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And Twitter is mad at Killah Cam Newton....for like the 12th time. This time, he speaks down on "Bad B*tches"

Eh I ain't got no problem with what he said.

In the age of women telling men "what a real man is" now you got men telling women "what a real woman is" seems par for the course.

What he said is more in line with how my generation viewed women but of course there's no set rules to anything, just values changing.

I always applied the term "bad bitch" to looks alone tho. Not the hot girl summer/boss bitch frame of mind.
On what, tho?

Like this should matter to what's left of his playing career, now? Is THAT what we're doin?


Lol, it’s not the first time he’s put his foot in his mouth. It’s not even about his playing career I’m sure he’s gonna wanna be involved in media shit.
At this point Cam ain’t even a factor playing wise it’s a fact… but dude got a habit of talking sideways and hurting his image. From him being disgruntled after the Super Bowl fumble to the dumb shit involving race relations to his opinions on women. White men like Joe Rogan can get away with that shit but not Cam. Crazy world. The backlash will be small cuz Cam ain’t poppin like that, but I’m sure he can’t afford it.