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ABW's Best Looking Female Award

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We all know the kandy and az situation. But I don't think it's that the other chicks don't interact with az, honestly I wish that az would get more involved with the other shit we do.

She's never played spades with us. Never did one of the music competitions with us and we've done atleast 60. She didn't do the money wars with us. We've all participated in alot of shit together and got to know eachother more and bonded. It's not only Az tho, I called Jaz out on it in her interview thread. WhisperingEye was the same way, but now she's coming out of her shell and is one of the most active.

I just don’t participate in things I know I wouldn’t do well at...
I mean look y’all beefing over spades so can yu imagine if I done fucked up someones game?

I participate in things I know.
I was one of the first to participate in the interview threads because how could I fuck that up?
I can’t always make time with my line of work.
Just depends on how busy I am.
Everybody not gon like everybody, that’s a given. I’m normally real slow to become friends with chicks because i prefer male, I was raised around nothing but boys. However, I think Blac and Rem are cool af to the point, I talk to them offline. I honestly think it’s because they’ve participated in so much stuff that I was in, I got to know them.
I just don’t participate in things I know I wouldn’t do well at...
I mean look y’all beefing over spades so can yu imagine if I done fucked up someones game?

I participate in things I know.
I was one of the first to participate in the interview threads because how could I fuck that up?
I can’t always make time with my line of work.
Just depends on how busy I am.

While I understand what you're saying, the people who participate in these other things have jobs as well. Another one is the movie night thing, it takes no skills to do lol Even reesey was on there with us the other night. We be on there joking and watchin movies.

But I will say, I could've made a better effort of involving you and getting you to join us in some of the things. I'll work on that.
Everybody isn’t going to like everybody and for some it’s with reason it’s when there’s no reason that boggles my mind.
I don’t need to be liked tbh.
It’s like I say with anything else.
If I make friends great but if I don’t I’ll still sleep at night trust...
While I understand what you're saying, the people who participate in these other things have jobs as well. Another one is the movie night thing, it takes no skills to do lol Even reesey was on there with us the other night. We be on there joking and watchin movies.

But I will say, I could've made a better effort of involving you and getting you to join us in some of the things. I'll work on that.

Nah @Goldie when you go in movie night and ya e-boo there and someone else is there calling him boo just to make yu mad uhm sorry but I don’t play that shit b...
Ain’t been back since.
I’m good on all the fuckery.
I'm more of a background poster but I have noticed that the ladies for the most part and particularly the sistas don't really interact with Azlyn and that's a shame cuz she seems like good people. And you only play yourself by not interacting with or avoiding good people in this world or online.

Now I understand Kandy has chosen to have a problem with her and maybe the rest of the ladies have just clicked up and chosen sides and I understand and even respect that cuz if I fuck with you like that your enemies are my enemies.

If it's not that then what? Is it racial? Cuz we don't need that either especially as a people. As people of color we need to be building together.

My lil 2cents....

I think this is being made a bigger issue than it is. I mean it's not like we're holding ladies night and excluding anyone.The most active women on here are @Kandy @BNE @Blactivity and me recently. @Race Jones and @Reesey are too just not lately for their own reasons. So what ladies have you seen that have avoided interacting with her and where?
Hold up tho...movie night?

Where that thread at? I must've overlooked that.
girl I know lol

was that a scenario that happened to you in the past, or one you're envisioning?

Nope I been there when it’s happened.
A whole lot of flirting but the thing is I think it’s coming from both sides so I just stay the fuck out of those places.
Like come on if I can’t go watch a movie without someone trying to step on my toes ain’t no point in trying it again...
Let’s be direct.

I’ve called your eboo boo before. I’ve called niggas on here love. It means nothing. It’s how I talk. I don’t wake up and say ooh let me make her mad, I got other shit to worry about like taking a good shit than making Azlyn mad. Let’s be real.

Why do you think I’m after you? Let me know honestly because I’m seeking understanding.
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