than it is to damn it .

It's not an expansion, it's a distortion of reality and has no foundation in biology or medicine.
I think I’d be upset hearing the doctor ask my son this because that’s not something that has been asked before at other visits.

I don’t think it’s persuading kids but it does kind of open up options. It’s like “oh shit I can say I identify as a girl now?”

I think the discussion should be had when the child is having feelings or questioning. It should be with a trusted adult.
Are you a mother or a birthing person?
Si a boy identifies as a girl and gets to slamming your daughter all over the school yard……is it just kids being kids or should the boy not touch the girl?

Boys in the girls bathroom ain’t a problem?

Can you daughter change in front of pre teen boys?

Careful what y’all asking for
Why are we forcing kids with no life experience to select based on grown up definitions?
I work in healthcare and I've never seen a doctor out right ask a child about their gender identity in a regular visit setting. Now if a family let's us know their child is transgender or non-binary, we definitely put that in charts to address patients how they prefer.

Honestly I would be little pissed too cause my kid isn't that aware of all that yet...