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Activist Toyin Salau Found Murdered

So in your opinion this is not something we are ever really going to address? Because y’all don’t want to feel attacked
when has women being raped and killed not been addressed though?

For all we know this dude is a serial killer/rapist.

What am I supposed to be about that?

you can't stop a serial killer from being a serial killer

Nobody blames all white men for Ted Bundy's actions.

Besides becoming a vigilante like batman and scouring the streets every night for every rapist/serial killer Idk what anybody can do.

I would guess most serial killers or rapists are psychopaths or have some sexual perversion

I don't understand how this falls on anybody besides the killer.

19 yr women survive on the streets everyday alone

She just had this unfortunate scenario happen and it's fucked,but it's not on the community and damn sure not black men's fault.

Should we do a march against rapist /killers and protest against serial killer rapists

you think serial killing rapists gaf who marches against what they do?

Like John Wayne Gacy would have stopped killing if he saw a protest against rape on TV.
We are called the white men of black people. So that implies systematic level of oppression. So the thing that affects black women are violence and no one in the community has a system of protecting black men when they harm black women. So yes it is another version of black on black crime with black men being the face of this.

Theres no system in place that protects Black men who harm Black women? So the multitude of "weird Uncle" stories you hear from Black women mean nothing? The fact that far too many can tell you a story about not only being abused and/or harrassed but being forced to continue to interact with said person because "We dont tell on family" doesnt exist? Shit remember the IC thread where you had niggas arguing against a poster exposing abuse in their family because of the drama it could cause? You constantly deflect when this issue is brought to the table yet never have any suggestions on what we as men can do to better raise young boys to treat women better as they grow. If you truly have no solution then it's ok to say that but to constantly try and deflect as if it's not a serious concern for Black women shows you really aren't putting their safety as a priority in terms of protecting Black people as a whole.
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when has women being raped and killed not been addressed though?

For all we know this dude is a serial killer/rapist.

What am I supposed to be about that?

you can't stop a serial killer from being a serial killer

Nobody blames all white men for Ted Bundy's actions.

Besides becoming a vigilante like batman and scouring the streets every night for every rapist/serial killer Idk what anybody can do.

I would guess most serial killers or rapists are psychopaths or have some sexual perversion

I don't understand how this falls on anybody besides the killer.

19 yr women survive on the streets everyday alone

She just had this unfortunate scenario happen and it's fucked,but it's not on the community and damn sure not black men's fault.

Should we do a march against rapist /killers and protest against serial killer rapists

you think serial killing rapists gaf who marches against what they do?

Like John Wayne Gacy would have stopped killing if he saw a protest against rape on TV.

Again you're going to the extreme of things. Talk to.women and see how many of them were touched inappropriately or had someone make a comment about their body when they were clearly Yet when they bring it up people call them "fast" or say it's their fault for being tempting to young boys and men. Its stuff like that women are talking about. Nobody is saying rapists dont rape regardless, it's why I hate the phrase "teach boys not to rape" because not 1 person is taught rape is right. However we are taught to view and treat women in a way that if we arent fucking them then they serve no real purpose so why should I care about her life? And even if I am fucking her that's all I care about so again...why should I care about her as a person? And that mentality of if we ain't fucking you serve no purpose needs to change
sadly that's the vagueness of human mating

Sometimes women do say no to a nigga then when he keeps pressing she warms up to him.

Nobody is direct in dating.

it's not like you can be like "hey do you like me cause I like you" like middle school.

But bottomline this woman was killed and it's sad.

And that's on women to better teach young girls that whole playing coy and hard to get shit needs to stop too. It's things on both sides that need to be corrected but I'm a man so my focus is on other young men. And nobody being direct in dating is why alot of yall have the issues with relationships and the opposite sex you do now but thats and entirely different thread topic
Theres no system in place that protects Black men who harm Black women? So the multitude of "weird Uncle" stories you hear from Black women mean nothing? The fact that far too many can tell you a story about not only being abused and/or harrassed but being forced to continue to interact with said person because "We dont tell on family" doesnt exist? You constantly deflect when this issue is brought to the table yet never have any suggestions on what we as men can do to better raise young boys to treat women better as they grow. If you truly have no solution then it's ok to say that but to constantly try and deflect as if it's not a serious concern for Black women shows you really aren't putting their safety as a priority in terms of protecting Black people as a whole.
SYSTEMIC- fundamental to a predominant social, economic, or political practice. There is no police court system judge that is protecting the “weird uncle” from punishing him. The sister this thread is about killer just was caught and will be punished. How many black people were murdered by whites supremacists and got no justice while the system protected them? This thread wasn’t about her this was a thinly veiled attempt to attack black men.
So in your opinion this is not something we are ever really going to address? Because y’all don’t want to feel attacked
This is another flavor of what about black on black crime. So when a coon deflects from the murder of a innocent young lady to talk about but but what about the black men. Yeah I’m calling it out for what it is.
SYSTEMIC- fundamental to a predominant social, economic, or political practice. There is no police court system judge that is protecting the “weird uncle” from punishing him. The sister this thread is about killer just was caught and will be punished. How many black people were murdered by whites supremacists and got no justice while the system protected them? This thread wasn’t about her this was a thinly veiled attempt to attack black men.

The thread was about her murder. I know it was cuz I made it. Unless you can now read minds you dont know my motivations. And you've yet to directly answer the questions. You've yet to answer if abusers within the community aren't often given passes and in some cases even hidden away so the families dont have to actually deal with the problem. If you can ignore this many Black women telling you something is a problem you really dont care about them as.much as you claim. You're more concerned with not feeling attacked. Systematic problems arent just legal matters. They can be and often are cultural as well and we often speak on them as such. Which you never have a problem with unless it's about the abuse of Black women which you always race to say isn't a problem.

Youre lying to yourself if you cant admit within the Black community there has long been the idea that simply pushing these things aside as if they didnt happen or in some instances even blaming the young victim is better than actually confronting and dealing with said abuser. There's no factual way to deny that because it's been proven not only anecdotally but with actual research.
And that's on women to better teach young girls that whole playing coy and hard to get shit needs to stop too. It's things on both sides that need to be corrected but I'm a man so my focus is on other young men. And nobody being direct in dating is why alot of yall have the issues with relationships and the opposite sex you do now but thats and entirely different thread topic
It won't change just like whatever mating rituals peacocks do

ppl will never be direct about sex and relationships

women like mystery and saying certain things destroys the vibe.

but while I'm respectful when I feel the time is right I got no issue saying. "I'm trying smash" in many colorful ways

and if she ain't with it cool,I'll move along .

My issues got nothing to do with being direct

that white picket fence life just ain't as common in 2020 and I missed the boat when me and my ex broke up.

niggas be ain't shit and bitches be ain't shit and everybody fucking and cheating and that's where we at now.

if you managed to find somebody before now you lucky and I applaud that and hope yall stay together.

But I'm in the field and I doubt marriage is in my future.It's hardbody out here.
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The thread was about her murder. I know it was cuz I made it. Unless you can now read minds you dont know my motivations. And you've yet to directly answer the questions. You've yet to answer if abusers within the community aren't often given passes and in some cases even hidden away so the families dont have to actually deal with the problem. If you can ignore this many Black women telling you something is a problem you really dont care about them as.much as you claim. You're more concerned with not feeling attacked. Systematic problems arent just legal matters. They can be and often are cultural as well and we often speak on them as such. Which you never have a problem with unless it's about the abuse of Black women which you always race to say isn't a problem.

Youre lying to yourself if you cant admit within the Black community there has long been the idea that simply pushing these things aside as if they didnt happen or in some instances even blaming the young victim is better than actually confronting and dealing with said abuser. There's no factual way to deny that because it's been proven not only anecdotally but with actual research.
Within the first 5/6 posts you posted a random tweet from some random black person talking shit about black women. You knew what you really wanted to discuss. Her death is just the Trojan horse to do such things. I have more posts in this thread talking about her than you do in your own thread. You’re more focused on but what about black men.

If you think families not speaking on certain male members is the equivalent of systemic white supremacy and racism then we have nothing else to talk about.
SYSTEMIC- fundamental to a predominant social, economic, or political practice. There is no police court system judge that is protecting the “weird uncle” from punishing him. The sister this thread is about killer just was caught and will be punished. How many black people were murdered by whites supremacists and got no justice while the system protected them? This thread wasn’t about her this was a thinly veiled attempt to attack black men.

Barkley contemplating clip.gif

Terminology aside, I'm starting to think Tariq might be on to something.

This does seem like something designed to take the focus away from police brutality and cops not being held accountable for their actions.

When they talk about toxic masculinity and nobody caring about trans people..............it's a veiled attack on black men.

Which is kind of insidious when you think about it because it seems like they're doing this at a time when people around the world are starting to have more sympathy for what black men have to go through.

(Key words being..........."seems like"............because I'm still a little bit suspicious of all the support coming in from non-black people.)

However, assuming all of this worldwide concern is genuine...........they act like they have a problem with that for some reason, so they're doing everything they can to try to stop and/or hijack the movement.
Terminology aside, I'm starting to think Tariq might be on to something.

This does seem like something designed to take the focus away from police brutality and cops not being held accountable for their actions.

When they talk about toxic masculinity and nobody caring about trans people..............it's a veiled attack on black men.

Which is kind of insidious when you think about it because it seems like they're doing this at a time when people around the world are starting to have more sympathy for what black men have to go through.

(Key words being..........."seems like"............because I'm still a little bit suspicious of all the support coming in from non-black people.)

However, assuming all of this worldwide concern is genuine...........they act like they have a problem with that for some reason, so they're doing everything they can to try to stop and/or hijack the movement.

IDGAF about trans ppl

I also don't want to harm them or stop them having any rights.

Their sexual, freaky ass,ID crisis,fetish,orientation ain't nothing like being racially oppressed.

if they don't want to be oppressed stop dressing like a bitch or a nigga or whatever.

I can't not be black,but they can put some pants on .

Yeah it's crazy that ppl choose now to undermine what's going on.
IDGAF about trans ppl

I also don't want to harm them or stop them having any rights.

Their sexual, freaky ass,ID crisis,fetish,orientation ain't nothing like being racially oppressed.

if they don't want to be oppressed stop dressing like a bitch or a nigga or whatever.

I can't not be black,but they can put some pants on .

Yeah it's crazy that ppl choose now to undermine what's going on.

Stanley from the office nodding clip.gif
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Terminology aside, I'm starting to think Tariq might be on to something.

This does seem like something designed to take the focus away from police brutality and cops not being held accountable for their actions.

When they talk about toxic masculinity and nobody caring about trans people..............it's a veiled attack on black men.

Which is kind of insidious when you think about it because it seems like they're doing this at a time when people around the world are starting to have more sympathy for what black men have to go through.

(Key words being..........."seems like"............because I'm still a little bit suspicious of all the support coming in from non-black people.)

However, assuming all of this worldwide concern is genuine...........they act like they have a problem with that for some reason, so they're doing everything they can to try to stop and/or hijack the movement.
This one sticks because it was a black man that did it. It takes the focus off of white supremacy and puts it on black men and it gets us fighting amongst ourselves. This isn’t anything new.
Within the first 5/6 posts you posted a random tweet from some random black person talking shit about black women. You knew what you really wanted to discuss. Her death is just the Trojan horse to do such things. I have more posts in this thread talking about her than you do in your own thread. You’re more focused on but what about black men.

If you think families not speaking on certain male members is the equivalent of systemic white supremacy and racism then we have nothing else to talk about.

I wanted to discuss this young woman's death. Du is actually the one who took the thread in another direction with one of his responses. So maybe you need to holla at him. As for the rest, until you actually answer the questions posed then you're doing nothing but deflecting.
It won't change just like whatever mating rituals peacocks do

ppl will never be direct about sex and relationships

women like mystery and saying certain things destroys the vibe.

but while I'm respectful when I feel the time is right I got no issue saying. "I'm trying smash" in many colorful ways

and if she ain't with it cool,I'll move along .

My issues got nothing to do with being direct

that white picket fence life just ain't as common in 2020 and I missed the boat when me and my ex broke up.

niggas be ain't shit and bitches be ain't shit and everybody fucking and cheating and that's where we at now.

if you managed to find somebody before now you lucky and I applaud that and hope yall stay together.

But I'm in the field and I doubt marriage is in my future.It's hardbody out here.

The people who are direct about what they want tend to be happier because they don't subject themselves to bullshit games people play like what you are describing and you are apparently actively engaging in when dealing with women. Just as niggas love saying "if women keep dealing with a certain type of man then maybe that woman needs to check who and what she's attracting" the same can be said to you. If this is what you're encountering then take a step back and look at what you're doing to keep ending up in the same type of situations with the women you deal with. I got friends that's still single and don't have the problems you have because they're up front about what they do and don't want. You'd be surprised at what actually being up front with people can do
I wanted to discuss this young woman's death. Du is actually the one who took the thread in another direction with one of his responses. So maybe you need to holla at him. As for the rest, until you actually answer the questions posed then you're doing nothing but deflecting.
You started it but for whatever reason the post with the tweet got deleted.

Funny coming from you about deflection.
The people who are direct about what they want tend to be happier because they don't subject themselves to bullshit games people play like what you are describing and you are apparently actively engaging in when dealing with women. Just as niggas love saying "if women keep dealing with a certain type of man then maybe that woman needs to check who and what she's attracting" the same can be said to you. If this is what you're encountering then take a step back and look at what you're doing to keep ending up in the same type of situations with the women you deal with. I got friends that's still single and don't have the problems you have because they're up front about what they do and don't want. You'd be surprised at what actually being up front with people can do

I don't have an issue being direct,but also there is an unspoken mating ritual we all take part in,whether we acknowledge it or not

I live in Atlanta and metro ATL.

A lot of these women are savage for real.

Nah it's not on me,how other ppl are and I can't make no perfect woman like Weird Science.

IDK what problems you're talking about?

Also it depends on what kind of women you like,and I like pretty women according to my taste.

And bottomline an attractive woman in ATL,seen it all and done it all.

I don't live in some small town.

plus I got my own shit to deal with that has nothing to with any other person.

IDEK if a relationship is important to me at this point.

I did it,and I wasted a decade,and now it just is what it is and I can't cry about it now.

Maybe I'll never be in a relationship or maybe I'll stumble on another one,but I can't magically make a relationship appear from thin air.

So until then I'm outchea like I was when I was 20 and if I want a somewhat regular rotation of sex,I gotta play the game.

cause me not getting no pussy ain't an option,
when has women being raped and killed not been addressed though?

For all we know this dude is a serial killer/rapist.

What am I supposed to be about that?

you can't stop a serial killer from being a serial killer

Nobody blames all white men for Ted Bundy's actions.

Besides becoming a vigilante like batman and scouring the streets every night for every rapist/serial killer Idk what anybody can do.

I would guess most serial killers or rapists are psychopaths or have some sexual perversion

I don't understand how this falls on anybody besides the killer.

19 yr women survive on the streets everyday alone

She just had this unfortunate scenario happen and it's fucked,but it's not on the community and damn sure not black men's fault.

Should we do a march against rapist /killers and protest against serial killer rapists

you think serial killing rapists gaf who marches against what they do?

Like John Wayne Gacy would have stopped killing if he saw a protest against rape on TV.

alright bro you got it the black community has absolutely no issues with sex crimes and lack of support for victims every case can only be looked at on an individual basis and culture has nothing to do with it. I feel like that’s what y’all want to hear.