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Activist Toyin Salau Found Murdered

RIP to her.This isn't about talking bad about her,but the overwhelming majority of homeless ppl are men,so when yall gone invite them niggas in yo house,to plop their feet up on your table and sit in your favorite chair watching pawn stars and shit?
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This why I say
So when was the last time yall niggas just let some homeless person you don't know live with you?

Cause keeping it a buck,I don't plan on anybody coming to stay with me at this point in life.

I lived that life.

I did the living couch to couch shit and I did the "anybody can stay with me I barely know or know" shit too.
That's not what this is though....

We got to this point in the conversation because I said, she had no one in her circle because we as black men operate under the belief that the shit is never our business when a black woman is an danger.

It's a mentality and a wide mindset.

People in this thread trying their best to avoid responsibility. As a community, trying to avoid responsibility.

Like that's what fucks with me.... Y'all can't see the bigger picture..... No I'm not expecting you or me as men with family to bring homeless in..... But you even asked why doesn't she have any friends...

And the answer is because.... NO ONE it's their responsibility...

OVERALL the ENTIRE CULTURE has to change

As we highlight, bring attention to, and call for change in our communities.... There's also a strong place for how we treat and take care of our women in our community. If we are going to take care of our own that calls for being more inclusive.

The not giving a fuck mentality and going to make anything stronger.... We're never going to build if we don't think shit is our business.

Was it our business when these innocent men were murdered?

But it's cool. I can only hold my self to the standard I expect from others. And yes I have looked out for people who didn't have anywhere to go multiple times.

It didn't always result in them staying at my home... But I worked hard to find them somewhere safe to go
Oh and it's funny as shit as that black American and African divide I told y'all about all of sudden exists and how quick niggaz turn on each other....

I swear... Y'all gonna learn one day about doubting me... Today ain't the day I see
RIP to her,but let's not change the narrative to anti black male because a rapist and killer was black.

There are groups who specialize is sexual abuse victims and they have marches and etc.

but right now we talking Police brutality on everybody especially black ppl,and specifically it effects mostly men,but that doesn't mean women haven't been victims too.

In the words of the dude from Goonies "it's our time now"

The race issues in the world and especially the US is by far a more insidious and planned and further reaching out thing than when some random sick person happens to be a rapist/killer.

I'm also wondering how did her rapist find her assuming that the same person who did it,also raped her.

I find it hard to believe that she was raped then murdered by some random other dude days later.If so that's just craaaaaaazy.

It's really fucked up that somebody would do this period,but especially in the middle of this shit,

but I guess rapists gonna rape.
IDK a bunch of ppl who are homeless per se now,but when my friends lost their crib they could stay with me if it was 911,And shit I don't had issues and needed to say with my ppl before,but one of my friends is homeless because he smokes crack and that nigga can't stay with me.Nigga steals.

So depending on why you're homeless,nah ppl not gonna help or can't help you

I'm not saying that's her issue,I'm just saying.

I'm not inviting that guy yelling and talking to himself in my crib.IDK how that shit should be handled.

I don't have the capabilities to even take care of somebody with those type of issues.
Having a friend that smokes crack and steals is a far cry from a woman who was raped and murdered that your didn't give a fuck why she homeless....

I ain't blaming you for her, but your mindset leads to that...

You don't have to open your doors...

There's more than one way to help....

Taking the stance of not giving a fuck damn sure ain't helping.
RIP to her,but let's not change the narrative to anti black male because a rapist and killer was black.

There are groups who specialize is sexual abuse victims and they have marches and etc.

but right now we talking Police brutality on everybody especially black ppl,and specifically it effects mostly men,but that doesn't mean women haven't been victims too.

In the words of the dude from Goonies "it's our time now"

The race issues in the world and especially the US is by far a more insidious and planned and further reaching out thing than when some random sick person happens to be a rapist/killer.

I'm also wondering how did her rapist find her assuming that the same person who did it,also raped her.

I find it hard to believe that she was raped then murdered by some random other dude days later.If so that's just craaaaaaazy.

It's really fucked up that somebody would do this period,but especially in the middle of this shit,

but I guess rapists gonna rape.
The same reason police kill niggaz is the same reasons people rape women.

They don't fear consequences.

Predators prey on the weak.

I'm just expressing how I think we can strengthen that society. By changing some mindsets... But niggaz ain't hearing that shit
This why I say
That's not what this is though....

We got to this point in the conversation because I said, she had no one in her circle because we as black men operate under the belief that the shit is never our business when a black woman is an danger.

It's a mentality and a wide mindset.

People in this thread trying their best to avoid responsibility. As a community, trying to avoid responsibility.

Like that's what fucks with me.... Y'all can't see the bigger picture..... No I'm not expecting you or me as men with family to bring homeless in..... But you even asked why doesn't she have any friends...

And the answer is because.... NO ONE it's their responsibility...

OVERALL the ENTIRE CULTURE has to change

As we highlight, bring attention to, and call for change in our communities.... There's also a strong place for how we treat and take care of our women in our community. If we are going to take care of our own that calls for being more inclusive.

The not giving a fuck mentality and going to make anything stronger.... We're never going to build if we don't think shit is our business.

Was it our business when these innocent men were murdered?

But it's cool. I can only hold my self to the standard I expect from others. And yes I have looked out for people who didn't have anywhere to go multiple times.

It didn't always result in them staying at my home... But I worked hard to find them somewhere safe to go
This is a 2 way street

While I would love to help everybody,everybody ain't solid so it makes ppl cold.

PPl I broke bread with,shared hopes and dreams,or even wanted to raise a family with (a woman of course) done shitted on me,so to some degree I be like "fuck a mutha fucka if they not me" cause that's how everybody else plays.

Mutha fuckas be habitual line crossers and it's hard to tell who's straight up or full of shit.
The same reason police kill niggaz is the same reasons people rape women.

They don't fear consequences.

Predators prey on the weak.

I'm just expressing how I think we can strengthen that society. By changing some mindsets... But niggaz ain't hearing that shit

Number 1 random rapists aren't public servants who's job it is to "protect and serve"

I don't hold criminals and sex perverts to the same standard as a policeman.
Number 1 random rapists aren't public servants who's job it is to "protect and serve"

I don't hold criminals and sex perverts to the same standard as a policeman.
There were some raping ass policemen that just got caught in Baltimore last year... Guess who they was raping?
There were some raping ass policemen that just got caught in Baltimore last year... Guess who they was raping?
IDK what this has to do with anything,but yeah some police also happen to be rapists

In this case though,it seems that some random sick rapist/killer did this though.

I still hold public servants to a higher standard not to be killing ppl when it's not the last option or raping ppl.

I'm not gonna get all into the mentality of a rapists,cause I don't rape women so IDK.

but systematic racism and a random man's sex perversion isn't the same.
This is a 2 way street

While I would love to help everybody,everybody ain't solid so it makes ppl cold.

PPl I broke bread with,shared hopes and dreams,or even wanted to raise a family with (a woman of course) done shitted on me,so to some degree I be like "fuck a mutha fucka if they not me" cause that's how everybody else plays.

Mutha fuckas be habitual line crossers and it's hard to tell who's straight up or full of shit.
Bruh, if they in your circle. you gonna treat them different. You might still come to the conclusion that it ain't much you can do... But you gonna give a fuck cuz they in your circle and you close to them. And if something happened to them and you had the chance to intervene in anyway it would fuck with you. Even if it was a ride to a bus station. A couple dollars to get a room. Or a family member that might live to far away for a bus ride... Something... But that's if this women is in your personal circle...

My point is the mindset of our community doesn't allow for women to have many dudes like that in their circle. The mindset of our community is shit ain't my business, or if I ain't fucking I ain't helping. My issues is that we stand in our own way of being a stronger community, cuz even in a time where we can point out lack of a strong support system will keep things like this to a minimum we try to argue that it's not our fault.

So in closing. When my son is 19 and in college, I pray I raise him in the way that if one of his classmates can't find a safe place to lay her head she doesn't feel obligated got a favor just to reach out to my son to see if he can help in anyway....I want them women who are in his circle, who are close to him to feel comfortable going to him at the time. And I hope I raise him to answer the call.

Cuz while I ain't just happy go lucky inviting every homeless person in my house... The women I consider my friends know they call me if shit gets real
Bruh, if they in your circle. you gonna treat them different. You might still come to the conclusion that it ain't much you can do... But you gonna give a fuck cuz they in your circle and you close to them. And if something happened to them and you had the chance to intervene in anyway it would fuck with you. Even if it was a ride to a bus station. A couple dollars to get a room. Or a family member that might live to far away for a bus ride... Something... But that's if this women is in your personal circle...

My point is the mindset of our community doesn't allow for women to have many dudes like that in their circle. The mindset of our community is shit ain't my business, or if I ain't fucking I ain't helping. My issues is that we stand in our own way of being a stronger community, cuz even in a time where we can point out lack of a strong support system will keep things like this to a minimum we try to argue that it's not our fault.

So in closing. When my son is 19 and in college, I pray I raise him in the way that if one of his classmates can't find a safe place to lay her head she doesn't feel obligated got a favor just to reach out to my son to see if he can help in anyway....I want them .

Cuz while I ain't just happy go lucky inviting every homeless person in my house... The women I consider my friends know they call me if shit gets real
That's a whole other issue of me not being friends with women period

I don't just make friends with women.

The only way that happens is if they are a friend's girl or coworker who becomes an associate or a business scenario.

if I'm with a woman,I'm trying to smash period.

but that's a whole other convo.
Oh and it's funny as shit as that black American and African divide I told y'all about all of sudden exists and how quick niggaz turn on each other....

I swear... Y'all gonna learn one day about doubting me... Today ain't the day I see
Not to veer off topic but black Americans didn't cause the divide 1 bit
So no we not gonna sit here and act like rapists kick it and tell ppl they're rapists and other men agree with them being rapists.





the shelter that was unable to provide adequate security for that place

How is this not a community issue smh

Some niggas sure talk a big game about protecting black women until it's time to actually protect black women, then its "nah this ain't my problem....."