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And Twitter is mad at Killah Cam Newton....for like the 12th time. This time, he speaks down on "Bad B*tches"

Lol damn look how far the male has fallen.

A man can't even say what he likes in a woman.

A rich, talented, successful man at that.

Shit you say you would like for a woman to have a vagina these days is controversial.

Humankind is doomed, Earth is ghetto, I am ready for the aliens to beam me up.
all facts
Also, this nigga not the brightest crayon in the box

I wouldn't be asking no nigga who steals a laptop and writes his name on the underside of it in white out so big you could see the shit from space, anything about relationships
So what? He likes what he likes and there’s women out there that would like to be that for men like him.

I fucking hate people.
Exactly and you got people 8n here attacking him for his opinion on the type of woman he likes to deal with. It's not half way serious