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Am I Da A$$hole?

Question for you guys. I have had a really tough year. I have a friend that’s the nearest thing you can call a best friend. She’s a very nice lady. She’s the total opposite of me and Infact I don’t even know why we are friends, really. I can’t remember how we became friends but we are.

So my friend is familiar with my tough times. She also is someone I have conversations with about shit I don’t tell others and about who I am and shit. She is real familiar with my past and how I view people in relation to me.

So, on my birthday when I woke up, I got messages from like 5 people that are near and dear to me to say happy birthday. For me, that’s all I wanted, I couldn’t ask for more. Just 5 people that have shown over the previous year that they are there for me.

This friend takes it upon herself to put in a group chat with over 50 people, to send me happy birthday messages. So I’m at home chilling any my phone is going bing bing bing, I look and it’s a bunch of happy birthday messages from numbers, most don’t even have names of who it’s from.

I immediately feel enraged, I get in contact with my friend cause I instinctively know, it’s no one but her that would do some shit like this. I hit her up and ask her if she told people to wish me happy birthday day. She said yea, I thought it would cheer you up.

I lost my shit, and yelled at her, asking what da fuck about me..the me you fucking know, that would lead you to believe that I would want you out here begging for well wishes on my behalf?

We had a big argument and ain’t talked since, am I the ass hole? If you know I am a very very intimate person, you know how I am when it comes to my pride and how I move. Why would you do some shit for me, that would be some shit that you would like to happen. I felt like she did that shit to say look what I did, and not with the intention of that shit meaning anything to me.

As someone who would have felt exactly how you felt, you wrong bruh.

You could have just told her that you appreciated the intent but let her know that you'd appreciate it if she never did anything like that again.

Bruh, if you going to have female friends, you have to understand that they don't move like we do and don't think the way we do. Regardless of how you feel about what happened, you have to acknowledge that she was trying to do good for you. You just never spazz out on someone for trying to do right by you.
Bruh, why are you always in my business?

Not even talking to you........and here you are throwing your little 2 cents in.

Go piss in another soda machine or something.
Nah nigga, you get the fuck outta here.

You don't know a fucking thing about me other than what I post on this board.

I've got a long memory, and I know a lot more about you than whatever it is you think you know about me.

'Preciate the feedback, but nobody's trying to ruin that man's life or the progress he's made.

Just letting him know that he wasn't wrong for how he reacted.

Now if he regrets it or feels the need to apologize or whatever, that's on him.

But that was a normal reaction for somebody who feels like someone else was using their situation to satisfy their own selfish needs.

you don’t think fussing somebody out is a lil extreme here tho

you don’t think fussing somebody out is a lil extreme here tho

Only if it was calculated and planned.

Spur of the moment..........it's normal.

Everybody loses their temper from time-to-time.

Unless they're triggered over any little thing, it's a normal reaction.
This ain't the flex you think it is.

I don't care to know about you... Cuz everything you present is trash. You can build and compile everything you know about me, and it changes nothing.

But don't fret..... He didn't take your advice. He apologized and now are on the road to recovery. It's amazing how things work out when you talk to people who actually know how to maintain relationships

Not like that though.

Past few exchanges we've had you seem to be taking subtle shots at me that don't have anything to do with whatever the topic-at-hand is.

Never had a problem with you, but something seems off about this.

You say it isn't, so I'll take you at your word.
I have no personal issues with you, but I have been grumpier lately.