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At least 10 people have been killed in a mass shooting in a Buffalo Supermarket by a 18yo white supremacist.

What about the age limit thing? Could that not work? They going to war to allow their 18-24 year olds buy a gun?

Even with the age restriction, no one is saying you can’t buy your kid a gun. It’s just that if you do and they commit the crime you go to jail too. There has to be another level of accountability.

They start buying their little devils guns when they're old enough walk - that's how the indoctrination to gun worship begins for them. And while it makes sense to you and me, the idea that these people should be responsible for actions they helped to facilitate is pretty much a direct attack on their sense of privilege and they push back as such.

Remember that to these people, rules and regulations were never meant to apply to them. They are for gun control when it's controlling black people's access to guns just like they are for censorship when it's black people protesting and they are for mass incarceration and mandatory minimums when it's black people caught up in a drug epidemic.
Interesting watch...

I say interesting cuz alotta these theories are not new. Its jus the access to them is what helps to fuel them. Its the internet, online chats, message boards/forums, social media etc.

imo its jus wild to discuss it on here cuz this is a message board, yet other message boards similar to this are used to spread hate n racism.

I have been posting regularly on message boards since 2002.

(I kno no ones gives af. But i started on down-south.com (s/o to anyone who remembers down-south.com) moved to allhiphop/IC, then abw)

But i only post to talk music, sports, news, n jokes. Its crazy that alotta post to spread racism n hate.

Ppl always ruin a good thing

You’ve heard a lot about the great replacement theory recently,” Carlson said. “It’s everywhere in the last two days and we’re still not sure exactly what it is. Here’s what we do know for a fact. There is a strong political component to the Democratic Party’s immigration policy. We’re not guessing this. We know this. And we know it because they have said so.”

Now this cac wanna play dumb
Tucker is the most hateful human to exist on modern tv

I might be about to show my age here but I remember seeing that fucker on tv regularly when I was a kid and he was saying the light version of the same shit he says now but he was on CNN or some channel like that when it was basically C-SPAN (before Bill fucking Clinton gutted the Fairness Doctrine and essentially created Fox News) and he used to wear bow-ties and that was his little thing that set him aside from Lou Dobbs. I remember even back then thinking this motherfucker is a nazi but also a dweeb at the same time. At that time in my life I was occasionally having to fight real life nazis at The Pipeline in Newark at shows or on St Marks in Manhattan and that shit wasn't a game to me.

The fact that he was able to foster and thrive for so long has always been a reminder to me that America would have sided with Hitler or at least stayed neutral if the Japanese never bombed Pearl Harbor.

In short, these crackas being nazis will never shock me.
I might be about to show my age here but I remember seeing that fucker on tv regularly when I was a kid and he was saying the light version of the same shit he says now but he was on CNN or some channel like that when it was basically C-SPAN (before Bill fucking Clinton gutted the Fairness Doctrine and essentially created Fox News) and he used to wear bow-ties and that was his little thing that set him aside from Lou Dobbs. I remember even back then thinking this motherfucker is a nazi but also a dweeb at the same time. At that time in my life I was occasionally having to fight real life nazis at The Pipeline in Newark at shows or on St Marks in Manhattan and that shit wasn't a game to me.

The fact that he was able to foster and thrive for so long has always been a reminder to me that America would have sided with Hitler or at least stayed neutral if the Japanese never bombed Pearl Harbor.

In short, these crackas being nazis will never shock me.
GOATed for dropping the Fairness Doctrine. IYKYK.
Tucker is the most hateful human to exist on modern tv

I was about to say "Nah, he's not. He's just playing a role."

Then I remember they literally got audio of this dude saying that Iraqis are illiterate monkeys in an interview that he thought no one would really hear.
he’s playing a role for profit and power.. none of these dudes mean 10% of what they say..

People running around blaming Fox/Tucker Carlson who STARTED on MSNBC are idiots.

Same way Fox blame democrats when illegals commit crime.

A bunch of people got killed and they immediately injected politics into it.

Stop being zombies and have some fucking discipline to think for yourself.

Yeah, but my point was that he was saying crazy shit before he was even in the limelight.
Again, YOU don’t know him outside of his celebrity. Dude been on tv for 20+ years.

Ok...I never said I knew him outside of his celebrity. I said he was espousing racist garbage before he had any real power in the media and before he had any expectation that his words would blow up, which implies that those opinions aren't just performative.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

Racist YT claims that this was all just an unfortunate happenstance.. And there’s nothing to see here everything is basically all white except for some dead black folks…