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I’m nominating Judah for taking on the role of Bambi seriously and for being Judah period.

When you have lemons, you make lemonade.

And for this, next time this treebark doesnt agree with my stomach...im coming STRAIGHT to Kandy Land
bruh, marvin gayes song uplifted people.....

i mean i understand black pride was not encouraged by the cacs in the civil rights era... but that was one of the peaceful songs that brought people together....whites loved it too......it 's still looked upon fondly.....

i don't really call that controversy....very powerful, but not controversial....

Brenda's gotta baby forces conversations to be had at home that people acted like they couldn't talk to kids about....we had to send permission slips home for our parents to sign so we could talk about the song in class.....

shit wasn't like it was today....teenage pregnancy and drug usage like that were topics seldom talked about on regular tv.....that shit was skated around....

sure it was on the news... but most music at the time was glorifying hood life.....

not showing it under a microscope and telling impactful stories.....

Brenda's gotta baby came out in 1991

That's the same year Boyz in the hood came out....these were the images of the time, and it was controversial....media was trying to paint the hood as pure savage, but pac showed a very tragic and human side to it in a remarkable video, that like i said sparked a lotta conversations....

i was 9 when that came out......9 in 1991 wasn't what 9 is in 2017......

my uncle had all the boys in our family come over his house and watch boyz in the hood together, and have a conversation afterwards.....

stop acting like u caught in the headlights nigga......and never question the king again
What about the lyrics being anti war in a time where many people were openly opposed to the Vietnam war?
Nope it shouldn’t.
If that’s ya choice then that’s ya choice.
I’m sure you would have nominated him for the same reason you were, had he not been nominated already. Lol